Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 399: Lu Hualiang was kicked out of bed by me last night

"Cough cough cough..."

Xia Weibao was shocked by Leng Yan's words.

The spicy strip in my mouth choked to my throat all of a sudden, and the result can be imagined.

It's so choking that she wants to kill the cold one!

Xia Shi quickly handed over a glass of water.

Poor, doesn't it mean your husband? As for the excitement.

"I told you to eat less spicy strips, but I didn't listen." Xu Jiayang said lightly.

Leng Yan sat down and said, "I guessed it right, no wonder you are so excited. By the way, Xia Weibao, how did you offend Lu Hualiang?

That man is not easy to provoke, has a weird temper, a cold personality, cruel methods, and I heard that he hates women!

There were a lot of lives on his hands, and if others touched the corner of his clothes, his life could be lost at any time.

Gee, it’s not good for you to offend someone, why offend him. "

Xia Weibao drank a large glass of water, which made her feel better.

Looking at Leng Yan with a smile, "Lu Hualiang is really that scary?"

"That's natural!" As if thinking of something, Leng Yan said quite honestly, "I heard that once he attended a banquet, a daughter of a large enterprise wanted to seduce him, pulled the corner of his clothes, and then was caught He chopped his hands and feet, and dug his eyes to soak in wine.

Cruel enough. "

Xu Jiayang, "..."

Blow, you keep blowing.

Although Lu Hualiang is a little cold-blooded, he doesn't eat human flesh, why don't you soak your eyes in wine?

Xia Weibao was unable to complain.

I'm sorry, the very cruel man in your mouth was slapped a few times last night and kicked out of bed.

Who made him pretend to be drunk and almost took her clothes off!

What annoying women, she looks very lustful at him!

"Boss, are you sure you are talking about Lu Hualiang?" Xia Weibao smiled meaningfully.

"Nonsense, who else is besides him? Anyway, if you offend him, you must be dead. Run for your life."

"Maybe you have contact with him, be careful, what if he is in a bad mood one day, gouging your eyes and soaking in wine."

Leng Yan rolled his eyes, "How can I have contact with him, I can't reach a man of that level."

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe it will happen to be matched when I play the game one day."

Leng Yan smiled harder, "You are stupid, Lu Hualiang kind of man whose time is money, who can play games?"

Xia Weibao was silent but smiled.

Xu Jiayang took a deep look at Xia Weibao.

He thought, he guessed who the man behind her was.

Unexpectedly, he actually played games with the most influential man in China.

Now I am a little curious, what is the relationship between Xia Weibao and Lu Hualiang.

I knew that she had a relationship with one of the three giants in China, so I only thought it was a nurturing.

After all, this kind of thing is really common in the entertainment industry.

But now it seems, not necessarily.

As Leng Yan said, it is impossible for a man like Lu Hualiang to play games.

But in order to bring Xia Weibao this game giant pit, he was willing to surrender himself and play with them.

Even if he only played together a few times, he could see that Lu Hualiang loved Xia Weibao very much.

Are they formal boyfriend and girlfriend? Not the gold master and mistress?

"It's not Lu Hualiang." Xia Shi said lightly.

Xu Jiayang glanced at her, and she knew it.

Leng Yan refused to accept, "It must be Lu Hualiang, you think, Qian Guoan is a man in the market, and the one who can order Qian Guoan to do things must be the business hegemon."

Everyone, "..."

This analysis is really... IQ is so touching.