One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 858

But he can't help it. After all, this man is a dangerous man with a butterfly knife.

Youyou is thinking about whether to call the police or respond to the security personnel of the cinema.

Small Yi Chen also found this scene, poked his head, two small hands clasped on the back of the front row chair, a little angry on his face.

Before youyou could stop it, he suddenly spoke.

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

The man was startled and turned around suddenly. Seeing that he was a young child, he gave a fierce stare: "roll! Uncle is busy. Don't bother. "

Little Yi Chen wants to talk, but youyou immediately pulls his shoulder. "Are you crazy?"

"What's the matter?"

"He has a knife on him. Don't make trouble."

"He's a bad guy. He's bullying that girl."

"Is it none of your business?"

You frown and frown.

Although he can't see it, they are children, unarmed and powerless. It's necessary to have a degree to be brave and courageous!

But little Yi Chen asked, "what if the girl sitting there is Mommy?"

This counter question, you you you is mercilessly stunned!

Xiaoyi Chen said: "you you, don't worry, I don't do dangerous things!"

Your heart quivers.

Isn't that dangerous?

The man with a knife, if there is conflict, the knife ruthless, he is not afraid of it?

In his stupefied Kung Fu, Xiaoyi Chen has already stood up and walked to the front row.

The man is about to put his hand into the girl's skirt. In the middle of the movement, his wrist is suddenly grasped by little Yi Chen.

The man was surprised and raised his head with wide eyes, but saw that it was the little milk bag that he had just scolded. His face immediately became angry: "what do you want to do, boy?"

The girl also jumped, raised her head hopefully, and thought it was someone who came to save her in the hot water!

However, when he looked up, he saw that it was a six or seven year old milk bag. For a while, his hope seemed to be diluted by a basin of ice water, and his face was gray again.

Xiaoyi Chen glanced at her, and then his eyes fell on the man. He looked up and down until he saw a place where the man was ashamed. The tall tent made him more disgusted.

"I said, uncle, have you heard an old saying?"

“……” The man froze.

He thought that the child would be frightened back by his ferocious face!

I didn't expect that the child was very brave!

"What kind of lady do you want to be?"

Little Yi Chen's voice just dropped, and the girl's face on the other side immediately floated a trace of expression that she didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

Do you have that!?

The man also froze.

This kid, who sent Toby?

"Go away!"

The man impatiently wanted to shake off his hand, but found that he was so hard, but the child held his arm tightly, but it was still.

On the contrary, the grip is more and more tight.

His arm is very thick, and his small hand can just hold it. However, I don't know where the child's strength comes from. He was hurt by his grip.

If he uses a little more force, he is afraid that his wrist will be pinched by him!

"Son of a bitch, you even bother me. I told you to get out of here. Didn't you hear me?!"

After the man said it, he waved it with a slap, but Xiaoyi Chen easily avoided it, and held his other hand with a backhand. Then he grabbed both hands one by one, twisted them together, and twisted them into a twist.