One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 869

Youyou is really a little alarmed.

He didn't know how much pain Xiaoyi Chen had to endure to practice such a powerful skill.

I thought this kid was a non-human. His small body was able to compete with an adult gangster. It was really amazing.

It turns out that I was trained like a devil in the army when I was young.

"What happened later?" he asked

"Later, ah, later, after a while of training, I returned to the army training."

“……” You are speechless.

If according to the nature of Yunshi poem, it must be heartache. I'm unwilling to let my heart and soul suffer that crime.

"The training in the army is boring, boring, and especially cruel. There is no loss or win, only life and death. "

Small Yi Chen says, the tone is very calm however, for him at present, on the contrary, did not feel to be arranged by father into army training is a wrong decision.

"I didn't understand before, but now I understand. Daddy said that the world is a jungle. No matter what the rules are, they are decided by the strong! So, I want to be a strong man and protect my beloved family! "

The law is determined by the strong!

Before, he didn't understand. He thought the decision of daddy's sitting was too cruel. He nearly died several times, almost passing by the God of death.

But now, he understands!

"So, sometimes, I really envy you."

Youyou looks up at him with some disbelief.

The kid said he envied him?

That's what he doesn't know. How he's been through these seven years.

If you understand, you will not say such words.

Later, when he received the call, he hurried back to the company.

Yunshishi hugs Xiaoyi Chen to take a bath, while youyou reads one email in his study.

Li Hanlin called and said the investigation was clear.

"The silver wolf group is a group of gangsters in East Street, and this East Street is the territory of the family members."

East Street is a famous black street in the capital.

Li Dongqiang, as Yun Tianyou knew before, was a little boy who was mixing in the East Street.

And this East Street is the territory under the jurisdiction of the family.

Gu's family can be said to be a powerful family standing side by side with Mu's family. In recent years, many black assets under his name have been bleached and listed companies have been established through some white washing methods. Then, after all, the century old pole / road family still has many forces in the capital.

This East Street is one of the assets of Gu's family.

Gu's family has two rudders and four halls, all of which are appointed by members of Gu's elder cabinet.

This East Street is under the jurisdiction of Aoxue, the customer of Zhuque hall.

It is said that the silver wolf group established by Gu Aoxue in East Street, in fact, is a debt company. To be fair, it is a debt collection company.

"Debt collection company?"

Li Hanlin explained, "Well! A debt collection company, as its name implies, accepts the entrustment of the client to recover the debts owed from the enterprise or legal person in arrears. However, East Street's silver wolf group, with a group of thugs and gangsters, is notoriously cruel. Last year, in order to ask for a debt of several hundred million yuan, the silver wolf group forced the legal person of a company to go nowhere. The news of jumping off a building and committing suicide once made the whole city stormy.....