One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 977

Full of anger and grievances in the heart, in the three words full of guilt and tenderness, it dissipated more than half of them in an instant!

Yunshishi is a little annoyed with herself. How could she be so disheartened? She originally planned not to forgive this man in her life.

But when he said three words, the hardest part of his heart suddenly collapsed.

Muyazhe took her in his arms and sat down on the bed. He was about to lift her clothes.

She quickly stopped, "what are you doing?"

"Darling, don't move! Let me see! "

"Don't look!"

She refused rightfully, but if she refused, would he really listen to her?

It's indisputable to lift up her skirt, but the sight in his eyes makes his eyes bright and painful!

Originally, the scratch is small!

Only her white and pure ketone body is dotted with big and small bruises! At first sight, I knew that it was pinched out with my hands!

This woman's body is extremely sensitive / sensitive, usually in bed / things, it can be reflected.

If the strength of his hand is not paid attention to, it will leave traces.

So he was always careful with her!

He loved her white as jade skin, but now it was destroyed like words!

Mu Yazhe's eyes became colder, pointing to his belly and stroking those scars, which immediately aroused her to breathe softly.


Youyou and xiaoyichen buy medicine and go home. They just open the bedroom door and see this scene. Youyou blushed and thought that daddy and Mommy were doing something shameful. However, looking at it carefully, it turned out that moyazhe was looking at her injuries!

"Daddy!" He cried out, and walked over with his head muffled. He handed him the medicine for removing blood stasis and swelling.

"Mommy, is the wound still so painful?"

He turned his face and faced the wall, not looking at her, but asked with concern.

Cloud poetry is cool and handsome.

I know that men and women are different at a young age.

"No more pain." Cloud poetry.

You you sipped your lips.

He didn't know the cause and effect at all, and mummy didn't say anything about it. If he knew what song Enya was looking for, he wouldn't even talk to him now!

"Just went to buy some medicine?" Asked Mu Yazhe.

Youyou and xiaoyichen nodded.

"Have you eaten?"

"No. I'll get something to eat right away. Do you want something, daddy? "

"No! I have. "

Youyou nodded, looked at Yunshi poetry again, and saw that she was in a stable mood at the moment, so she left the door in peace.

Then muyazhe took up the wound medicine, daubed some on the palm, rubbed the wound carefully and gently.

Cloud poetry frowns with pain: "pain..."

"Bear it a little, take the medicine, it will be better soon!"

Muyazhe said, the movement on the hand immediately lightened some, daubed the wound medicine, and then gently rubbed it.

It's rare to see him so patient.

The heart of Yunshi's poem warms a little, but it's hard to think of his fierce side when he comes back.

She mumbled, "don't think I'll forgive you!"

Muyazhe raised his eyebrows, glanced at her, and the strength on his hand increased sharply.

Yun Shishi hissed with pain, and then glared at him angrily, "did you mean it?"

"Be good!"

This woman, who is a little soft, has an inch to go.

Cloud poetry bit his lips, a little embarrassed, but no more resistance.