One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 918

Xiao's family is famous in Beijing!

He's heard of it, but he hasn't touched it.

Wang Chuande narrowed his eyes and set off for a moment, then said, "her father is Xiao Zheng of the Xiao group?"

Xiao family's reputation in the circle is good.

If the two Xiao families of Gao family get married, it is the best.

This is the right family.

Better than the women in the entertainment business!

At least clean!


"When did we talk about it?"

"Just over half a month."

"Well..." Wang Chuande pondered for a moment, and the sullen in his eyes subsided.

Gao Nan can have a serious girlfriend, and Wang Chuande's face is relieved. "It's not that I said you, you're too old. Your mother is always talking in my ear for your life! Man, at your age, it's time to start a family! Don't always get tangled up with those women in the entertainment industry! I think this girl is good. Find a good day, take it back to your mother, so that she can feel at ease! "

"Yes, yes! But it's too early to start a family? " For marriage, Gao Nan is afraid to avoid it.

The thought of marriage is a headache.

He's still young. Why did he get married so early?

Wang Chuande scolded: "early? You're almost twenty-eight. You're about thirty. It's still early? Take it as soon as possible! Your grandfather has been nagging about taking care of his grandson, nagging every day. When you get married, he will settle down with you! "

Gao Nan didn't want to deal with the matter more than once. He said a few words to perfunctory.

I thought Wang Chuande was looking for him just for this.

However, Wang Chuande said seriously, "what's the matter with you and Mu Shao? I've been informed of this! I'll warn you first, those who admire little, don't use those crooked brains, and don't use those crooked ways! You are not the one who offends me! "

Gao Nan quickly understood, "did moyazhe tell you anything?"

Wang Chuande said with fire: "pay attention to your tone! His name, are you qualified to call directly? "

Gao Nan is not convinced.

He and mu Yazhe are the same age, the same generation, what's the matter with calling names directly?!

Wang Chuande seemed to see his mind. Seeing that he was not convinced, he snorted coldly, "don't put on such a face! It's not that my cousin despises you. They are also 28 years old. Can you compare them with him? I have no face to talk about it! You can see that people are young and promising. They are the most influential people in the capital! Look at you again!? Ah, I don't need to talk about you! If you shout "moo Shao" in front of him, it's still in my face, otherwise... "

"Cousin......" Gao Nan said without a word, "how could it hurt your nephew so much."

"I'm just warning you that you are not allowed to offend anyone who has little desire in the future, understand?" Wang Chuande's eyes are sharp and his tone is irresistible.

This matter, he ordered until now, spoke sternly, in order to give him a strong medicine.

Otherwise, I will let the boy run down again. I don't know what kind of trouble he will get!

"I know I know!" Gao Nan's face was perfunctory, but in her heart she could not be obedient.

The woman he liked, when moyazhe is tired of playing, can't he play again?

Anyway, it's impossible for him to be obedient!

However, these thoughts in his mind can't let Wang Chuande know!

Two people face to face, but each with mind.