One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 976

In connection with the previous events, he can also guess who gave yunshishi a body injury!

But Why didn't she say it!?

Mu Yazhe is a little annoyed. How come she is hurt, but she doesn't talk to him!?

"Did Enya make it? HMM!? "

He caught her under the jaw, his eyes bright and cold. "Answer me."

However, she was stubborn. She pushed him, cold and distant.

"What does it have to do with you?"

"What does it matter to me?" He was even more furious. He caught her troublemaker, and when he pulled it, she fell into his arms.

"You are not allowed to say that!"

However, yunshishi took a deep breath, raised his head and stared at him with red eyes, "OK! Don't you want to ask?! Then I'll tell you. Who else but song Enya? Inexplicably, I broke into the house, brought Jingtian and a strange man to land. Without saying anything, I would be slapped in the face if I came up! What else can I say? Did the Song family offend me? Even if I chop one hand, no one can take her! For what? Why does she trample on the dignity of others so high? Isn't it because the Song family has power and power?! take advantage of one 's or sb . else 's power to bully people! More than that, she wants me to kowtow to her to make amends! What a kowtow to make amends?! She's not my parents. Why should I kneel to her!? So we fought. I said it, I said it all, are you satisfied? Are you satisfied? "

The last sentence is a roar, a hoarse, almost the whole strength of the vent out.

Mu Yazhe is shocked!

Yunshishi roared all the words out, then gasped for a moment, calmed his mood, pursed his lips, then his voice was hoarse and trembling: "what can I do? Do you really want me to kowtow to her? How humble am I to allow her to trample on my dignity! "

The feeling of dignity being trampled on the bottom of one's feet is more sad than death.

Said, she shrank herself into a group, buried her face in his chest, just don't want this man to see her most embarrassing moment!

If only I could find a place to have a quiet wound?!

The man hugged her, and across the thin cloth, he could feel her hot breath, as well as the hot and wet trace.

"Don't cry! Just now, I'm not good! "

He bowed to her and admitted his fault.

Just now it's his attitude!

So, put down the body, in her ear, gently apologized.

"I'm sorry!"

Three words, but more than a thousand.

He is such a proud man, the successor of Mu family, and the future head of the family. He has always been a proud son of heaven.

He has not bowed to anyone, nor apologized to any humanity.

It was the only time he had ever uttered these three words in person.

It's the only time that I've given up all my pride to one person.

"It's my fault that I was angry with you when I didn't find out the truth. Don't cry, or I will feel sad! "

She cried and his heart hurt.

He has never been patient with women.

Especially women's tears.

But for all her tears, he could do nothing about her.

As soon as she cried, his heart was too soft for him to look like a broken army.

Cloud poetry's eyes light slightly wrong, always feel "sorry" these three words say from this man's mouth, is so unreal!

Like a dream.