Nine Revolutions Primal Chaos Art

Chapter 601

Xiao Lingyu listened to what Kang Ping said, and saw that Kang Ping did not have any fear on his face. He shrugged his shoulders indifferently and didn\'t mean to go on.

"Take him away and put him in the dungeon first." the deputy village head said to several people around him.

Kang Ping was taken out of the stone house by Xi Wei and others, but as soon as he got to the door, he began to shout loudly, attracting nearby villagers to watch.

The deputy village head\'s face was not good-looking. Instead of leaving the stone house immediately, he said to Xiao Lingyu, "Your Excellency has recovered now. You\'d better go back in these two days to avoid misunderstanding."

Xiao Lingyu shrugged his shoulders indifferently, but he wouldn\'t say to leave immediately.

The deputy village head stood and thought again. There seemed to be nothing to say, so he nodded and left the stone house.

Xiao Lingyu had already heard about the news he wanted to inquire about here. He could have left directly, but he wanted to see what the bottom of lingu village would do with Kangping. He also wanted to get a safe road map from the old village head, so he decided to stay a few more days.

In order to show that he had no bad intentions, Xiao Lingyu stayed in the stone house all the time. He would not go out and walk too much, nor would he ask others to inquire about anything.

But his injury did seem to have healed, and others did not intend to keep him. They even asked him to leave within two or three days. This is the problem he needs to solve.

Xiao Lingyu walked around the room for a few times. He didn\'t think of a suitable way, so he went out stuffy.

Just out of the house, Xiao Lingyu saw the pharmacist Yueru picking herbs in the nearby medicine garden, and next to Yueru, a seemingly young monk followed Yueru like a helper, with an attentive face.

Xiao Lingyu also has a lot of knowledge and experience. He can see at a glance that the young friar is interested in Yueru pharmacist, while Yueru pharmacist doesn\'t like the young friar very much. Although the man and woman stand together, they seem to agree. Yueru is just lazy to look at the young friar.

However, the young friar was also quite cheeky. He rubbed others\' Yueru intentionally or unintentionally, and even took a handkerchief. There were no sweat beads on others\' Yueru\'s face and forehead. He smiled flatteringly to help others wipe their sweat.

Xiao Lingyu really didn\'t understand how a woman like Yue Ru could be so patient with the young friar. If she had changed to a more arrogant woman, I\'m afraid she would have let him go.

Of course, it had nothing to do with Xiao Lingyu. He just had nothing to do and stared curiously.

The young friar soon saw Xiao Lingyu. His eyebrows wrinkled slightly. His flattering smile immediately converged. He also put away his handkerchief and glared at Xiao Lingyu.

Looking at the young monk\'s face, he seemed very unhappy that Xiao Lingyu was watching him chasing women. The stare just now was to warn Xiao Lingyu to go away quickly.

Xiao Lingyu suddenly came up with a plan. He not only didn\'t go, but also showed a disdainful smile.

The young monk was angry and stepped out three steps. He came to Xiao Lingyu like a gust of wind. Looking at his speed, his cultivation should have just arrived at the beginning of the great God.

"What are you looking at? Don\'t you have to do anything?" the young friar pointed to Xiao Lingyu and scolded angrily.

"I just look around. Don\'t get excited."

Xiao Lingyu smiled and said, "you don\'t have to do anything. Why should I do something?"

"You dare to compare with me, my father is the deputy village head!" the young friar replied proudly.

In this way, the young friar was born and raised in the divine world, not flying up from the lower world.

In fact, most of the monks in the divine world grow up in the divine world. Such monks have a better understanding of the difficulty of practice than those who fly up from the lower world. Therefore, their temperament and state of mind can not be compared with those who fly up.

"Oh? The son of the deputy village head doesn\'t have to do anything?" Xiao Lingyu asked in surprise. He didn\'t expect that there was bureaucracy in a small village in the divine world.

"As long as there is enough meat, you don\'t have to do anything. What about you? Do you have?" the young friar replied to Xiao Lingyu naturally.

"Since that\'s the case, it doesn\'t matter to you that I don\'t do anything. I\'m hungry. I deserve it. Just like I\'m standing here, I can see what I want to see. If you don\'t want me to see it, you can hide away, so I won\'t see you." Xiao Lingyu replied with a sharp mouth.

"Ha ha..." and Yueru pharmacist in the medicine garden smiled involuntarily. She thought Xiao Lingyu\'s answer was very interesting.

Yueru knows that Xiao Lingyu is not from lingu village and that the son of the deputy village head may not know about Xiao Lingyu, but at this time, she has no intention to explain the situation.

"In this village, I don\'t have to hide when I see the village head. Others always hide from me. If you know the truth, get away from me. Otherwise, hum..." the young friar said with a threatening face. He originally wanted to show his strength in Yueru pharmacist, but he didn\'t expect to run into a wall unprecedented in history, which made him very angry.

Xiao Lingyu understood at this time. No wonder that Yueru pharmacist would be very patient with this guy. It turned out that this guy had some background, but what he didn\'t understand was how the son of the deputy village head could be so arrogant?

"Don\'t scare me, I\'m not scared." Xiao Lingyu replied in an arrogant tone, and the disdain on his face was very obvious.

"How dare you call yourself Lao Tzu in front of me?"

The young friar was completely angered, waved his fist and hit Xiao Lingyu on the chest.

Although they were very close, and although the young friar shot quickly, Xiao Lingyu could easily dodge, but he didn\'t dodge, but let the other party\'s fist hit his chest firmly. Then he gave a scream and flew out.

While flying upside down, Xiao Lingyu vomited a long string of blood.

Xiao Lingyu\'s body fell to the ground after flying five feet backwards. Then he struggled to get up, but he vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood and couldn\'t get up.

Xiao Lingyu is pretending. He wants to "get hurt" again, and then he can continue to stay in lingu village to recover.

The young friar didn\'t know that Xiao Lingyu was pretending. At first, he looked at his fist in surprise. It seemed that he didn\'t expect his fist to be so powerful. However, at this time, Yueru was watching. Then he touched his painful fist with indifference and said in a posture after the strong won: "With this skill, I dare to speak wildly. It\'s really bad!"

"How can you beat people indiscriminately?" Xiao Lingyu asked falsely and angrily.

At this time, Yueru also came over. After staring at the young monk, she quickly walked to Xiao Lingyu and waved her sleeve to make a blue light curtain on Xiao Lingyu.

Xiao Lingyu\'s expression was painful, but he was happy in his heart, and secretly said that the boy really cooperated.

However, under the blue light curtain, he felt that his whole body was bathed in the holy light, and every inch of his muscles and bones were very comfortable.

The effect of the blue light curtain on the body is too obvious and effective. If you do it again, Xiao Lingyu thinks he is likely to be addicted.

While enjoying it, Xiao Lingyu had to pretend pain, and his expression was a little distorted.

This is naturally seen in Yueru\'s eyes. She feels a little funny in her heart. She knows very well that no matter how heavy the injury is, as long as she is wrapped by her own blue light curtain, there will be no more pain and even show the color of enjoyment at the meeting. At this time, Xiao Lingyu\'s expression is obviously abnormal.

"Just continue to install it. You have been installing it from the beginning. Now you have to install it again. I really don\'t know what your purpose is..."