One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 910

All of them were shocked by this inexplicable scene and looked at each other.

In particular, Du Jiayan and Huang Lili, together with Gao Nan standing on one side, were also stunned.

How can my cousin show such a polite expression when he sees this man?

What kind of identity is this man?

Gao Nan looked forward and didn't see anyone else. He also doubted whether Wang Chuande recognized the wrong person. He hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "uncle, this boy is..."

"Don't be rude!" Wang Chuande stopped him at once.

Gao Nan is also a person who knows the current affairs. He knows how to observe the situation. Since he can make his cousin bend down, the origin of this man is not simple!

So he settled down and stopped talking.

"Mr. Wang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Yes, yes! I didn't expect to see Mu Shao here. It's really a coincidence! " Wang Chuande nodded repeatedly. He didn't have the condescending manner just now. The smile on his face should be more respectful.

"I don't know if it's moo Shao. Wang Mou is far from welcome. I hope moo is rare. Forgive me!"

"Don't hold on to that." Moya's philosophy is simple and comprehensive, "I seem to hear that someone just said that he would drive me out?"

"Who dares!" Wang Chuande immediately straightened up, looked around, gave a cold drink, and his eyes were sharp. "Since mushou is here, he is a distinguished guest of Wang!"! Who is the dog with no eyes? Brush the face of MoO Shao! Since you say you want to drive out Mu Shao? That's the face of the king! "

Du Jiayan was stabbed by Wang Chuande's fierce eyes. He dared not look up any more. He quickly lowered his head and grinned and rubbed his hands. He was obviously guilty.

Huang Lili looks at Wang Chuande and at Du Jiayan, who is afraid to speak. She is unwilling to say anything, but she is pulled aside by Du Jiayan and scolds him: "no trouble!"

“…… Oh! " Huang Lili bit her lip and lowered her head.

When yunshishi came back from the restroom, he felt a strange and serious atmosphere as soon as he entered the box.

At the door stood three or five men in black suits, looking solemn.

She was also startled.

However, as soon as I walked in, I saw a group of waiters cleaning up the mess, while a group of people were sitting in the reception hall, while Huang Lili and Du Jiayan were sitting on the sofa, a little fidgety.

Xiao Xue and Gao Nan are sitting on one side.

Cloud poetry looked around, but did not see the figure of Mu Yazhe.

When they saw her coming back, it became more complicated for them to look at her.

However, in their eyes, Yunshi poetry saw a kind of inexplicable awe.


What's the matter?

As soon as Xiao Xue saw her, she immediately greeted her, "poetry, how did you go so long? What did you do? "

"The bathroom, it's a little uncomfortable." Yunshishi paused and explained, "you know, I can't drink much. I'm a little bit ahead."


"What's the matter? Why is the table turned over? What's the matter? "

"Hum! Poetry, it's good that you were not here just now. Huang Lili said bad things to you in front of your man when you were not there! "

Huang Lili's face was flustered, and she sat like a needle pad. "Xiao Xue, don't talk nonsense..."

Just now, Xiao Xue is still very angry with her. However, once we know that Xiao Xue's boyfriend, Gao Nan, is also polite to Xiao Xue.

"What am I talking about? Did I lie? Hum! Who said that when poetry University was fostered, unmarried children... "