Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 400: The real queen does not need to act

"It's not him." Xu Jiayang said coldly.

"Why, it must be him." Leng Yan insisted.

"It's not him." Xia Weibao gave Leng Yan a white look.

If it is Lu Hualiang, ha ha!

"It's really not him." Xia Shi felt that there was a problem with Leng Yan's brain circuit.

Rebutted by everyone, Leng Ersha felt that he was isolated and slapped the table angrily, "It is definitely Lu Hualiang! Otherwise, I will never marry a wife!"

Xia Weibao's mouth twitched again, so cruel!

It seems that you are destined to be single for a lifetime.

"Why are you so convinced that it is Lu Hualiang?" Xia Shi was really curious, who gave him the courage to curse that she was single for a lifetime.

"Because he is the king of business."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Xia Shi, "..."

Xu Jiayang, "..."

You just go alone, it's good.

A villain like Qian Guoan, as long as he is a higher status person, it is estimated that he will be like a dog to please him.

"Stop this topic." Xu Jiayang made a stop gesture, really afraid that if he went on, Leng Yan would swear something more stupid.

"There are still eight hours to start broadcasting. I only hope that the first broadcast will not be too miserable. By the way, what's the situation on Youju?" Xia Shi asked.

Xu Jiayang shook his head, "Similar to our situation, Guan Bo was scolded miserably, saying that they are getting less and less pursued, and garbage dramas are also accepted.

However, there were 30,000 more downloads, almost all of Xia Weibao's fans. "

Hundreds of times more downloads than they did last year, which is amazing.

I have to admit that although Xia Weibao is hacked, his fans have a very high degree of adhesion.

There are more than 300,000 fans and more than 30,000 downloads in one day. This ratio is quite amazing!

Her Weibo should have few zombie fans.

The publicity conference of "Deep Palace" is still going on, and the news of the launch of "Deep Palace" is overwhelming.

Almost occupied all the hot searches.

Chu Ying's stills flowed out, and countless people licked the screen, especially the queen stills, beautifully dressed and domineering, which made all the fans crazy!

#最美皇后楚荧#'s topic is the top hottest topic!

Leng Yan clicked on the still picture, his eyes staring out.

"Fuck! This is also the most beautiful and domineering? Are those people blind!"

Xia Shi stretched her head to take a look, her eyes bottomless.

I have to say that Chu Ying is capable of getting to where he is today in a short time.

This still is indeed very beautiful and domineering, beautifully dressed, with exquisite makeup, gorgeous phoenix crown, and staring eyes.

Performed the domineering queen.

However, there is no harm without comparison.

If you have seen Xia Weibao's queen stills, you won't think Chu Ying's stills look like a queen.

In the ending of "Allure", Li Qingcheng assisted the second prince to ascend the throne, and she became the queen of the world.

The moment the phoenix robes were added, the whole people worshipped and chanted the Queen Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose, and then the picture freezes.


Although there is only one shot of Queen makeup, it is really super beautiful.

That is an indescribable feeling.

There is no sharp staring eyes, no exaggerated black makeup, and no domineering deliberate expression.

She just stood quietly like that, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, but she could make people feel what Feng Lin Tianxia is!

That kind of dignity, that kind of nobleness, that kind of mother of all people surrendering to the world, is revealed from the bones.

How should I put it, Chu Ying's queen is by acting, while Xia Weibao is completely natural.

As if she was the reincarnation of the queen.