Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 444

"Oh? Is it the Lord of the imperial palace White night looks indifferent, asked long Yue: "moon, did the heavenly king palace force you to marry them?"

"No, I don't have a high status in the dragon family. There's no need for the heavenly king palace to force me." Long Yue shakes his head, a warm heart, a soft voice: "thank you, white night."

On hearing this, the emperor had already guessed the clue. He held his fist again: "master, these are all misunderstandings. We don't know the relationship between miss Longyue and you. If we know, the heavenly palace will never allow this marriage."

The emperor's attitude towards the white night was good. In addition to the previous black mountain war, he did not have a grudge against the white night.

White night nodded: "if so, nature is best."

"How dare you ask Master Bai, you and the dragon family..."

"I only know Longyue, but none of them." White night opens again.

Hearing this, the emperor was overjoyed.

This sentence completely shows the position of white night.

He turned his head, looked coldly at the Dragon enemy and others, and said, "dragon enemy, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

At the moment, the dragon family can not accept it, especially long Mo and Liu Qinghe. They are shocked and surprised.


This young man who doesn't seem to be 30 years old is a master? How could that be possible!

"The Lord of the imperial palace... What's going on here? Is he... He... A master at night? " Long Mo was stunned and asked in amazement.

"Yes, Lord Bai Ye defeated Yu Changhong, the 10th master in Qingge mainland. Now he has been recognized by the Vientiane gate as the new master. If it's a fake one, you can replace it!" The emperor looked at Longyue, Longmo and others. He seemed to understand everything and said with a smile: "could you neglect the master because of the low spiritual level of master Bai?"

Liu Qinghe and others heard the sound, a burst of color change.

At the moment, Liu Qinghe and long Mo have long regretted that they are all green. If they know that Bai Ye Gui is a master, what kind of marriage should they have with Tianwang palace? If they can get a master, who dares to provoke the dragon family?

"What you two did The beard of the Dragon enemy was trembling.

"Dad, how can we know that a kid from Qingge mainland will be a master!"

Liu Qinghe sighed.

This kind of thing is not believed.

Long Mo still refuses to accept it, and asks, "emperor, are you deceived by this man? A master is comparable to a leader of a great school. He is invincible in the realm of Yang soul. He is not even a master in heaven and soul. How can he be a master

"But I saw him kill Yu Changhong with my own eyes. Isn't that enough?" The emperor clasped his fist to Bai Ye: "please show me the master's order, and let these low-lying things have a good look."

With a wave of the white night, a golden token was hung on his waist.

Master order!

It is made of materials from the outside of the sky. It looks like gold in the distance and jade in the near. It is beautiful and looks like an immortal.

Everyone's eyes were wide open.

Long Mo was dumb and had nothing to say.

It is of great significance for a master to enter the soul land. It is a death penalty to pretend to be a master. However, imitating a master's token will be pursued by the Vientiane gate. No one dares to do so.

Now there is an emperor to testify, and the white night is also a token. His master's identity is no longer in doubt.

"Lord Longdi, maybe you don't know it. Just a few days ago, master Bai personally went to the ethereal sect and completely destroyed it. The master should not be offended. He sent people to persecute master Bai. Now all the worshipers have been killed by themselves. Maybe today, you, the Dragon City, will become the second ethereal sect." The flowers over there are not Sakura, singing with a smile.

The Dragon enemy's face is full of old eyebrows and his sunken eyes are full of regret and dignified.

"No wonder the white night has disappeared these days, so you went to the ethereal school..." Liu Qinghe was stunned.

"Dragon enemy! Longmo! Dragon flow! Long Nan Li! You collude with the Royal Marquis house to persecute our heavenly king palace. You attack the master here with intent to do harm to the master! What else do you have to say? "

The emperor's face was whole, and he drank in anger.

The sound and waves made the wall crack.

All the Dragon families are afraid.

"Emperor, my dragon family is sincere in marrying you. How can we do such a thing? You are a wise man, how can you not observe? Don't fall into the trap of treacherous people because of temporary interests. As for master Bai, it's all a misunderstanding. " The Dragon enemy murmured his lower lip and finally opened his mouth. As soon as he finished speaking, he secretly flushed at the Dragon desert and made a wink.

Long Mo will understand, quickly low voice to Long Yue called twice.

Longyue has a good relationship with the white night. Obviously, the dragon family wants to turn around the room by relying on the Dragon moon.

Now the white night is still here. Maybe everything will change.

If Bai Ye is willing to stand at the head of the dragon's house with the face of a master, I believe that the emperor will not investigate this matter.

But the Dragon moon lowered her head and remained silent.

"Moon..." Liu Qinghe hurriedly walked over and pulled her to say she was crying.

"Niang, although I have something to do with Bai Ye, it's not what you think. This time it's the dragon family that made a mistake. I won't plead for the dragon family. In this way, I'm sorry for Bai Ye." Long Yue bit the pink lip and whispered."Do you want to watch the dragon family fall? Do you want to be a sinner of the dragon family? " Long Mo sullen road.

"Sinner? Why me? Is that what I would like to do? " Long Yue said in pain.

Long Mo was speechless.

Yes, it's the dragon family, not the Dragon moon, who drove the white night away.

"So far, it's all our fault." Liu Qinghe is bitter and astringent.

"Niang..." Long Yue's face turned white.

Dragon flow looks complicated.

Liu Caiyu smiles secretly and looks at Longmo couple with great interest.

Such scenes did not soften the hearts of emperors and others.

As long as they don't open their mouths in the daytime, they dare to start boldly. Although the dragon family has gone down, the huge resources of the whole dragon city can not be underestimated.

"Master Bai!"

Just then, the Dragon enemy called.

White night raised his indifferent eyes and looked at the past.

But he saw the Dragon enemy clubbed on his crutches and walked step by step. When he reached more than ten meters, he suddenly knelt down on his knees.



The dragon family cried out.

There was an uproar.

The Dragon enemy... Knelt down to the white night.

Long Nanli and others rushed to help the Dragon enemy, but he pushed him away.

"Up to now, we have nothing to say. Master Bai, we have eyes and don't know Taishan. We offended you. Please don't remember the villains. I hope you can save the dragon family on the kneeling of Longyue and Laolao."

The Dragon enemy was hoarse.

In the end, he was not a dragon and a hero, otherwise, he would not have been humiliated like this.

Longyue's eyes are full of tears, but she still looks down.

She did not dare to ask for the white night, nor was she qualified to ask for the white night. For her sake, she would not hesitate to fight against the Dragon City, or even the heavenly king palace. He did not pay attention to him. Longyue knew that she owed him a lot, so what qualification did she have to ask for him?

And the generation of Longmo and longliu would not be like this. Only the wily dragon enemy would be like this. He had not put his dignity in his heart for a long time. As long as the dragon family could be preserved and made strong, he would rather kneel down.

People looked at the white night one after another, even the emperor and others also cast their eyes.

When the Dragon enemy kneels down, it is of great significance.

This represents the whole dragon family bowing to the white night.

One person pressure of a city people bow!

This is the power of master!

The white night's expression was still indifferent. For the Dragon enemy, he just glanced at it lightly, and then took his sight back. After a moment, a word floated out.

"Your kneeling is worthless."

After this, the old face of the Dragon enemy was pale, and the dragon family suddenly felt that the end of the world was coming, as if they had been declared dead.

White night doesn't care about the Dragon enemy kneeling...

"however, I can read in the Dragon month, not destroy the dragon city."

At this time, white night added another sentence.

As soon as the Dragon enemy and others heard it, they were stunned.

"Before that, you have to promise me a condition."

"Don't say one. As long as master Bai is willing to forgive me, even a hundred things we can do are fine."

Longmo is in a hurry.

The white night looked at the Dragon enemy and nodded. The white night then said, "from today on, the dragon family is in the charge of the Dragon moon."


The dragon family was shocked.

"No! I don't agree! "

Liu Caiyu was almost the first one to oppose it. People jumped out and yelled.

What's the meaning of letting Long Yue take over the dragon family at night? That can't be more obvious. By virtue of the relationship between the white night and the Dragon moon, isn't this big dragon family going to fall into the hands of white night?

The Liu family also intends to infiltrate the dragon family and gradually encroach on this ancient family. How can they tolerate the white night?

"I promise!"

Just as the surrounding area was boiling, the Dragon enemy called out.

"Grandfather..." Long Yue was totally lost in his mind.

"Dad, how can this... This work?"

"Longyue is young and immature. She can't take charge of Longcheng!"

Longliu and longnanli immediately opposed.

"Yue'er's surname is dragon at least. In her hands, our dragon family has not been lost. If you don't agree, look at these jackals... They will divide up the dragon family today!" The Dragon enemy looked at the emperor and others with deep eyes, and his voice was hoarse.


longliu also called twice.

But the Dragon enemy did not speak.

"My Lord, what should I do now? It seems that the dragon family has succeeded in attracting master Bai! " Flower is not cherry close to the emperor side, whispered.

"If master Bai really stands on the side of the dragon family, we can only give up. Master Bai's strength is terrible. We are not enemies. We can only be friends with him, not enemies! However, in my opinion, the Dragon enemy is still miscalculated. Once Long Yue takes over the dragon family, the big dragon city will be called Bai. " The emperor was indifferent.The crowd was silent.

"Is that so powerful, master Bai? We have so many people here, but I am afraid he won't be able to do it? " The leader of the Zong li of the point frost sect is a little reluctant to do so.

The emperor glanced at him and murmured, "what is the use of people? You have fought with the master Bai? Have you forgotten what happened in the past? "

"The emperor refers to the fall of the giants in the mainland of Qingge?" The flower is not cherry face slightly changed.

"Taoist master, ask the heaven song of the song city, the king of Luo of the myth gate, the green cold sword saint of the qingjianmen... Are all killed by Bai Zongshi?" The Lord of Qin hall at the gate of Yuetang was surprised.

"If I only heard it and would not believe it, but I saw it with my own eyes..." the emperor said: "you should not think he is only the 10th patriarch, he ranks tenth, but because he lost yuchanghong in the war, his real strength is far from that. I am afraid only those who are the top five of the patriarchs can the town live in the white master..." br >

everyone listens to it, and there is no one in it Don't pour out cool air.

The top five of the list of masters... That are all old masters who have been famous for many years. They are not respected. No one dare to fight with them.

"The dragon family can not let the Yellow haired girl take charge of it. I firmly oppose this matter, and ask the old man to think twice!"

At this time, a long drink from the road, then saw a group of people rushed to this.

Liu Caiyu came to see people, and he was very happy: "big brother!"

Liu family is here! , the fastest update of the webnovel!