One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 978

After a long silence, she asked tentatively, "Song Enya likes you, do you know?"

"Well?" At first, muyazhe didn't respond. He first raised his eyebrows and then realized that when she asked, he was silent.

"Do you know?" When she saw that he didn't return, she pushed him again.

He just dropped the voice: "know!"

"You know?!"

Yun Shishi's eyes are slightly surprised, "not like that, but..."

"I know what you mean!"

Mu Yazhe, this stupid woman, thinks he is as stupid as her!?

Of course, he knows what song Enya thinks of him!

However, Yun's poems are slightly stunned.

Since he knew it, or did he react like this?

She snorted with some displeasure, "there are so many women who like you!"

Men look at her sideways, it seems that there are many men who are obsessed with her!

However, when he saw the slight displeasure on her face, he suddenly pulled up the corner of her lips and smiled: "what? Jealous? "

Cloud poems bite lips, not answer.

The strength on his hand increased almost, deliberately hurt her, and could not let her escape: "answer me."

"Don't go too far!" said Yun

Looking up, he saw that the handsome face of the man was soon pressed down, and her lips were covered with thin lips, and her sweet breath was gone.

Lightly embellished on her lips, not like the previous strategy of the city, but with a gentle kiss, kissing her lips, and kissing the place where her lips are broken, then, successively kissing her forehead, nose tip, cheek, and finally falling on her lips, deeper and deeper.

She closed her mouth tightly to prevent his invasion. However, the strength in his hand was a little heavier. She opened her lips slightly with pain and took a breath of cool air. He took the opportunity to enter and swept gently.

Some want her.

However, it is not now. What she needs more now is rest.

So think, he will burst out of the desire to severely curb the body, hang eyes, the bottom of the eye that a fire life strangle!

Wipe the wound medicine for her, and let her rest early.

After that absurd "war" in the afternoon, she also seemed to be a little exhausted. As soon as her head touched the pillow, she quickly went to sleep.

Cover the quilt for her, leave the room, the living room, yuntianyou just made fried rice, see him out, immediately asked: "Daddy, how's Mommy?"


He reached out his hand and gently rubbed his hair: "darling, don't disturb her, let her sleep more."


You you suddenly frowned and asked, "Daddy, do you know what happened in the afternoon?"


When Yun Tianyou thought of the scene that he ran into in the afternoon when he went home, his eyes would cross a layer of cold and bone biting coldness: "who is she?"

When he saw the flash of murderous spirit on his face, he knew that if he knew who did it, he was afraid

His son, who is gentle on the surface, looks like an elegant little gentleman, but he will do crazy things when he is offended.

"You don't have to worry about it. I'll deal with it." He said.

He will ask song Enya to apologize in person.

"What do you do?" You you suddenly asked, as if he knew his so-called "way of handling", but he didn't want this matter to be so simple in the past, "this matter can't be solved with a simple apology! Even if Mommy will forgive, I will never forgive! "