One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 919

"Yeah - home!"

At home, yunshishi throws the bag and the high-heeled shoes to the soft sofa.

Where do you come from.

Muyazhe closed the door, went to the sofa, and just sat down, yunshishi went into his arms and surrounded his waist.

He buried his face deep in his warm arms.

Muyazhe's palms gently caressed her forehead, and her long fingers slowly twisted a wisp of hair around her temples, and then gently loosened it.

He leans back slightly lazily, holding the side of his brain in one hand and twining her green silk.

The black and green silk set off his skin as white as jade.

As if it were so interesting, he couldn't help playing.

It seems that Yunshi is tired, so he is allowed to play.

In the bedroom, youyou and Xiaoyi Chen heard the door opening and closing, and they were surprised at each other.

"Mommy's back?"

"Well! It must be. "

So, the two little guys opened the door and ran to the living room. However, Xiaoyi Chen saw the scene of cloud poetry on the sofa. He immediately turned around and took youyou back.

You you feel a flash in front of him, and he is brought back by Xiaoyi Chen.

Just to speak, little Yi Chen's little milk hand covered his mouth and motioned for silence.

"Shh --"


"Daddy and Mommy are holding each other!" Little Yi Chen's face is red with excitement.


As soon as you change your face, you will go to the living room.

Xiaoyichen immediately holds him.

He is strong and will be pulled in a moment.

Youyou looks upset: "muyichen, what are you doing?"

"You are not allowed to destroy daddy's good deeds!" Little Yi Chen pursed, "I rarely see daddy and Mommy make progress. You can't make trouble."

Youyoumo said: "I'm sorry."

"You you..." Xiaoyi Chen blinks at him, showing an innocent expression like Bambi deer.

You you take him helpless: "I only look, do not make trouble."

"You said it!"

You you close your eyes and take a deep breath: "Hmm! I said it. "

"Pull hook!" Little Yi Chen still doesn't believe it.

Give him a little thumb.

Your patience is clearly at its limit.


"Pull the hook!" Xiaoyi Chen ignores the impatience on his face and hooks his little thumb.

You you pucker your lips and pull the hook.

The two little milk bags then hide on the wall quietly, the thief ground aims at on the sofa.


Yunshishi looks up at him and gently pokes his finger at the man's chest.


Muyazhe raised his eyebrows and gave her a sidelong look: "how?"

"Today's Student Union Is it boring? "

"No," Mur mused for a moment

"Eh?" Yunshi's eyes are wide open, a little unbelievable, "I thought you would find it boring!"

"Isn't it interesting? Your classmates are really interesting. "

Cloud poetry nest in his arms to the fingertips, obviously a little uneasy, think of Xiao Xue said to her, while going to the bathroom, said she was very bad!

Even if it's nothing, but he heard it. He didn't ask about it all the way. He didn't know whether he heard it or not.

Seeing that her face was complicated and he was puckering his lips, he did not know what he was thinking. He could not help pinching her cheek: "what was he thinking?"


Cloud poetry, with a deep voice, thought for a moment, decided to ask about it.

"Did Huang Lili speak ill of me while I was away?"