One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 859

His hands were twisted together in a strange gesture, which made him sweat instantly!

"Ah --"

the man let out a scream.

He had no idea that a child should have such great strength!

"Uncle, what can I do to disturb you?"

"Fuck you! This is my woman, my daughter-in-law. How do I like it? It has nothing to do with you! " The man grumbled displeased.

"Your daughter-in-law?"

Little Yi Chen blinked his big clear eyes, smiled smartly, then turned around and asked the girl, "are you his girlfriend?"

The girl was stunned for a long time. It was incredible to see him as a child who could hold such a strong man. However, it was like grasping a life-saving straw. When she saw him, she immediately explained incoherently, "no! No, I I, I don't know him! "

"Oh." Xiaoyi Chen nodded and said to the man, "look, she doesn't know you! Why, I want to force her to comply! How dirty! "

The man's face was red and his ears were red for a moment, and he threatened to shout: "you little bunny, what's the matter with you!?"!? If you don't want to die, let go of me, or I will stab you to death! "

The girl said tearfully: "little brother, I really don't know him! He He's a hooligan and he threatens me Wuwu, please help me... "

She didn't know why she put all her hopes on a six or seven year old milk bag.

However, although the small milk bag is young, it gives people a great sense of security!

The man said angrily, "shut up for you, stinky women!"

As soon as the voice fell, little Yi Chen stepped on his toes.

The grip that the man wears drags, be stepped on so hard by him, toe as if to be trampled, immediately "Ao" got painful howl, had a cold sweat.

He tried hard to break free again, but the strength of the child's hand was amazing. He was exhausted and could not break free.

Listen to little Yi Chen slowly, gracefully and calmly: "this uncle, treat the lady, be a gentleman!"

The clash of the two drew the attention of the rest of the cinema.

Seeing that all the children have given their hands, other men feel ashamed, but at the same time, they seem to have the courage to come forward and subdue the men.

Youyou leads the security guard of the cinema to rush to the cinema. However, when he arrives, he sees that the man is pulled to the ground, while Xiaoyi Chen steps on his head and stays in place for a while.


What's the situation?

Just now Xiaoyi Chen has just passed by. He is afraid of something happening, so he goes to find the protector in a hurry.


It's not what he thought.

She thought how powerful the man was, but it was a weak chicken!

The movie theater security pulled the man out and sincerely apologized to the audience.

The girl was so frightened that she couldn't watch the movie anymore. She packed up and decided to leave.

Before leaving, she bowed to xiaoyichen and said, "thank you, little brother! Thank you for helping me I don't know what to do without you! Thank you

"Sister, do you come to the cinema alone?"

"I I came with my boyfriend! " The girl suddenly mentioned the sad place, can no longer control the tears, pours down.

"And your boyfriend?" You look confused.

Since it's with my boyfriend, what about his people? How come my girlfriend has been bullied, so far she hasn't appeared.