One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 911

Xiao Xue suddenly stops, realizing that she will only hurt the poem twice, and stops.

"Poetry, anyway, she said a lot of bad things about you."

"So Did you fight? " Cloud poetry squinted.

Think about it carefully. Xiao Xue's character is always impulsive and acts with justice. If Huang Lili speaks ill of Xiao Xue in front of her, Xiao Xue will not buy the bill naturally. She must be hard to bear with Huang Lili.

Cloud poetry and looked at Du Jiayan and Gao Nan's mess, confused!

Xiao Xue will just after a simple and she said.

The poems of Yunshi are astonishing.

"Xiao Xue, you are too impulsive. Crazy dogs are biting people. Can you still have the same understanding with crazy dogs?"

Xiao Xue was stunned, then was teased by her words, laughing happily.

"What's the matter?" Yunshishi looks at her in tears and smiles.

as like as two peas, "you have said the same thing to you before."

Said, she imitated the noble and cold expression of Munich, and said coldly: "after all, people and mad dogs can't communicate."

Finish saying, smile again fall on her body.

Yun's poems and poems also laugh. This is really like the style of Mu Yazhe.

Just think of his cold face saying such a sentence, cloud poetry also thought it was funny.

They laughed.

However, at this moment, people want to laugh and dare not laugh.

I always feel that after knowing the origin of yunshishi's boyfriend is not simple, I feel that I have a great sense of distance with her. Some girls who are not in the same direction as her are jealous to the bone.

But it can't be put on the face.

Cloud poetry smile, look around, a face of doubt, "what about others?"

"He and Wang are always in the private meeting room." Xiao Xue pointed to the closed door.

A small conference room.

"President Wang?" Who is president Wang?

"Coincidentally. Wang is always Gao Nan's cousin, the president of Vanke Real estate. Today, I met him here! "

After a pause, Xiao Xue suddenly asked, "poetry, where is your man holy? I think Gao Nan's cousin is very polite in front of him! "

"I heard my cousin call him" Mu Shao. " Gao Nan suddenly frowned and said, "poetry, who is your boyfriend?"

Yun Shishi picked his eyebrows, but didn't want to talk to him.

Huang Lili also asked anxiously, "poetry, there have been many misunderstandings before, I hope you don't mind!"

After that stubble, Huang Lili didn't dare to get into trouble with yunshishi. Her face was completely devoid of the contemptuous expression just now. It was full of respect.

"I don't know you Your boyfriend has such an identity! But don't you say your boyfriend is a company employee? How Wang always saw him and changed his face! "

Huang Lili is still in a trance, and has not been able to react.

Previously, Wang Chuande saw Du Jiayan with a disdainful face.

In front of muyazhe, he pretended to be like a grandson.

But this cannot be put on the table.

Just now, Wang Chuande carefully invited mu Yazhe into the conference room. It is said that there is a cooperation to discuss with him.

Mr. muyazhe didn't refuse much, at least selling thin noodles on Wang Chuande's territory.

"Well, yes, the staff of the company."


"Huang Lili, you don't have much reading and knowledge?" Yunshishi naturally explained, "the president is also a company employee."

Huang Lili's face was suddenly embarrassed.

There was a sigh in the hearts of all the people.

In my heart, I belittled Huang Lili even more.