One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 868

Small Yi Chen immediately flashed into the study, then closed the door, locked it, looked at his red and swollen cheek, and said with heartache: "mmm I think your face is swollen, so... "

He took his hand, pushed him back to the chair, and then carefully wiped his cheek with a cold towel.

Xiaoyi Chen's eyes are fixed on his face, and the strength on his hands is extremely careful. He is afraid that he will be hurt by carelessness.

You you look stunned.

Looking at xiaoyichen's face at a close distance, he saw that his face was cautious and his movements were particularly gentle, for fear that the strength on his wrist might not be controlled a little and hurt him.

Xiaoyi Chen looks at his red and swollen half cheek, toots his mouth and blows it, and asks softly, "do you have swelling on your face, does it hurt?"

"No pain." Youyou stubbornly skims his pink lips.

Little Yi Chen's strength increased a little, and he immediately got youyou's pain and took a breath of cool air.

"No pain!"

Small Yi Chen helplessly way: "the face is swollen into such, how can not ache?"

"Don't talk to Mommy." Youyou immediately warned him, "don't let mommy know about it!"


Little Yi Chen does not understand: "you are injured, why not let mommy know?"

"She'll be sad, and then she'll cry again."

Then he had to go out of his way to comfort his stupid Mommy.

Small Yi Chen Zheng Zheng, picked pick eyebrows, but did not say anything, eyes fell on his red and swollen half face home, carefully continue to move on.

The cold towel was applied to the hot cheek, and the pain disappeared.

Small Yi Chen again gently for him cold compress, one side way: "when I was a child, also often hurt."


"Well! Because I have been training in the army since I was a child. It's common for me to knock, bruise and bruise. " Little Yi Chen recalled the sad past and shriveled his mouth.

"Are you training in the army?" Youyou's eyes widened in amazement, and he was a little incredulous. "Why?"

"Because Daddy wants to train me. Daddy said that boys should learn how to bear hardships and practice some skills when they are young. Only in this way can they protect their beloved family members when they grow up. "

Small Yi Chen said, the voice paused, some distressed way: "in fact, before I really don't understand, why other children live so happy, but I have to in the army, accept those boring extremely training!"! Every time I get hurt, no one comforts me and encourages me. It's really hard to train in the army. One time I was training in the field, I was bitten by a snake accidentally and shed a lot of blood. "

With that, Xiaoyi Chen's movements suddenly stopped: "do you know? It's the kind of snake that's very thin and long. I don't know if it's poisonous. It bit my ankle and made my tears come out because of the pain. "

With his narration, scenes are vividly presented in youyou's mind.

The thought of the snake winding in the grass, especially when its head is high and its bright red letters are constantly flowing, makes people shudder!

"It must be very painful."

You frown and frown.

That picture, imagination alone, is daunting.

"Of course, it hurt. After I was bitten, I used a knife to drive the snake away. I didn't go far, so I fainted."

Xiaoyi Chen pursed his lips: "then, when he woke up, he was already in the hospital. Listen to the captain, that snake is a poisonous snake. It's good to find it in time, or my life will be hard to protect. "

How to say, he also traveled in the ghost gate several times.