One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 867

Ha ha

Youyou eyes light slightly deep: "silver wolf group?"

His voice stopped, his lips suddenly showed a treacherous smile, which means deep: "well, I remember."

With that, he set off a cold and quiet arc around his mouth and left with Xiaoyi Chen.

The man looked at the back of the two children leaving. Somehow, he could not help but have a fear of eating into the bone marrow

Before returning to the hospital, youyou went to the children's clothing store specially, changed the dirty clothes and bought a new one to put on.

For nothing else, he didn't want mommy to see the footprints on her clothes, let alone worry about her.

And the slap mark on his face, he specially bought a pair of masks and put them on.

Therefore, when the two little milk bags returned to the ward, yunshishi saw youyou wearing a mask at a glance, and was shocked.

"Youyou, why are you wearing a mask?"

Youyou's voice through the mask stuffy tunnel: "well, there are many viruses in the hospital! I am weak in resistance and afraid of being infected. "

In recent summer, there are many people with cold.

Cloud poetry is clear in heart.

Youyou's resistance is especially poor, and there are many viruses in the hospital, so wearing a mask can prevent the infection.

Muyazhe had gone through the discharge formalities for her, and the family drove home.

As soon as he got home, youyou entered the study and locked himself.

Small Yi Chen walked to the door, knocked on the door, also want to follow in, you you you voice came: "I want to read, don't disturb me."


As soon as Xiaoyi Chen hears about reading, his head grows into two big ones.

Youyou shut himself in his study, and then he took off his face mask, which was still hot.

He gently stroked his face with his small hand. Even though Xiaoyi Chen had taught the man a good lesson, the humiliation left in his heart was hard to heal.

This is The taste of humiliation?

You you sipped your lips, and your eyes flashed cold light.

He sat in the computer chair, leaned back slightly, took out his cell phone and dialed Li Hanlin.

The phone was soon put through.

"Mr. Yun, how do you..."

"Li Li is in charge." Youyou has no patience. He opens his mouth and interrupts his long opening speech.

Li Hanlin immediately said, "Well! You said

"Silver wolf group, what kind of organization is it?"

"Silver wolf group?!" Li Hanlin's voice also expressed doubts, "there is no understanding."

"Check for me and give me the results as soon as possible." You you ordered a few words, then hung up the phone.

There was a light knock at the door.

"Who?" he said

"It's me."

Little Yi Chen said weakly, "you you, let me in."

"I don't want to be disturbed when I'm reading." Youyou caresses his hot, red and swollen cheek. He doesn't want anyone to see him in distress at the moment.

"Will you let me in? I'm worried about you. " Small Yi Chen carefully tunnel.

Youyou is silent. He turns on the computer and doesn't want to talk to him.

Little Yi Chen is locked at the door again and again.

Seeing that youyou still didn't want to open the door, he secretly said: "if you don't open up, I'll tell mommy, you..."

Before the words fell, youyou immediately got up, walked to the door, opened the door, and looked unhappy.

Small Yi Chen sees him finally to open the door, on the face is joyful.

But youyou gave him a cold look: "Mu Yichen, you dare to tell mommy about today. Be careful if I beat you!"

As soon as the voice fell, his eyes fell on the towel in his hand, and his face was surprised: "what are you doing?"