Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 445

Liu family can be said to be in full swing. There are several people who are next to heaven soul. Nearly 100 people are also strong spirits. The strength is shaking. Liu Zhaoyu, the elder brother of liucaiyu, is the leader of the team. In the back of Liuzhao, with two beautiful beauties with beautiful looks, the left is younger and the appearance is amazing. But the one on the right is like a natural person, which makes it hard to forget.

She was a white dress, long hair like ink hanging on the waist, bright eyes, beautiful teeth, the mountain, a smile, all have a feeling of heart, but not let anyone feel a little flattery, but always revealed a pure and sacred temperament, like a fairy in nine heaven.

Almost all people's eyes were all on the woman, not only for her beauty, but also for her identity.

Ranked eighth master, Yi Bai Xiu!

The sound of the noise is rising and falling.

"Is this the fabulous white show of the talented woman in the list of masters ranked eighth? It is like a cactus. "

"What did she do?"

"I heard that she was closely related to Miss Liu Nuo. I think it must have been brought by Miss No."

Others whisper.

Dragon family side, the face is not good-looking, the emperor has no open cavity, eyes also a ray of dignified.

Liu family experts come out together, even the master has invited, what do they want to do?

The Dragon enemy was supported by the Dragon desert and looked at Liu Zhao and others who came there, and the old eyebrows were locked tightly.

"Old dragon, you are also a face-catching person. How can you be so mediocre? Not only will the dragon family so big family industry to a yellow haired girl, but also to a little boy who do not know how to kneel... Tut Tut, if the British war old man is alive, you will be alive and angry to die. " Liu Zhao smiles and squints.

"Liu Zhao, how can the old man do things that you can't manage. In terms of generation, you are also the younger generation. How dare you speak like this?" Dragon desert is quite a natural airway.

"Oh, Longmo, you are a generation of incompetence, what qualifications do you have to scold me?" Liu Zhao sneered: "you are such a waste, who has been the scapegoat of others, you still don't know, but also silly and stupidly in this lesson I, it is ridiculous."

"What are you talking about?" The Dragon desert gnawed his teeth.


Liu Zhao clapped his hand and walked out of a student's sharp mouth and monkey cheek waiter immediately behind him.

People were all on him.

"Tell me what you see." Liu Zhao, Tao.

"Yes, my Lord." The waiter nodded and shouted to all: "the young man sent letters to Meidu at the order of his adult this morning. When he came to wulangshan, he saw Fu Xiong of the Tianwang palace leading a group of experts in the spirit of heaven to wulangshan. When the small one came back from Meidu, he saw that the third master Xiao in the palace of heaven was secretly calculated by the thief."

The waiter said it here and went back.

"What do you mean?" One day the elder of the Palace said, "are you wondering if this is my own play by the king of heaven?"

"I dare not, but my Liu family are honest people. My servant is very honest. He just said what he saw and heard, just that." Liu Zhao laughs.

And when the voice came, all the people understood everything.

Obviously, Liu Zhao will not be so empty and full of people in the palace today. Fu Xiong is not in the palace of heaven, and all of them can see it.

But what is the good end of the story? Why did Fu Xiong take people to wulangshan? And inexplicable, why the dragon family to attack the palace of heaven? And attack the third master Xiao who is facing his relatives? If you really want to do it to Xiao Sanyo, why don't you wait for him to go to the edge of Longcheng and do it again? So Xiao San ye can never run away.

In fact, from the beginning, the palace of heaven and many great abilities have guessed that Longcheng people were wronged, but no one expected that the people who planned this matter together would be the king of heaven.

"Bring Fu Xiong and Xiao Liu."

The emperor had no expression and drank.

The elder next to him immediately retreated.

Soon, Xiao and Fu Xiong were brought to the elder.

Fu Xiong lowered his head, while Xiao Liu was panicked and overwhelmed.

"Bye... To see the palace Lord."

They knelt down and kowtow and worshipped.

"Look up."

The emperor said.

They trembled and looked up, but they dared not rise, because the emperor did not ask them to rise.

"Fu Xiong, we ask you, where are you at noon today?" The emperor looked at Fu Xiong with a solemn look and asked.

Fu Xiong turned his face, and he said hoarse with his head low: "Fu Xiong is in the palace..." br >

mixed accounts! "

The emperor was angry and the terrible momentum went directly to pay for the shock.


Fu Xiong spits out a gulp of red blood, almost fainting past.

A white night, looking at it, was surprised.

I didn't expect the emperor's momentum was so terrible, but actually, the power seemed to be higher than the original imperial rainbow. I didn't expect that the most powerful of these giants was the emperor.

"You have gone to wulangshan obviously, but you still don't admit it? Yes? Do I have to go to wulangshan to show my "Tianyi skill"The emperor drinks cold.

Tianyishu is a unique soul technique for entering the soul continent. It can be used to force the scene of a region within a day to be presented as an illusion. This kind of soul technique can only be practiced by those who control the power of space with medicine. At present, many people in the Vientiane sect are proficient in this technique.

Although Fu Xiong had made sufficient preparations before the action, even if the emperor performed Tianyi, he could not tell who the murderer was, but now the emperor has suspected Fu Xiong, and he can be convicted only by catching any clues related to Fu Xiong, which is inevitable.

Fu Xiong knows that he can't argue. In the face of so many powers, he can't lie at all, but he still admits it.

"Report back to the palace master, Fu Xiong... Fu Xiong pleaded guilty..."

"it is you who attacked the third master?" The emperor asked.

"Yes..." Fu Xiong drooped his head.

"Who ordered you to do that?" Next to the head of Tianwang palace.

"Yes... Yes..." Fu Xiong opened his mouth and did not dare to speak again. He just pressed his head deeply on the ground.

"Liu er."

The emperor spoke slowly.

Fu Xiong is Xiao Liu's confidant. Everyone in Tianwang palace knows that Fu Xiong can't do without Xiao Liu's advice?

"Gilt son is in..." Xiao Liu whole body trembles, kneels on the ground trembles a way.

"Although you are not my Xiao family's blood, my brother always regarded you as his successor before he had a son, and even more regarded you as his own flesh and blood. It was and is now. Do you know how happy he is when he knows you are going to marry? But how can you... Be worthy of him? "

The emperor sighed deeply, his expression was full of vicissitudes and helplessness.

Xiao Liu was full of tears and sobbed.

"Uncle Liu... I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for my adoptive father..." Xiao Liu knocked his head heavily on the ground and cried bitterly.

"Why do you do this?"

"Liu'er... Doesn't want to marry Longyue... The person that liu'er likes is Yan'er's sister!" Xiao Liu cried.

"You..." the emperor was very angry. He took a few deep breaths, closed his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "for the sake of the benevolent brother, from today on, you will live in the temple of repentance. I will order someone to guide you. When will you enter the realm of Yang soul and when will you come out again?"

Hearing this, Xiao Liu was shocked.

Yang soul state? With his talent, I'm afraid he will never play in his life.

But he couldn't resist.

"Thank you... Thank the palace master..." Xiao Liu whispered hoarsely.

"I've seen you grow up since I was a child. I know you very well. You won't do such a thing easily. Who instigated you?"


"are you going to cheat me?" The emperor's eyes were open, and his arrogance was revealed.

"Yes... It's Luo Guanshi..."

"take Luo Guanshi and put them in prison first."

The emperor was indifferent.

"Yes." The next day, the people of the palace immediately left.

"Palace master..."

"do you have anything else to say?" The emperor looked at him with dignity.

Xiao Liu hesitated, his expression was very painful, and said in a low voice, "I want to see my father."

"He's waiting for you in the king's palace."

The emperor waved and the elder took it down.

"Palace master, what should Fu Xiong do?" Asked the elder.

"Although Fu Xiong helped the tyranny, it was because of liu'er that Fu Xiong was devoted and loyal to our heavenly king palace. He left it to you and dealt with it lightly." The emperor was indifferent.

Fu Xiong heard the sound and repeatedly kowtowed: "thank you, palace master."

After a while, Fu Xiong was taken down.

Others saw this, and were stunned.

The emperor let Xiao Liu and others off easily?

However, those who have a heart understand that the emperor is trying to buy people's hearts. What's more, killing Xiao Liu doesn't help. Xiao Liu is just being used by others. Now the biggest problem is that the emperor doesn't know how to get things out of Luo's mouth.

"Master Xiao, I'm going to help you find out the traitors and traitors in the heavenly king palace. Shouldn't you thank me?" Liu Zhao said with a smile.

"This is the family affair of my heavenly king palace. Your hand is a little long." The emperor hummed.

"Ah, I'm well fed, but since that's the case, the dragon family is innocent. You can go back, Emperor." Liu Zhao said scornfully.

"If you don't mind my family, do you mind?" The emperor's face did not change.

"Whatever you want, Master Yi is here. I don't think you can do anything about it."

Liu Zhao sneers and looks at the white night.

"Is this Bai Ye, the tenth master newly appointed? It doesn't look so good, but I must be able to be a master. Master Bai and the dragon family have nothing to do with you. Please leave quickly to avoid trouble. " Liu Zhaodao.

Now the emperor has no excuse to attack the dragon city. As long as he leaves at night, no one will fight for the dragon city with the Liu family. Liu Zhao will surely take the opportunity to control the Dragon enemies.He came here to take this piece of fat which the Liu family coveted for a long time. How can he let others interfere?

However, the response to Liu Zhao is a cold word.

"Go away!"

The sound is in all directions.

Liu Zhao's smile was stiff.

"White night, what are you? How dare you talk to my big brother like that Liu Caiyu jumped up and scolded: "please kneel down and apologize to us immediately."

"What a big voice of the Liu family. Dare you ask the master to kneel down and apologize? See it The emperor hummed coldly.

"A humble man from the mainland of Qingge killed the imperial master by some means. This kind of person is also called the grand master?"

Liu Zhao's eyes were ferocious and said in a cold voice: "white night, I don't care about you because I see the emperor's face. It's not my Liu family who is afraid of you. Don't toast or eat or punish you!"

"I'll take the fine wine."

In the white night, her eyes were straight towards the woman in white clothes like snow, and her voice was calm.

"The reason why the Liu family dares to do so is to rely on your existence. In this case, you can do it."

The whole audience was shocked when this remark fell.

All around you can open your eyes and your heart is beating wildly.

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