One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1003

Xiaoyi Chen sneers, pinches his fist and moves his muscles. "Uncle, we don't have much time. We have to come back in two hours. Don't dawdle."

Li Hanlin took a hard pull at the corner of his lips, then he stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away.

As soon as the car reached the door of the bar, Li Hanlin was frightened by the lineup in front of him.

Not far from the door of the bar, I saw several ruffians standing in the street, like the bad young people in the society.

At a glance, there are about a dozen people in the scale, which is quite impressive!

Little punk?

Li Hanlin still felt strange. He saw yuntianyou push the door and get off with Xiaoyi Chen.

"Mr. Yun, where are you going?"

"You wait in the car. Don't follow." Yuntianyou turns around and orders.

Even though Li Hanlin was full of questions, he obeyed the orders obediently and waited in the car.

Yuntianyou and xiaoyichen walk over. When Li Dongqiang sees him, he immediately flatters and smiles.

"Little brother, here you are!"

"How come so many people?" Yuntianyou twisted his eyebrows, obviously surprised.

Li Dongqiang curled his lips and said with a smile: "it's not enough to be afraid of people's hands! It doesn't matter. It's all brothers. There are more people, and nothing! Be strong! "

After a pause, he shook his eyebrows and inquired carefully: "little brother, do you need to teach someone when you come to me?"

Yun Tianyou suddenly lowered his head expressionless and casually took out a Givenchy's wallet.

Li Dongqiang's eyes are straight.

This wallet, with exquisite workmanship, seems to be a famous brand? It's a lot of money!

Another look at yuntianyou open his wallet, that pile of thick banknotes, Li Dongqiang is saliva.

This little guy, it's not easy!

I have so much cash with me.

Li Dongqiang can't help but look greedy in his eyes.

Yun Tianyou glances at him coldly, and Li Dongqiang immediately takes back his eyes.

However, he took out a check that had been filled out, but it was not signed. However, Li Dongqiang received it, and was shocked at the huge amount on the check.

My mouth is watering.

"So many?"

"Too much?" Yuntianyou picks eyebrows.

"Where and where! The money is too little, how can it be too much! " Li Dongqiang said with flattery and smile, on the one hand, to secretly identify the authenticity of the check.

"Don't read it. Will I give you a fake check?" Yuntianyou seems to see through his doubts, and he is slow and methodical.

"The check hasn't been signed yet?"

Yun Tianyou said simply and comprehensively, "when you have done your work, we will have both money and goods."

"Good! What can I do for you? " Li Dongqiang rubbed his hands and asked.

Yuntianyou suddenly takes out a Sony DV from his backpack and throws it into his hand.

Li Dongqiang catches it and looks down at the DV in his hand. He doesn't know why.

"This is..."

"Don't talk nonsense. Listen to me." Heaven bless the way.

Li Dongqiang was afraid to speak.


It's late at night.

Some young people began to stagger out of the bar.

The night life is over.

It's time to go home.

When Lu Jingtian was helped out, he was drunk.

She is in a bad mood tonight. After she went to the star light and quiet distance with yunshishi, the public opinion on Weibo about her scheming to exclude yunshishi once reached a boiling point.