One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1002

Seeing that she was still conceited and sullen, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Seeing that there is something deep in his smile, yunshishi mistakenly thinks that he has some bad thoughts, or is dissatisfied with her coquetry! So he quickly pulled out a smile and said, "what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing!" Big palm rubs her forehead and hair wantonly, and the evil spirit of Mu Yazhe smiles, "still angry?"

"I just want to hear you sing, this little wish, you are not satisfied with me."

Muyazhe looked at her up and down carefully, as if she was disgusted.

The face of Yunshi's poem is completely black: "you must have five tone incompleteness, so you won't sing!"

The man slightly raised his eyebrow, "no matter how many tones are incomplete, it's better than your singing."

Seeing the silence of Yun's poems, mu Yazhe couldn't help but smile. With a little stretch of his hand, he immediately took her into his arms, rubbed her forehead fondly and said with a smile, "OK! Go home! "

Because of his action, yunshishi can't help but smile on his face. He has some sweetness and satisfaction under his heart. The palm of this man is not as cold as before. It's very warm!

Some are greedy for the temperature of his palm.

Yunshishi reaches out his hand actively, grabs his hand and clasps it tightly with his ten fingers.

Mu Yazhe smiles and holds her hand on the back. This action warms the heart of Yun Shishi and makes her grip with him more tightly with a smile!

Full of satisfaction floating in her heart, she thought, how nice it must be to keep on like this!

Let time stop, stay at the moment when two people hold hands!


At night, the night is still.

The sky outside the window was dark. In the silence, I heard the sound of the evening breeze.

Xiaoyi Chen opens the bedroom door quietly, probes all the way to the main bedroom door, sticks his ear to the door, carefully distinguishes and hears for a while, then steals back to the bedroom.

Yun Tianyou is standing in front of the window in a casual suit, with his hands in his pants pocket.

Little Yi Chen walked behind him and said with a smile, "Daddy and Mommy are sleeping."

"Shhh --"

yuntianyou glanced at him slightly and motioned, "lock the door."


Xiaoyichen locks the bedroom door.

Yuntianyou opens the floor to ceiling window, and two little guys turn out of the room from the balcony. Then they go all the way around the backyard and leave the villa.

At the gate of the villa, Li Hanlin's car was parked quietly.

Li Hanlin was called by yuntianyou in the middle of the night. He was so tired that he yawned two or three times.

Yuntianyou opens the door and sits in the back seat with xiaoyichen.

Xiaonaibao catches Li Hanlin's unfinished yawn, and can't help but pick up his eyebrow: "Li Lishi, didn't wake up?"

Your voice is deep.

Hearing Li Hanlin's inspiration, he immediately sat in a critical position and pretended to be energetic: "no! In spirit! "

"Just be in spirits!" You bless Leng hum.

Xiaoyi Chen added: "you can't drive tired."

Li Hanlin made a cold sweat.

These two boys know a lot!

"Mr. Yun, where are you going?" Li Hanlin looked back and asked flatteringly.

Yun Tianyou sits gracefully on the back of the chair, hands around his chest, and a cold face says: "Junlin bar!"

"What is this going to do?!" When Li Hanlin saw that his eyes were cold, he seemed to be very fierce.

"Just drive."

Heaven bless the way.