One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 857

"Crazy animal city" is an animation made by Hollywood. It's well made and full of laughter. What's more, every image is cute and cute.

Xiaoyi Chen was fascinated by it for a while, and he laughed like a silver bell from time to time.

Youyou is bored, even sleepy.

Compared with xiaoyichen, he doesn't like animated movies!

I just think xiaoyichen will like it, so he came with him to have a look.

I almost slept several times.

In the middle of the movie, the plot is just wonderful, but youyou is shocked by an unusual movement.

The voice of women's revolt attracted his attention.

It seems to be the sound of people sitting in the front row.

Youyou looks over his head with some doubts, but sees a shocking scene.

Sitting in the front row is a young girl who is estimated to be 19 years old. The man sitting on one side is bareheaded, wearing a black vest, a big gold chain, and a long, shocking scar on the back of his head, which is very ferocious.

A man's face doesn't look like a decent person. It's extremely vicious. It's a bit like a bad youth in the society. Especially those eyes are cunning and obscene. They know that they are not good goods at first sight.

Although we can't judge a person by his appearance, we can see the man's behavior again. He is leaning on his side, putting one hand on the woman's white thigh, and constantly rubbing back and forth.

The woman protested in a low voice, "don't move."

"Hush, don't make a noise!"

Such a large movie hall, the light is extremely dim, only the weak light and shadow reflected by the screen can be seen, and the woman's face is horribly white!

"Please, no more..." The woman shook her head and refused, trying to turn the man's hand away from the bottom of her skirt.

The man became angry and threatened, "shut up!"

As he spoke, he flashed a bright butterfly knife from his waist.

There is a bright cold light on the butterfly blade.

The girl was scared immediately, and she dared not move any more. She bit her lips to death. Her eyes were wet / moist, and she was wronged and scared. She wanted to stand up several times and leave here, but she was pressed on her shoulder by the man.

"Play with me!"

As the man said this, he grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her into his arms.

The girl's face is full of uneasiness and fear, especially a pair of staring, constantly showing helplessness and despair!

The cinema is full of people.

This time, there were too many people.

However, the person sitting beside the girl, or indifferent, looks straight ahead, as if he is watching a movie seriously, but he doesn't care about it, as if he hasn't seen it.

Still have, also was frightened by this scene, but dare not speak aloud, quietly got up to leave.

In a flash, the people around the girl went to a large area. In that row, there were only girls and men.

The girl felt more helpless. Two lines of clear tears fell down her cheeks, making a cry of fear. She was scared out of her wits and trembled violently!

"If you dare to make a noise, I'm sure I won't do anything! Be honest! " The man put his hand in her chest as he threatened.

From time to time, the girl let out a flustered groan and closed her eyes with shame and helplessness.

This is sexual harassment!?

A word suddenly appeared in youyou's mind.

He is very shameful of such behavior.

This man is a bad young man in society, but no one dares to take care of it.