One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 912

Yunshishi's boyfriend is the president of the company, and she is not as ostentatious as Huang Lili. By comparison, Huang Lili is too vain!

"What's your man's name?"

Xiao Xue asked gossip.

Gao Nan frowned, but said, "I heard my cousin call him" Mu Shao ". In the capital, those who can make my cousin call "Mu Shao" respectfully will not have another person except Mu family. "

His voice just fell, Du Jiayan's face is even more gloomy to the bottom of the valley!

The crowd began to whisper.


"Mu Yazhe I've heard of this name. It's said that it's Mujia in the capital and the president of the emperor promoted financial group! "

"God Impossible! The president of Tisheng financial group? "

"My boyfriend who listened to poetry just now said that he was a member of the emperor Sheng financial group. Although his surname was mu, maybe he was a cousin of Mu Yazhe, not necessarily!? Just like Xiao Xue's boyfriend and Wang Zong just now, it doesn't have to be the essence of muyazhe. "


"Just now, Huang Lili's boyfriend seemed to say that he knew muyazhe and played golf together! But I don't think yunshishi's boyfriend knows him. "

"Ha ha! Impossible! Can't Yun Shishi's boyfriend be mu Yazhe? Don't Du Jiayan say that he knows Mu's Shaodong? If it was muyazhe, would it not be recognized? "

People are still talking.

Du Jiayan only felt the heat on his face, so he carefully asked, "yunshishi, is your boyfriend a sage?"

If it's really muyashen

When Du Jiayan thought of his boasting before, he met with mu Yazhe and even played golf together. He also said that he would say hello to Mu Yazhe and take care of him after passing the customs!

God, he's never seen it. It's just bullshit!

Then, if Yun Shishi's boyfriend is really mu Yazhe, isn't he What a shame!?

At the thought of this, Du Jiayan's whole face was white, and he became more and more restless.

I wish I could dig a hole in the ground and bury his face.

Cloud poetry ignored him.

I sit on the sofa.

The waiter brought her some sweets.

Huang Lili was hungry too. She didn't care about filling her stomach in such a farce, so she had the cheek to take it.

The waiter politely refused: "sorry! This lady, the dessert is prepared by President Wang for Miss Yun. "

Huang Lili's lips twitched and ate a mouthful of ash.

Xiao Xue holds her stomach and laughs: "Huang Lili, do you still have the face to eat? Take off your dirty hands. It's disgusting to watch! "

Huang Lili was furious at the bottom of her heart, but she dared not speak, so she had to withdraw her hand angrily.

Her desk is really at the bottom of this classmate party.

Gao Nan on one side, however, has a complicated mind.

At first, the reason why she came to the student meeting was mainly because of yunshishi, but tonight she came with a man. She thought it was the reason of the last time. She specially brought a bodyguard!

However, when he learned the mysterious identity of the bodyguard, the capital Mojia! This man is actually a muyashen. He has five tastes in his heart.

At the beginning, there are some necessary meanings for Yunshi poetry!

After all, he will use all means if he is the woman he likes. For Yun's poems, he is sure to get the potential and regards her as a bag in his pocket!

It's just that her man is muyashen. He seems to have a lot of relationship?

That's not easy to say.