Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 446

With a trace of helplessness on her white face, a crisp and graceful voice came out: "master Bai, why is this so? If you can solve this matter without using a sword, would it be better?"? It's not easy for us to cultivate souls. Why do we have to fight to the death? "

"Since you don't want to move the sword, it's easy." White night nods: "you lead them to leave immediately, between you and me, can avoid the war."

White clothes show a smile.

"Master Yi gives you face, but you are shameless. Hum, white night, what are you? It is no wonder that we are so ungrateful. "

When Liu Zhao heard the voice, his face was angry, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense. He raised his hand, and several of Liu's lower heaven soul worshippers immediately surrounded him.

"Kill him!"

Liu Zhao said coldly.


Several people drink, such as lightning rushed toward the white night, killing vent.

"Wait a minute!"

Yi Bai Xiu cried out in a hurry.

But she was a little late.

When the lightning flashed by, several dark figures appeared on the white night, like a powder, which instantly blew down the lower heaven soul worshippers.

As soon as they saw it, these black figures turned out to be organ people.


The white night is light.

The mechanism man pounced on those heaven soul worshippers, like a hungry tiger fighting for food.

They have been transformed by a large number of high-level equipment of the ethereal school in the white night. Now they can fight with the middle heaven soul worshippers. However, many high-level materials have been wasted in transforming these mechanisms. After all, the mechanism technology of the moon worship God sect has not kept up with the strength of these mechanism people. If you have the opportunity, you should ask Qianlong if you know any powerful mechanism skills.


The sound of a few tears of skin and flesh, the Liu family master students were torn into pieces by the mechanism man, and blood spilled down.

Liu Zhao was stunned.

The master of the Liu family, just like this, didn't even support twenty interest.

They don't know how terrible the organ people are after being transformed by the colorful nepheline and a large number of top-level materials. The power of the five organ people has been able to shake the white night.

"What's this... What's going on?" Liu Caiyu was in a daze.

The flowers are not cherry trees, and so on. They are quiet and scared.

There are not many people in the soul land who have the strength of heaven soul worshiper. Is this the method of white night?

Those who had doubted the emperor's words before now dare not say a word at this moment. The heaven soul worshiper is like a pig and a dog in front of the white night. What's so strange about such a person killing Yu Changhong?

Longmo, Liu Qinghe and others have complex expressions, and their hearts are bitter and regretful. Originally, this is the real dragon of their dragon family, but they are born and missed because of their ignorance. Although Bai Ye doesn't intend to destroy the dragon family, from his attitude, he obviously will not help the dragon family any more, unless the dragon family is led by Longyue, that is, he is in charge.

Liu Zhao is obviously shocked to, people back again and again, a look of shock on his face.

"This white night, how arrogant!"

Liu Nuo, who has been silent, began to speak. Her eyebrows are tight and her small face is full of displeasure: "sister Xiu, or you will teach this guy a good lesson. Forget it, lest he deceives us!"

"Although the soul of this man is not high, his breath is terrible. I can't see through his breath until now. It's like a mixture of several forces. It's not simple. If what the emperor says is true and he did kill Yu Changhong, I won't be easy to defeat him." Yi Bai Xiu said.

"Yu Changhong is just a new tenth master. Sister, you are ranked eighth. How can you not deal with him?" Liu Nuo murmured.

"Silly girl, before and after ranking does not represent the strength level, what's more, he ranked tenth because he killed Yu Changhong. Who can know what his real strength is?" Yi Bai Xiu has no choice but to smile.

"What do you say, sister? Will that be all? " Liu Nuo said indignantly.

Yi Bai Xiu sighed: "Nuo'er, I didn't want to get involved in this matter, but considering the feelings between you and me, if it wasn't for the help of the Liu family, I was afraid that I would not have become a master. Therefore, I have to do my best to help you now that you Liu family is going to attack the dragon family today."

She rode up to the white night.

People's eyes immediately fell on them.

"Master Bai."

Yi Baixiu nodded slightly, and her pink lips lit up: "today's affairs are really not my wish. If I didn't repay my gratitude, I would not come here. Yi Baixiu is not a person of power. But here today, I still dare to ask Master Bai not to intervene in this matter. In this way, Yi Baixiu owes you a favor. Do you think so?"

The white night looks calm. Instead of answering Yi Baixiu's words, he looks sideways at the Dragon enemy.

"Dragon enemy, what about your dragon family's decision."

"From today on, the dragon family leader will be replaced by Longyue."

The Dragon enemy sinks.

"Grandfather..." Long Yue was stunned.

"Yue'er, this is the dragon family's life and death. The rise and fall of the dragon family is in your hands." The Dragon enemy is heavy.Longyue's eyes were tearful and nodded.

Longmo, longnanli and others wanted to say something, but finally they stopped speaking.

But the Dragon flow can't hold her breath.

"Father, you give the throne of clan leader to Long Yue, but you don't give the dragon family to others?" Long Liu cried out in anger.

"That's right, old man. You're pushing the dragon family into the fire pit. It's better to pass the clan leader's position to longliu. I promise you, as long as you give the clan leader's position to longliu, the Liu family will give full support to longliu, and no one else will covet it again! How about it? " Liu Caiyu cried out in a hurry.

The Dragon enemy was silent.

At present, the biggest enemy of the dragon family is not the white night, but the Liu family. The Liu family has been spying on the dragon family. If the leader of the clan is handed over to long Liu, it is really sent into the mouth of the tiger. The white night is only one person, but there are a group of jackals on the other side of the Liu family. How can the Dragon enemies not know this truth?


Liu Zhao was furious: "dragon enemy, do you look down on my Liu family?"

"Have you ever looked up to my dragon family?" The Dragon enemy asked.


angry, Liu Zhao immediately turned around and clasped his fist at Yi Baixiu: "Master Yi, please do something to frighten the white night. The dragon family and his party can give it to the Liu family."

"Do you really want to use swordsmen?"

Yi Baixiu sighs, knowing that this battle is inevitable, she jumps like a fairy flying out of the sky, landing on her feet and standing upright.

People only see the light in front of them.

A smell of fragrance fell on the white night.

In the white night, he turned over and dismounted, and the people in front of him scattered around.

Master is going to fight!!

The emperor and others all stare at the scene. The Dragon enemy and the Dragon desert are also staring at this scene, and their eyelids dare not blink.

"Master Bai, today you are for the dragon family, I am for the Liu family. You and I fight each other, which is not what you and I want. There is no deep hatred between you and me. As the saying goes, enemies should be solved rather than ended. What do you think?" White clothes show crisp voice said.

White night indifferently nodded.

"Bai Xiu is not talented. If he can't defeat master Bai Ye, he will leave immediately and stop interfering in this matter."

Yi Baixiu made a slight salute, then raised her catkin, a cold light swept out from her waist, and a slender soft sword with silver light appeared in her palm.

White night with one hand on the green sword, slightly closed his eyes: "if I do not enemy you, I will only take a dragon month, dragon family affairs, I do not interfere."

He did not like the dragon family. The reason why he didn't pursue the dragon family was because of the Dragon month. However, it does not mean that the white night is a big man. Since he does not investigate the dragon family, he has to control the dragon family, so as to avoid such things happening in the future.

The dragon family should always pay the corresponding price for what they have done. If the dragon family regards white night as the Savior, it would be a big mistake.

If you don't defeat Yi Baixiu, white night doesn't want to pay attention to the dragon's house. As long as the Dragon moon is safe, others can not care.


White clothes nodded, momentum swing open, snow-white clothes slightly blowing, such as ink long hair also flutter up.


Her soul is bright, and on the gorgeous dimple of Bai Xiu, she climbs up several terrible soul lines. However, these seemingly ferocious soul lines appear on her face, which adds a lot of beauty to her.

Three lives, three changes.

People all around him were pale and frightened.

What a terrible gift!

"It's terrible, the three spirits of heaven! How difficult it is for us to have a change. It's good for us to have a change. Two changes can be called genius, but Master Yi has three... "Hua Feiying said.

"This is the strength and horror of the master. Their talent is incomparable, and their strength will make us not believe it!" Pang Ren.

All the people around were shocked by the strength of Yi Bai Xiu, especially the people in Longcheng. The faces of Longmo and longnanli have already shown despair, and the enemies of the dragon are dignified.

What is the level of the power of soul? White night is just a person of nine levels in Wu Hun state. Is she really her opponent?

The more the number of heavenly spirits, the more powerful the soul is. The higher the level of variation is, the more terrifying the original strength and strength of the heavenly spirit. Variation is not easy. Once it changes, the power is qualitative. One change and two changes are the difference between heaven and earth, and the second and third changes are also.

White night is no more than the Ninth level of Wu Hun state. What kind of spirit can there be?

"What? White night, Master Yi's strength is not comparable to that of your lower level waste? Now, it's time to roll over and kneel for mercy. "

Liu Zhao sneered.

"Beg for mercy? He insulted my Liu family, and I can't forgive him! Today, in any case, we want this person to die here. Master Yi, if you don't want to do it, my Liu family can do it. " Liu Caiyu exclaimed.

Yi Bai Xiu did not make a sound, staring at the white night, the expression gradually heavy up.

She seemed to see something.

Bai Ye didn't show any surprise when she was faced with her three changed spirits...

"Master Yi is indeed very talented."At this time, the emperor, who had been silent, interrupted Hua Feiying's argument and shook his head: "but compared with master Bai, it is still much worse."

Hua Feiying and others are stunned.

Bad? Or many?

But see the breath of the whole body of white night slowly condense, on his face, also climb up the soul line.

However, these soul lines are different from huafeiying, whose soul lines almost coincide with each other and cover the whole face.

After counting around, everyone was silent.

"Wu Sheng... Tian hun?" Liu Zhao stupidly said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!