Nine Revolutions Primal Chaos Art

Chapter 603

"Why?" asked Xiao Lingyu.

"Because you are not a villager of the village, and even if you are a villager of the village, only when the cultivation reaches the divine period, the village head will give the road map and allow you to travel alone." Yueru explained.

"What conditions do you need to become a villager of this village?" Xiao Lingyu asked after thinking about it.

Yueru looked at Xiao Lingyu in surprise and asked, "do you want to join our village?"

"Why, can\'t you?" Xiao Lingyu nodded first and then asked.

"It\'s not impossible, but if you want to be a villager of our village, you must meet one condition, that is, you are not a villager of another village, and you should swear that you won\'t leave before the God\'s time, and you should abide by the rules of the village."

Yueru introduced it, and then said, "generally speaking, our village only accepts monks who have just risen."

Xiao Lingyu said, "I have never joined other villages, and I am also a person who abides by the rules."

"Ha ha..." Yueru just smiled.

Xiao Lingyu could see from Yueru\'s smile that the girl probably didn\'t believe him.

According to the instructions of the deputy village head, she guarded Xiao Lingyu almost every day these days, but she didn\'t really work hard to heal Xiao Lingyu. She knew that Xiao Lingyu didn\'t need treatment. However, a few days later, Xiao Lingyu\'s joining lingu village had not been implemented, but there was a bell ringing the whole valley.

The drum made Yueru\'s face slightly changed, because she knew that something big was going to happen.

"This is the drum that calls the whole village to the square."

As Yue Ru spoke, she got up and went outside the house.

After thinking about it, Xiao Lingyu was naturally very curious and followed the past.

In the middle of the valley, that is, in the middle of lingu village, there is a square with a large area. The whole square is paved with bluestone slabs. It can be seen from the mottled and ancient traces on the bluestones that the square should have been for some years.

The square has no regular shape, but there is a high platform like an altar in the middle. At this time, many villagers of lingu village have surrounded the high platform, pointing and talking about it.

Xiao Lingyu followed Yueru to the side of the square. He didn\'t squeeze into the crowd. He just stopped in a corner of the square with a lively attitude.

Yueru didn\'t stand with Xiao Lingyu, but was closer to the platform than Xiao Lingyu, just outside the onlookers.

After quietly waiting for a cup of tea, the old village head went up to the high platform, waved to everyone to be quiet, and then said loudly, "today I call you here for one thing, that is to deal with a villager who ignores the village rules. His name is... Kangping!"

"Kang Ping? How could it be him?"

"Isn\'t Kangping always very disciplined?"

"You don\'t know yet. Kang Ping hurt someone last time he started with the deputy village head."

"Kang Ping is finished this time. If he dares to challenge the deputy village head, no one can protect him."

"Their team has always had a poor relationship with the deputy village head, but the deputy village head didn\'t find a suitable opportunity to punish them."

"I don\'t know what to do."

"It shouldn\'t be very heavy. After all, I didn\'t commit any major crime. The most I can do is admit my mistakes and then smoke a few whips."

As soon as the village head\'s words fell, the villagers of lingu village whispered in the square. Although Xiao Lingyu stood far away, he heard them clearly.

"Bring Kang Ping up!" the old village head shouted at one side.

A group of armored friars came out from a corner of the square, and Kang Ping was among them. However, those armored friars were well dressed and vigorous, but Kang Ping had ragged clothes and long hair, giving people a feeling of decadence and powerlessness.

It seems that after Kang Ping was imprisoned, he should have suffered a lot.

Xiao Lingyu also felt that Kang Ping didn\'t commit a major crime. The deputy village head would punish him in public at most and would not be sentenced to death. Therefore, he just held his hands on his chest and looked calm.

It\'s good to let Kang Ping suffer some flesh and blood. At least it can make him understand that sometimes he should bow his head. Even if he doesn\'t bow his head, he has to learn to use some other means to deal with the enemy, rather than hitting the enemy hard, let alone hitting the stone with an egg.

Kang Ping was escorted to the stage by a group of armored friars, and then tied to a suddenly emerging column.

Even at this time, Kang Ping still showed an unruly face. He held his head high, just like a disaster hero who died generously, but he really had a bit of unyielding spirit.

However, Kang Ping obviously had an angry expression and seemed to have something to say to everyone, but his lips trembled and couldn\'t make a sound.

Xiao Lingyu estimated that Kang Ping was imprisoned in his tongue, skills and accomplishments, so he couldn\'t speak.

In front of the whole village, the deputy village head will certainly not give Kang Ping a chance to talk, nor will he be given a chance to argue.

"Kang Ping\'s mistake was to despise the village rules, refuse to hand over the meat he got out, and hurt the villagers. According to the village rules, we decided to give two disposal methods... One is to make him admit his mistake in public and ensure that he will not make the same mistake again in the future, and then give him a whipping; the other is to burn himself with fire and annihilate the fly ash! As for the disposal of the bottom, the whole village will vote according to the village rules , that is to say, if people say how to deal with it, then how to deal with it! "The village head said with a dignified expression.

In fact, refusing to hand in meat is not a big thing. The key is that Kang Ping hit people and was labeled as contempt for village rules. Obviously, the responsibility has been expanded.

"Those who choose whipping, please stand on the left, and those who choose burning, please stand on the right." the village head said with an unchanged expression.

Next, after a heated discussion, the villagers of the whole lingu village began to choose to stand in line.

Looking at the situation of standing in line, Xiao Lingyu frowned more and more tightly, because first, a group of people went to the right without hesitation, which led many people to the high right.

On the right is the choice of burning, that is, the choice of executing Kangping!

How can these villagers be so cruel?

Kangping\'s fault, never die! The most important thing is, what\'s wrong with Kangping?

Through the previous chat with Yueru, Xiao Lingyu can think of one thing, that is, the deputy village head has told his relatives how to choose. The deputy village head has a large number of people and has great influence in lingu village. Everyone is unwilling to offend them and will naturally stand on their side.

In this way, the so-called voting seems fair, but in fact it can be easily controlled by the deputy village head. It is absolutely easy to ignore human life.

Xiao Lingyu saw Yueru and looked helpless. Although Yueru stood to the left, it didn\'t help.

In the past, the villagers\' standing line has ended. Only less than a hundred poor people stand on the left, while the villagers on the right side of the high platform are a large area of darkness. You can see that there are thousands of people on the right.

The result was obvious. Xiao Lingyu saw a proud smile on the deputy village head\'s face.

"Since everyone\'s opinions are so unified, in order to warn future generations not to make the same mistake, Kang Ping was burned. I hope you can take this as a warning to make our neighbors in lingu village harmonious and the whole village United."

The village head\'s face was still very calm. After he spoke with awe inspiring righteousness, he said to several people around him: "let\'s go down and the fire can be executed!"


Xiao Lingyu really couldn\'t see it anymore. When several people on the stage were ready to go down, he shouted, then walked quickly under the stage, and then jumped onto the stage.

"You haven\'t recovered from your serious injury, but this action is very smooth." the deputy village head narrowed his eyes and said.

The whole village is here. Naturally, the deputy village head has no reason to be too polite to Xiao Lingyu.