Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 398: I live to eat Xiang Xiang!

——I heard that "Allure" was not accepted by the platform, and finally I found an excellent drama that was about to fail hahaha, how miserable it is

——Trash director, trash actor, trash crew, now even the broadcasting platform is trash, are these two combinations of trash in the biography?

-Deserve it! If I take a look at "Allure", the keyboard will be broadcast live!

——If I watch "Allure", there is no JJ to give birth to a son!

——Thank you

The remarks are getting more and more excessive, and Xu Jiayang is furious!

For the director, every play is his own child.

But now that my child has been scolded, how can I not be angry!

These people have never seen "Allure", so why are they here to evaluate it!


Xu Jiayang slapped the table angrily, "What do they know? Although "Allure" was released only a month ago, I had already post-processed it a long time ago, which saved so much time!

Why don't a group of smashers spray "Deep Palace", what a big production costing 300 million, all the money is used to invite the stars, if such a crew can make a good show, I will eat 1 **** on live broadcast! "

Xia Weibao's mouth twitched.

So ruthless!

The keyboard can barely nibble, how can I nibble this shit?

Director Xu, don't be impulsive.

Xia Shi is more rational, "The Deep Palace is a big production, and it's different from a web drama. Even if they work overtime to process the post-production, it will take a certain amount of time to be sent for review, right?"

Xu Jiayang also calmed down slowly.

Indeed, the production process of TV series is very troublesome, and various audits are required after editing.

Therefore, it usually takes a year or even two or three years to broadcast.

"Deep Palace" will be broadcast as soon as it is broadcast, and there will be a few days before it will be broadcast. Why is it suddenly number 12?

Leng Yan's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, "There is someone behind "Deep Palace."

"Yes." Xia Shi looked very ugly, "and he is a very powerful person."

Participate in controlling the Radio, Film and Television Bureau and directly pass the trial to "Shen Gong".

The State Administration of Radio and Television of China National Radio and Television is an agency directly under the State Council, and it cannot be reached by ordinary people.

Who on earth?

Leng Yan waved his hand, "It's none of my business. My enemy who gave birth to a son without a fart can only fart in the mall."

Xu Jiayang also spread his hands, "My mortal enemy is a mixed entertainment industry, and I don't have the ability to intervene in state institutions."

Xia Shi shook her head, "It's none of my business, you guys have heard of those people too, just a few bad money, that's all."

Everyone's gazes fell on Xia Weibao, who was eating spicy strips and scanning the web.

Xia Weibao, "..."

"Look at me, I don't know anything."

Everyone, "..."

"Xia Weibao, who did you offend?" Leng Yan snorted coldly.

Xia Weibao blinked, she was more innocent than anyone, she really didn't know.

Xu Jiayang rubbed his chin with both hands, thinking deeply, "It must be a very terrible person. You were hacked three years ago. There were too many people involved, including artists, directors, senior film critics, and even Qian Guoan, chairman of Qian’s Project. Come out against you.

There are few people who can have such a big influence in China. "

Xia Weibao continued to eat spicy strips. She had already thought about it very seriously. The original owner has a gentle personality and really did not offend anyone.

At this moment, Leng Yan slapped the table and stood up, "I know who you offended!"

"Who?" Xia Weibao was curious.

"President of Lu's Group, Lu Hualiang!"