Nine Revolutions Primal Chaos Art

Chapter 602

Although she saw through it, Yueru naturally wouldn\'t break it. At least she wouldn\'t break it in front of the deputy village head\'s son. After thinking about it in her heart, she turned and said to the deputy village head\'s son: "he has just saved more than a dozen of our benefactors who went out to hunt the villagers\' lives. How can you cross punch each other when you disagree?"

"He didn\'t say, how do I know he saved the people in our village? I thought he was one of those lazy people in the village." the young friar said disapprovingly.

"The benefactor was seriously injured and unconscious when he came to the village. He ate your fist when he woke up. Not only have there been new internal injuries, but it is estimated that the old injuries will break out again... You are in big trouble. If the village head or your father knows about this, you must be punished." Yueru pharmacist said solemnly.

"Who knows I\'m not afraid."

The young friar was still a little scared, but his eyes just flickered, which proved that he was still a little guilty.

"You\'d better go back. I can cover it up for you." Yueru kindly reminded.

"Really?" asked the young friar with a twinkle of gratitude.

"Really." the moon nodded.

"Ha ha, that\'s great. I knew you liked me."

The young friar was overjoyed and left with a laugh.

Yueru looked calmly at the young friar walking farther and farther. When the background of the young friar completely disappeared in her eyes, she suddenly turned around and said to Xiao Lingyu, who seemed to be healing with martial arts on the ground: "you\'d better go back to the house to meditate and heal."

Xiao Lingyu then opened his eyes and asked with great opinion, "is that how you people in lingu village treat others? Even if I\'m not your benefactor, I can at least be a guest."

After the speech, he coughed twice symbolically, as if he had been badly hurt.

"He was born reckless, and he is really arrogant. Don\'t see things like him."

Yueru was relieved at first, and then suddenly said, "do you want to stay in our village for more days?"

Xiao Lingyu just stood up silently and didn\'t answer directly.

"If you want to stay longer, don\'t tell me about his beating you just now. Of course, I\'ll help you prove to everyone that your injury hasn\'t healed." Yueru suggested.

"Yueru pharmacist took good care of the boy." Xiao Lingyu replied noncommittally, and then entered the stone house in a big way.

Yueru knew that Xiao Lingyu\'s answer was actually to agree to her proposal, so she didn\'t ask in detail, but went to the medicine garden again, and seemed to have to finish her unfinished work.

The next day, the old village head and the deputy village head came together. On the surface, they came to visit and express their gratitude. In fact, they were ready to ask Xiao Lingyu to leave.

However, as soon as the front feet of the two village chiefs entered the door, Yueru pharmacist followed them into the house.

Xiao Lingyu had already prepared. At this time, his face was pale and bloodless, and he looked seriously injured.

"When I diagnosed him a few days ago, I failed to see that he still had a hidden disease. The hidden disease suddenly broke out yesterday, which not only failed to recover, but also aggravated his injury. This is Yueru\'s fault." Yueru pharmacist explained to the two village heads who were a little surprised.

"Hehe, Yueru girl doesn\'t have to blame herself. No one can do anything without any negligence, as long as the benefactor is not in serious trouble." the old village head smiled leniently.

"How long will it take for this benefactor to fully recover?" the deputy village head asked grimly, as if he was not satisfied with the situation here.

"More is half a year, less is more than a month." Yueru replied.

The deputy village head frowned again, while the old village head said, "let the benefactor have a good rest. I don\'t want to disturb you any more. Go back."

As he spoke, the old village head had already walked towards the door.

The deputy village head told yuerujiao solemnly: "the injury of the benefactor is more important. Yueru pharmacist must try his best to make the benefactor recover as soon as possible and go home as soon as possible. As for other things in the village, let\'s put them aside first."

"Yueru knows." Yueru pharmacist nods back.

When the two village chiefs left, Xiao Lingyu put his hands behind his head and asked Yueru, "do you know what the village is going to do with Kangping?"

Yueru sat down quietly and said curiously, "do you still care about this?"

Xiao Lingyu naturally said, "I saved his life. Of course I care about his safety now."

Yueru nodded again, which recognized Xiao Lingyu\'s answer, but then shook her head and said, "I don\'t know what the village is going to do with him, but I know he will suffer a lot."

"Why? I don\'t think the old village head is kind-hearted. He doesn\'t seem unreasonable. He shouldn\'t care too much about the villagers for some meat tasks?" Xiao Lingyu asked puzzled.

"Hehe, the old village head doesn\'t care too much, but the deputy village head may not be so easy to talk. In our village, the deputy village head is the real person in power..."

Yueru answered with a smile, but at this point, she seemed to realize that she had said too much, so she stopped here.

"The deputy village head is more authoritative than the village head?" Xiao Lingyu asked directly.

Yueru hesitated and finally explained: "it\'s not who has high prestige, but the deputy village head has many relatives in this village. The villagers who have a good relationship with the deputy village head account for one fifth of the whole village."

Hearing the moon say so, Xiao Lingyu understood.

One fifth of the total number of villagers in a village doesn\'t sound like much, but in fact, if they stick together, they are indeed a force that can\'t be underestimated. At least they have a heavy weight in this village. After all, these five monks will have good friends.

"No wonder the sons of the deputy village head are so arrogant. It turns out that there is a family behind them. It\'s just that they don\'t have much ability to bully in such a small village." Xiao Lingyu\'s tone is strange.

As he spoke, his face was obviously disdained and despised.

"Hehe, although this is a small village, it is not remarkable in the vast divine world, but all the small people living in this small village are small people, and the village head and deputy village head are the big people among us." Yueru said with a smile.

"Kang Ping should not worry about his life?" Xiao Lingyu turned the topic back again.

"No, he didn\'t commit any serious crime. How could he be executed?" Yueru replied with certainty.

At this time, Yueru is a little puzzled. He is clearly not from lingu village. He should not have known Kang Ping before. Now he lives in lingu village and may be invited out at any time. How can he be so calm and care about Kang Ping\'s safety?

If this person has no problem, he must be a faithful, responsible and courageous monk. Of course, this is just the feeling of Yueru.

"It\'s said that the village head has a safety route map for a long trip. I don\'t know if it\'s true?" Xiao Lingyu also felt that Yueru has a good temperament, so he spoke more simply and didn\'t deliberately beat around the bush.

"There is no safe route map. The village head does have a relatively safe route map to the nearest city. Basically, the village head of each village has such a route map to the city. However, the village is very far away from the city and crosses thousands of mountains and rivers in the middle. How can it be safe?" Yueru shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"As long as it is relatively safe, the route at least guides the accurate direction, and the experience accumulated by predecessors must have merit." Xiao Lingyu touched his chin.

"Why, do you want to get the road map from the village head?" Yueru asked.

"Yes." Xiao Lingyu nodded.

"Hehe, the village head won\'t give you that road map easily." Yueru shook her head and smiled.