Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 443

Seeing this young man, Liu Qinghe and Longmo's faces are not good-looking.

"Sister in law, do you know this yellow boy?" Liu Caiyu cast her eyes and asked Liu Qinghe with a smile.

"He... He's Yueer's friend." Liu Qinghe's eyes congealed, and made a salute to the Dragon enemy: "father-in-law, let me send him away."

"The big thing is coming. Let these guys stop." The Dragon enemy hummed.


Liu Qinghe looks ugly, and he hates the white night in his heart. At this time, this unintelligent guy still comes to make trouble. Does he know where dragon city is?

Liu Qinghe led two bodyguards of dragon city to the gate of the city. He was staring at the people coming out of the gate with cold eyes at night.

"White night, why are you here again? Didn't you leave quickly? How dare you come? " Liu Qinghe snorted coldly.

"Liu Qinghe! You seem to have forgotten what I said to you before I left? " The white night is light.

"What did you say?"

"I said that you should not do anything against Yueer's will, but you forced her to marry a member of the heavenly palace."

"What does this have to do with you? Who is Yueer? I'm Yueer's mother. It's our family business. You can't interfere with me! " Liu Qinghe hums: "white night, read in the Qingge mainland you took care of Yueer, I give you a way to go, immediately leave here, I can as nothing happened, if you don't go, don't blame me for being rude."

"I don't like to meddle in the daytime, but Yueer saved my life, so I can't ignore it."

The white night took a deep breath and closed his eyes: "since you say so, I will give you a way to the dragon family. I will take the moon back from Tianwang palace immediately. In this way, I will not care about you."

"You bastard, do you dare to be so rampant? Do you know where this is? My wife told you to get out of here, didn't you hear me? Don't go. I'll break your leg

Next to a bodyguard yelling and scolding, he will start.

White night eyes a Lin, low drink: "kneel down!"


The bodyguard's knees smashed to the ground, the ground cracked, and the kneecap bone was smashed directly.

Liu Qinghe was stunned and frowned and drank: "Chang Hu, what are you doing? Get up quickly

"Husband... Madam, I can't get up. My legs seem to be... Broken!" Cried the guard in agony.


Liu Qinghe's face was tight, staring at the white night and asked coldly, "did you do it?"

"Chang Hu is the first level of the heaven soul state. What mean means did he use? What a nuisance Another said angrily.

"Madame, avenge me!" Chang Hu is biting his teeth.

Liu Qinghe was so angry that she stared at the white night and said, "white night, it's your own toast. If you don't eat or drink, don't blame me! Li He! Take him down. If you dare to resist, cut off your hands and feet! "


The man in the heaven and soul state rushed to him immediately, pulled out his big knife from his waist and cut it toward the white night.

"Well, since the dragon family has chosen this way, don't blame me!"

White night repeatedly nodded, eyes are full of killing intention, finger toward the soul of that day people a little bit.


Li He's body immediately turned into a fragment and was shocked to death by the soul force.


Liu Qinghe and Chang Hu are both shocked, but they see a white night, a gust of wind.

Chang Hu's body is also directly broken, and Liu Qinghe is more like a piece of paper, repeatedly retreated by the wind.

"If you are not the mother of Yueer, I will kill you today. Go back and let the Dragon enemy come to see me

It's cold at night.


Liu Qinghe was so angry that he had to bite his teeth.

At this time, but see the Dragon enemy and dragon master out of the gate, toward this line.

"It seems that we have underestimated yue'er's friend."

The Dragon enemy looked at the broken corpses of Li He and Chang Hu, frowned slightly and said faintly.

"The Ninth level of Wu Hun state can wipe out two people of the first level of heaven and soul state in such a short time. It seems that he has some treasure in him." The Dragon stream nearby said.

"Well, what if that were the case? Is it hard for him to turn the world over? " Liu Caiyu glanced contemptuously at the white night and shook her head.

"Well, don't talk about it. The people in the heavenly palace are coming soon. We have to be ready."

The Dragon enemy looked at the white night and said: "green lotus, you come back. I'll give this matter to long Mo and Mo'er. Please send him away quickly. Don't delay any more."


Long Mo nods.

The Dragon enemy and his party went to the other end.

"White night, I understand your feelings, because I am also a person from the past, but you have to understand your own identity and strength. People have self-knowledge. If you are not worthy of my family, why don't you give up? Do you really want me to kill you, make yue'er miserable, and let you lose your life in vain"I have given you the opportunity again and again. Since you still choose to do so, I have to abolish your cultivation first, and then go to Longyue."

White night closed his eyes and said indifferently.

He was too lazy to explain. At this time, there was no means to be more convincing.

"I don't know."

Long Mo shakes his head and wants to make a move.

But just then, a loud cry came.

"Master! Master! Ma'am

The voice was very fast. People looked at it and saw that it was the previous wedding procession. Obviously, the team was attacked and all the people were injured. Even the giant elephant carrying the wedding sedan chair was covered with knife marks and blood was flowing continuously.

People standing at the gate of longchengkou were shocked.


When the giant elephant reached the gate, he sobbed and fell to the ground.

In the wedding sedan chair, the Dragon moon jumped down, and her face was slightly white.

Liu Qinghe rushed to.

"What's the matter?" Long Liu asked.

"The elders of the Xiao family suddenly appeared, saying that our dragon family was treacherous, persecuted the heavenly king palace for the reason of marriage, and even more wanted to take away the young lady. We fought to death and escaped." One dragon city people cry.

The people looked ugly.

Fortunately, the procession of seeing off the relatives are all elite in Longcheng. If I were an ordinary person, I'm afraid Longyue has been held by the people of the heavenly king palace.

"White night, you... Why are you here?"

When Long Yue broke free from Liu Qinghe's arms, she saw a familiar figure over there, and was surprised.

"Moon, would you like to marry someone from the palace of heavenly kings?" Looking at the Dragon moon in the white night, she asked faintly.

"I..." Long Yue opened his mouth, but did not know how to answer.

"If you don't want to, you can go with me. I will guarantee your safety. No one will embarrass you."

"Joke! What are you, just a person of nine levels in the martial spirit realm, who dare to make a lot of remarks here? " Long Nanli can't help speaking.

The people looked angry. The impression of the white night on them was really crazy. Rao shilongdi felt that he could not be educated at the moment.

"Longmo, why don't you do it?"

The Dragon enemy drinks low.

"Father. Desert son solves this person immediately

Long Mo nods, immediately urges the momentum to press toward the white night.

He is also the strength of the next heaven soul master. When dealing with a person in the martial spirit realm, he can blow it away in one breath.

"No, Dad." Long Yue shouts.

But it was too late.


When the fearsome venerable spirit of Longmo pressed toward the white night, there was no movement. Even the vegetation around the white night did not move.

It's amazing.

"Long Mo, are you still merciful?" Next to Liu Caiyu, yin and Yang strange airway.

"No, this one is... A little weird." Long Mo feels wrong, frown to say.

"Weird? It is obvious that you are incompetent

Liu Caiyu disdains a way, and then toward the side of a middle-aged man to make a wink.

The man immediately flew out, his hands like eagle claws, toward the head of the white night.

"Liu Baowei!" Long Yue cried out in silence.

Liu Baowei, Liu Caiyu's younger brother, was arranged to be the captain of the dragon city guard. He was powerful and was the first person to infiltrate the dragon family.

"Good come!"

White night does not hide, staring at the thundering Eagle claws, hands into a fist, straight away.


Its paws, however, are still on the ground, but they are still hard to move.


People were shocked.

Liu Caiyu was stunned.

"You don't believe me when I say he's a little weird." Long desert road.

"In that case, you wait together and kill this man!"

The Dragon enemy felt that the situation was wrong and made a decision immediately.

All the masters of the dragon family came out together and killed seven people in the white night.

"Grandfather, stop it!! Although the white night is only a martial spirit realm person, but he has the strength to kill the heaven soul worshiper! Stop it

The Dragon moon sees this and shouts in a hurry.

But the dragon family will not believe him.

"Wu Hun Jing Sha Tian Hun Zun, yue'er, do you think we are three-year-old children?"

Liu Caiyu hummed.

But as soon as the voice fell, a terrible trend suddenly spread.

All of them were startled and looked up, but they saw that the young man's face was covered with terrible lines like poisonous snakes. The powerful soul power stirred up, and the body shapes of the seven heavenly spirit worshippers who rushed to him were all slowed down.

"This is..." long Liu was surprised.

"The spirit of the five living heaven!"

The Dragon enemy coagulates the way.

The white night looked at the seven men indifferently, and suddenly drew out their swords. A cold light rushed out and then disappeared.All seven people were frozen in place and could not move.

A detailed look at the throat of seven people, all of them are pierced by sword light.

Seven people all fall!

The seven lower heaven and soul masters died like this.

The dragon family is silent.

A pair of eyes almost fell out of the orbit.

This guy from Qingge mainland, his strength is so terrible?

It's impossible!!

"People of Longcheng, get out of here and see my emperor!"

Suddenly, a roar of anger came from the distance.

All the people in the city were shocked.

We can see a group of strong people with strong breath in the distance, and the first one is not others, but the emperor with terrible strength.

"At last

The Dragon enemy took a deep breath.

The dragon family's pressure is doubled. When they see the power of huafeiying and other great powers coming with the emperor, their hearts beat wildly at once...

how come there are so many sectarian powers?

What does the emperor do? Is it impossible to raze the dragon city?

However, as soon as the emperor arrived, he saw the young man standing there, his face suddenly changed, and he hurried forward, clasping his fists and saluting: "the emperor has seen master Bai. How can the master be here?"


The crowd was startled, and the whole dragon city exploded instantly.

Is this man, who has no strength in the heaven and soul realm, a master?

"What is the emperor talking about?"

Longdi and others only felt the brain tremble, a blank. , the fastest update of the webnovel!