One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 870

The reputation of the silver wolf group outside is almost smelly. In order to get back the debt, there is no choice but to use its extreme means. In addition, the silver wolf group is also in charge of the largest underground casino under the Gu family, which is rampant.


"Mr. Yun, why did you ask me to investigate the silver wolf group?"

"Li Li, I learned something yesterday." Youyou suddenly opens his mouth.

Li Hanlin was stunned.

Listen to youYou calmly and say: "this world is crueler than I thought. The law can never be drawn up by the weak! So I want to be stronger. "

"Well, you mean..."

"Hurricane group wanted me to join the organization. I will give my decision as soon as possible!"

You you finish, then hang up the phone.

He left his cell phone on the sofa, went to the window, and looked out of the window silently, with deep understanding at the bottom of his eyes

Early in the morning, yunshishi was going to the supermarket to buy some sanitary products. Before going out, she suddenly received a call from Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xue, I haven't been in touch for a long time. Since she came back to China, I seldom contact her. I occasionally send a message asking for help.

It is said that after she returned home, she went to work in a foreign company under the arrangement of her family. New people have just entered the work, it must take time to adapt to the environment, so once disappeared.

After answering the phone, Xiao Xue wailed, "poetry, I'm finally approved! Today is my holiday. Come out for coffee

"I haven't heard from you for a long time. I thought you'd evaporated from the world." Cloud poetry laughs at the way.

"You know, the newcomer has just entered the company, and he must hand over his work. Ah, I'm going to be overwhelmed and burned! No more holidays, I'm afraid I'll die of overwork soon! " Xiao Xue make complaints about her boss as well as he Tucao.

"I can't believe you are so calm!"

Yunshishi was a little surprised and said, "if you had changed your previous temperament, you would have quit your job long ago."

"I didn't understand before! Now that I've been an adult for so long, it's time for me to have a little sense of responsibility, isn't it? " Xiao Xue said with a smile, and then asked her, "at two o'clock in the afternoon, the peninsula coffee shop, you can see it all!"

That's how it was agreed.

In the afternoon, yunshishi dressed simply and went out early.

I went to the dessert shop to buy Xiao Xue's favorite vanilla Banji and hurried to it.

When she arrived at the peninsula coffee shop, yunshishi sat in the reserved position. Because she came earlier, Xiao Xueren had not arrived. She ordered a Mocha Star Ice music first, and then she leaned comfortably on the sofa and looked out of the window at the street view.

In the afternoon, the warm sun sprinkled on her.

She squinted comfortably. Tonight's weather is not too hot. The temperature is just right. She is even sleepy. So she just nestled in the sofa, closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

When Xiao Xue arrived, she happened to see a picture of beauty. She saw yunshishi in the corner of the sofa. The warm sunshine outside the window sprinkled on her cheek, making her skin white as jade.

Intoxicated beauty fragrance

For some reason, Xiao Xue suddenly came up with the word.

It's been a long time since we got together, and Yun's poems suddenly become charming.

Mostly, she used to be busy with her work and neglect her dress.

Now when she is engaged in performing arts, it is natural for her to pay attention to her external clothes, which are all selected by Qin Zhou.