One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 979

Cloud poetry is his scale, touch it will be angry.

Muyazhe's eyebrows are slightly twisted. In this respect, the child is extremely paranoid. This is like him in his youth!

It's nothing wrong. Children's temperament is simple and stubborn, unlike adults who can worry about everything.

However, it's inevitable that we can't handle one thing by one side. It's too extreme.

Small Yi Chen also came over, looked at him, looked at the man again.

Muyazhe and youYou are facing each other, like they are facing each other!

Youyou clenched his fist and calmed his anger deeply, which sank his airway: "well, this time, I respect your decision! But only once! "

There won't be another time!

It's in daddy's face!


Said muyazhe, and walked slowly to the door.

Little Yi Chen's eyes flickered: "Daddy, don't you stay here today?"

"No." He replied lightly and left.


It's late at night.

Tonight's night sky is especially dark, like a piece of endless dark, dead pressure, just like song Enya's heart at the moment.

She lay in bed, tossing and turning, confused in her mind, unable to sleep at all.

From time to time, she took out her mobile phone, and sent several messages to Mu Yazhe before, accusing him of the "guilt" of Yun Shishi. However, after a long time, she could not wait for the response of Mu Yazhe!

She also thought that when he learned that she was injured, he should hurry up and ask for help!

Just wait until midnight, a phone has not!

Inevitably, deep loss in my heart!

Always feel that, muyazhe is not as close to her as before, there is a slight estrangement and estrangement, do not know what happened!

It must be that cloud poem!

At the thought of her, song Enya was very annoyed. She always felt that she should break one of her hands this afternoon. She was choked on her chest and couldn't breathe!

Song Enya sat up angrily from the bed, picked up the pillow beside him and ravaged it, as if he took it as a hateful face and pinched it hard. It was not enough to relieve her anger!

The phone rings suddenly.

She was upset to see the caller ID, but saw that it was the remarks of muyashen, immediately happily picked up the phone.

Song Enya picked up the phone, but immediately put on a very sick and soft voice, "Hello, brother mu...?"

"Enya, have you slept?" At that end came the deep and magnetic voice of moyazhe.

"No It's hard to sleep... " Song Enya pretended to cry, as if she had suffered great grievances, as if she wanted to cry out, but her heart was secretly glad because of the phone call from mu Yazhe.

"Are you ready?" His voice was faint, as if caring but not caring.

Song Enya couldn't figure out whether he was caring for her for a while, so she complained: "his hand is dislocated, it has been connected, but it still hurts badly..."

Where is the pain?

But it's just a common dislocation. It doesn't hurt at all.

However, she said it on purpose to make him heartache.

But suddenly there was silence at that end.

The sudden silence made her restless.

Song Enya said: "brother mu, do you know? That cloud poem is too much! She just... "

"I know about the afternoon!" He interrupted her, but his voice suddenly sank. "You've done too much!"