One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1004

Not a few fans of cloud poetry even carefully read every detail of the program. Lu Jingtian made those little stumbling blocks into GIF moving pictures in the program, which spread like crazy on microblog.

Immediately after that, netizens began to cry out for Lu Jingtian with indignation, and even many angry netizens picked up Lu Jingtian's family background.

Similarly, Lu Jingtian's acting skills have always been questioned by newcomers.

Crowd out the cast members and bully the newcomers. Netizens pick up all the things about Lu Jingtian's past.

So, the army of public opinion crushed Lu Jingtian's poor fans overnight.

Even if Lu Jingtian's public relations team behind her how to wash her white, but netizens do not seem to buy, but accused Lu Jingtian by cloud poetry hype.


Hype?!! She uses cloud poetry to hype?

Lu Jingtian is really wrong about this.

It's true that artists need exposure, and many even, even unscrupulously, use scandals to hype.

However, Lu Jingtian is different. She has always been very concerned about the image in front of the public. The team also intends to build her into a pure image of little Huadan, and has been trying to cover up her black spots, only to show her a better side in front of the public.

Unfortunately, Lu Jingtian is not competitive enough.

Her scandal exploded on the Internet.

It's just one after another, too many to enumerate.

"Lu Jingtian doesn't have any acting skills at all. She doesn't deserve to be a vase! It's so ugly. It's not recognizable at all. You can see from the nose and eyes that it's made by baby. The key is that it's not finished yet! What can she compare with poetry? The plan is very deep, ha ha! [Doge]

"people's vases are good-looking and delicate. They are also called vases, just like Lu Jingtian's crooked melons and cracked dates? Don't insult the vase. "

"Is it so exaggerated? I saw the pioneer film of green fruit. Lu Jingtian's appearance in it is OK! "

"That's make-up, OK? I've seen Lu Jingtian's plain face secretly photographed at the airport, unspeakable ugly. "

"Suyan is very old-fashioned, like a mother!"

"The reason why Lu Jingtian can have so many resources is not that her father is a senior official in Huanyu! It's a typical back door. "

"I heard that Lu Jingtian had just started his career before, and he wanted to tie it up with Gu Xingze for speculation. Gu Xingze doesn't even pay attention to her! "

"Nonsense! If Gu Xingze and Lu Jingtian are tied up for speculation, the price will fall more! "

"Gu Xingze is wise. If Lu Jingtian makes use of it, his fans will lose millions."

"Aunt Lu is so ugly that she makes a lot of mischief!"


There are different versions of Lu Jingtian's scandal on Weibo, forum and post bar every day.

In fact, there are so many actresses in the entertainment circle who are more scheming than Lu Jingtian. Usually, they are very low-key and carefully hide their black spots.

However, this time, Lu Jingtian is unavoidable because she is really stupid.

"Green fruit" hasn't been released yet, but it has gathered a large number of the original party's expectations at the speed of light.

As the "CP in winter and summer", many original works support Gu Xingze and Yun's poems.

Lu Jingtian cuts in and pushes out cloud poems on the program. Isn't that a black call for her?

Of course, there are so many black spots about Lu Jingtian on Weibo. Naturally, there is also a small milk bag.