One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 920

She stared at his face, not letting go of a change in his expression.

Muyazhe frowned, but he didn't hide: "HMM."

"Is it to say that when I was in college, I was taken care of by someone..." Cloud poetry asked tentatively.

Mu Yazhe frowned slightly. "Well."

"Then you..." "Do you believe it?" he asked suddenly

"What do you think?"

When he raised his eyebrows, he obviously felt that her question was superfluous.

"I don't think you believe it." Cloud poetry.

"So bad rumor, will believe, unless is like you stupid person, the intelligence quotient has the question." He was outspoken.

"Yes, that's right..." he said with a smile

In the middle of the speech, yunshishi suddenly stopped. Yunshishi suddenly reflected that he had attacked her intelligence in his words just now. The smile on his face suddenly faded. He stared at him angrily, but saw the smile hidden in his lips. For a while, he was even more angry and complained discontentedly: "hello! Do you still take life to attack? "

"Where am I to be attacked?"

"You just said I had an IQ problem."

"This is the fact before you, stupid woman."

Muyazhe thought her reflection arc was too slow, so slow!

"Where am I stupid?!"

"If I were stupid, could you give birth to such a smart baby?" he argued for himself

On one side, Youyou, hiding in the corner of the wall, heard this. He was very successful. He straightened himself slightly and sullied his bangs.

On one side, Xiaoyi Chen glanced sideways at him.

His younger brother is pretty smelly!

On the sofa, he asked seriously, "are you sure that he inherited your genes?"


"If you were not stupid, youyou might be smarter." Muyazhe sincerely expressed his heart.

Yun's poems were deeply attacked, and he wrinkled his nose and pouted his lips. "Where am I stupid? Where am I stupid? I'm smart, OK?"


"Praise me! Praise me for my cleverness! " Yun Shishi refuses to give up. He makes a fool of himself in his arms. Xiaofanquan beats him on the chest.

This, is in the coquetry to him!

It's hard for her to be coquettish, but there is a way to be coquettish!

The men were soon defeated.

"Well, well, you're smart." However, muyazhe was too lazy to understand the little woman, and even coaxed her to appease her.

"That's against your heart!"

Looking at the tangled little face of yunshishi, mu Yazhe rubbed her nose tip intimately, then a kiss fell on the corner of her lips, and a pair of deep eyes turned to her eyes.

"Just like your stupidity."

I just like her clumsy, charming and lovable appearance. I don't like her enough!

Yunshishi's words made her blush and heart beat. She held her breath for a moment, and looked at his pretty face, which was close to her lips, and her heart beat disorderly!

She bit her lips slightly, and the white teeth left a shallow impression on the red and tender lips.

His eyes fell on her clenched lips and he could not help pecking.

He pecked her gently, and then he could not restrain it any more. He stroked her cheek, kissed her recklessly, and gently opened her lips, sweeping her sweet and beautiful.

Hiding in the corner of the small Yi Chen and youyou coincidentally covered each other's eyes.

It's not suitable for children! It's not suitable for children!!