One Sword Reigns Supreme

2301 Swords in the first two thousand two hundred and eighty-eight chapters: he wants! !

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Qingqiu looked at Ye Xuan and waited for the answer.

Ye Xuan Xi\'s way, said: "You are right!

Qingqi is slightly down.

Ye Xuan lightly smashed the Qingqi\'s small head, smiled: "Don\'t be sad, this society is so reality.

When you are weak, they can\'t see you, you are rich, they are jealous of you!

Qingqi nod, "understand!

On the side, the book is whispered, "I.

Ye Xuan smiled: "Nothing!

Yin, you are fine, not good at these, this is normal.

However, I suggest you, often go out, the universe is big, look more, the harvest will be much.

As the saying, read 10,000 books, it is better to go to Wanli Road.

Shuxian slightly, "taught!

Ye Xuan smiled, and then he walked to a manner in front of the hospital, and the people reception saw a eye, look calm, "Is there something?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Can you see your boss?"

Take the income of the head, "No!

You have to make an appointment first!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, then the palm was spread, and a quincelessness did not sway, and the people were taken to see it.

One hundred veins universe!

Ye mysterious smile, "but if you could inform about!

Reception steward\'s face suddenly cold that had raised a glimmer of a smile, "son wait!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Before long, he went back to the reception steward, he smiled, "son, the main hall there, please!

Please go upstairs.

Ye Xuan laughed: "Thank you!

Steward reception smiled, "polite!

Ye Yin mysterious book with green hill and walked toward the stairs.

Cheonggu suddenly pulled the mysterious leaf sleeves, "This is money talks it?"

Ye mysterious smile, "for an explanation!

This is the ways of the world!

Green Qiudai brow slightly corrugated, "ways of the world?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "walking in this society, in addition to have great strength, but also need to learn ways of the world.

To read more books, things to do.

Cheonggu nodded thoughtfully.

Soon, three came second attic, in the second loft, three people saw an old man, old man beard and hair are white, this time is holding a roll of thick books, watching with relish.

Hyun leaves beside the book Yin hold the Baoquan, "in the main hall, hello, the next book Yin reign!

To lay down the main hall of ancient books, he looked at the book Yin, "something?"

Yin book quickly said: "? I have heard your College Cang history of twelve volumes, and so I want to buy back, to do research, I do not know in the main hall are willing to sell it."

The owner shook his head directly, "I don\'t want it!"

Shuxian stunned.

He didn\'t think of it, the other party refused!

Book Xian naturally didn\'t want to give up so, the moment: "Yu Hall, the price is talking!"

Lord of the Lord saw a book, "Talk? Then you talk about it, how is it?"

Shuxian hesitated, then said: "The owner can open a price!

The owner shook his head, "you can\'t afford!

Shuxian: ".

Next to Ye Xuan, Qingqiu whispered: "Less Lord, is he felt very poor?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Qingqi brows, "If we are very rich, he will be completely different, right?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What do you think?"

After the silence of Qingqiu, he said: "Less Lord, why do you respect the master? Master is very poor!

But I feel that you really respect him!

Ye Xuan smiled, "Because your family is also poor before!

Moreover, the old knowledge is profound, he is worthy of respect.

Said, he walked to the sages, the book is smirk, just talking, Ye Xuan is smiling, "your open mode is wrong!

Shuxian stunned.

Open mode? Ye Xuan turned his head to the front of the owner, he took out a quite quarter to the owner.

Inside, there is a hundred of the union!

I swept my eyes in the Pavilion. "Do you want to insult me?"

Ye Xuan also took out a quencher.

In the quente, there is a thousand fence.

Yu Hall is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, and there is no angry on his face. "Who are you?"

Ye Xuan did not speak, but silently pulled out a quilt in front of the house.

This time, there is 10,000 hi.

The owner is slightly, obviously, he did not think that this boy can take a 10,000th earth.

However, he is still very tough!

The hall is staring at the Ye Xuan, and the mouth has a slim ring. "The old man hates you this kind of self-righteous money.

Ye Xuan suddenly took out a quilt on the table.

In the quie, there is a feet of one million!

one million!

What horrible giant money is this? It can be said that he sells more than 100,000 years to not get one million fears!

When I saw a million romance in the quie, I was like a five thunder in an instant, and the whole person was in the same place!

One million people!

one million!

He has never seen so many fears in this life!

Ye Xuan looked at the owner, the look was calm.

The sore throat rolled, and then said: "The son.

Please sit!

Let us talk more!

Come on, tea!

The best fairy tea I collected!

Ye Xuan suddenly received the quince of the table, and turned to see the book and Qingqiu, "Let\'s go!

Book nod, "Good!

Three people leave!

Then, the museum was headed down, then angered: "You dare to play me!"

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the owner, brow, "Drama you? Is there?"

The hall was dead at the , octrine in the eyes.

Ye Xuanzheng color: "We are coming to buy books, now we don\'t buy it!"

Is there a problem? "

The owner of the museum suddenly recovers calm, "no problem!

At this time, three mysterious strokes suddenly appeared after Ye Xuan three, and the breath is weak, all the years of the people, even the years did not reach.

Ye Xuan looked at the three people, then look to the owner, "Yu Hall, what do you mean? We are all readers, do you want to move?"

There is no expression in the main side of the hall, "the quen of ring left, people go!


Wen said, Shu Xian can\'t stand the anger: "You can this? This.

This is simply harmful!



Poor books, although there are a lot of books, but this is not much.

Ye Xuan low sigh, "Yu Hall, we are all readers, you should be reasonable, you do this, do you think it is suitable?"

After the Xuanqiao, the three mysterious struggles have to do it, but they are blocked by the owners.

Looking at Ye Xuan and his heart in the heart.

Is this guy who plays a pig to eat tiger? Thinking of this, suddenly surprised, cold sweat DC.


Ask, can an ordinary person can take out a million fertilies? Can? Obviously it is not possible!

Only those top forces can be so easy to take out one million fears!

Moreover, the most important thing is that after the people appear, this boy is so calm!

Why do he cool? What? Strength!

Or the background!

Thinking of this, the owner is completely calm down.

At this moment, he has already determined that this teenager is definitely playing pigs to eat tiger, the other party wants to make up!

Think, the owner suddenly glared at the three strong people. "Who let you come out? Don\'t you roll?"

Wen said, the three strong people are full of horror!

What the hell? The owner suddenly became anger, "What look? Roll!

That three strong people look at it, still some, but I didn\'t dare to ask, I immediately retired!

Next to Ye Xuan, the book is browned, and some can not understand.

Qingqiu looked at the Ye Xuan next to him, and smiled.

Ye Xuan looked at the owner, the look was calm.

The owner looked at Ye Xuan, smiled slightly, "The son, just just a misunderstanding, misunderstanding.

Said, he took out a quite ring. "This is the twelve of Cang Hao, I give it to the son, just make a friend!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then raised the quench in the hands, "Are you not robbed? One million fears!

Yu Museum is the right color: "Where is the son? I am a reading person. Can you do such a robbing? Do you think that the old man read so many books? Is there a justice in the old man? Very correct!

Ye Xuan speaking.

This hang is not coming to the routine!

How to do? This is forced to install it!

The owner is busy again: "The son, the party does have some confidence, please also ask Haihan, I will give you a gift!

I am sorry!

After finishing, he gave a deep gift in Ye Xuan.

After the rites, he was greeted by the book, "said that the guest is not allowed, and you forgive me, you are very sorry!

See the shape, the book is busy: "No.

Nothing, small things, you are not like this!

The owner smiled slightly. "You should also have a university asked, I have basically ancient ancient people, I don\'t know if there is any interest in it."

I heard the words, I am happy in my heart, "ancient ancient books?"

Nodped in the library, "Yes!

Shuxian slightly, "Thank you!

The owner was busy to take the book to the bookshelf.

Originally, Qingqiu looks to Ye Xuan, smile, "Lear, the development of the story seems to be different from you, right?"

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "What is the original story story?"

Qingqiu wants to think, then said: "It should be he wants to rob the herself, but the Legend suddenly shows powerful strength, then resist him!

Not only have the benefits, but also the name is coming, there will be no psychological burden!

Ye Xuan looked at the Qingqiu, did not speak, but it was a bit shocked.

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "It seems that reading is still useful, because reading, the mind will be bright, will analyze things, will guess the blessing, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Said, he looked at the owner and whispered: "This enemy suddenly becomes smart, how do I suddenly don\'t adapt?

I really miss the kind of words, I have to kill me, not only to die, but also to destroy my enemies.

Ye Xuan said, did not hide the sound, therefore, the owner is clear and clear.

At this moment, he, cold sweat as a dirt!

Oh shit!

This haircut is to make up!

I haven\'t given him.

so horrible!


PS: Chapter 10.

What is bursting? But ten, is it a burst? I hate the authors of the breakfast most, really!

From now on, I have a benchmark, no more than ten chapters, it is not called outbreak!