Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN)

117 Sunset in Reame Kingdom

Sunset in Reame Kingdom

Hilkiga, King of the Reame Kingdom

King Banks and King's General Rivar watched the Imperial Base of Gra Vulcus from the royal castle of King Hilkiga.

I'm kind of in a hurry.

People have been running around the base since earlier.

"You must be ready for an additional attack. If you were attacked by such a large army, you wouldn't be a big country, but the opponent is Japan.

Maybe it didn't destroy the target. "

Rival points to a radar site near the air traffic control tower.

"His Majesty the King is spinning over there with the ultra-technology of the Gra Vulcan Empire. It is located in a machine that can monitor the sky even in areas that cannot be seen from afar.

That it will be able to detect and intercept enemy approaches immediately. "

The king shouts in surprise.

"No way... it's from the ancient magical empire... you know... is that it?

"That's right, it's close to the Magic Conductive Converted Wave Reflection Detection Radar (Magic Electromagnetic Radar)."

Exactly... The same legendary Imperial weapon you even heard of is in front of you.

I cannot help but feel the strength of the power of the Gra Vulcan Empire.

Rival continues.

"A weapon called anti-aircraft guns placed on the base, even if the enemy breaks through the air defense net.

It is a weapon like the anti-aircraft magic cannon of the Holy Military Empire, but it is likely to reach high altitude. "

"That's all you have to say when you rule the world.

Technologies, quantities… our country was really good about the side of the Gras Vulcan Empire. "

"Yes, your reign is safe now."

"Well, I'm sorry about Japan, but let's get rid of it and feed our country. Ha-ha-ha."

King Reame Banks is absolutely confident looking at the radar site of the Gla Vulcan Empire Base.

Who would defeat such a mighty army? No, never.

We were not wrong.

The Imperial Army had enough strength to convince them of victory.


Suddenly Banks' gaze was on the radar site, scattered with a fierce explosion.


Slightly behind the explosion, the more I push my body... the more trembling a roar pushes Banks.

The power of the explosion is incredible.

The blast smoke gradually cleared up and the location of the radar site made of steel appeared.

Iron scrap wreckage.

"What the heck!!!


Then the anti-aircraft positions and the air traffic control room were wrapped in an explosion in an instant, and the fuel tanks stored in the base, the aircraft that were about to take off, and the aircraft that were parked were attacked.

Fuel tanks and ignited aircraft were wrapped in fierce black smoke and black dyed the kingdom's sky.


The alarm that is supposed to be in an emergency sounds late from the attack. The sight of the alarm sounding after a heavy blow

He looked so dumb.

It was an instant. In an instant, there were multiple simultaneous and violent explosions, and the Reame Kingdom outpost of the Gras Vulcan Empire lost its function.

"Nhh!! Nhh!!... Rival!! What the hell is going on!!! What's going on!!!

Banks screams.

Until now, when I was convinced of the victory, there was no shadow to see, and I looked at the burning base.

The overwhelming army that has feared it loses its ability to fight back in an instant.

"Hey Rival!!

"Stupid... stupid... stupid..."

"Hey, do something about it!!

"Oh no... such an idiot..."

The instantaneous collapse of the mighty army. The word of the king does not come in.

"No way... no way... for Japan, my country, the Empire of Papuldia, and even the Empire of Gra Vulcan are equally weak enemies?

There's not much difference in the power of ammunition, and the Empire is overwhelmingly more powerful... why!! Why did you do that?

"Rival!! What are you gonna do?! If Japan... if Japan leaves the Empire, Japan, the Holy Military Empire and even the Empire of Papuldia will attack!!!

What am I supposed to do... what am I supposed to do?!!

The Dragon Knights set out in sight.

The attack on the opponent with different dimensions... The King and Rivar had no expectations at all, but they didn't even capture where the enemy was in the first place, so they flew over King's Landing.

"Ah... ah... that!!!

Numerous white lines appear over the sky, slowly approaching.

The numbers were so numerous and widespread that they seemed to cover up the sky.


Slightly audible beast roars, and slowly rising despair accelerates fear.

"No way... it was a Japanese bomber who allegedly destroyed the Estonian Army Base, the emperor of Papardia!!


Numerous lines that grow white and slowly in the blue sky.

An elite group of imperial paladians who were overwhelmingly more powerful than their own. Despair, said to have annihilated the base in charge of the imperial capital's defense, is now approaching me.

King Banks fears.

We can't afford to fight back against the Gla Vulcan Empire, which lost its base function in its first strike, allowing us to approach without any skill.

BP-3C, which has been converted into a bomb-throwable Maritime Self-Defense Forces anti-submarine guard aircraft.

Bomber Regiment reaches over King Ream's capital, Hilkiga, and rains bombs.

Huuuuu... huuuu...

The sound of the whistle attached to the bomb accelerates fear.

One fiercely explosive anti-ground bomb is fired in succession, blasting into the base of the Gra Vulcan Empire, where fire fighting continued.


"Ahh!!! Ahh!!!

The bomb also drops on the realm's royal castle, collapsing the tower that rises high.

Large-scale bombs landing successively on the royal castle burned while crushing the castle.

The Reim Imperial Castle was also added to the Japanese attack as an "enemy base", as the Gra Vulcan Empire was sending a command wave from an antenna attached to the Castle.


The long-standing royal government, the Old Castle Reame, collapses.

The interior is sparkly decorated, historic kings rule the country, historic buildings are unilaterally exposed to attack and collapse lightly.

Inside, there are... many important things that my family has served...

Had it not been for the radio waves of the Gra Vulcan Empire, it would have been diverted from the target.

However, there was no forgiveness for the opponent who was pointing a blade at Japan and easily claimed the lives of Japanese citizens.

The king shouts in fierce smoke, successive explosions, disappointment and despair.

"Uhhhhhh!! Up!!!

King Reame Banks, and General Rivar, under the King, died in despair, laying the ground of a crumbling, burning rock.

◆ ◆ ◆

Gra Vulcus Empire Reame Kingdom Outpost Underground Air Defense Trench

"Oh... my... my... my... so much!!

Explosive flames are blowing on the ground.

I don't even know when this place will disappear.

Next to the fear of death, Executive Murnow was furious, burning, and trembling with fear.

A subordinate stands beside me and talks.

"I didn't expect the Empire to take such a counterattack... but the strike operation against Japan..."

"Ah, you should think of it as a failure. Our attack was overwhelming.

It is a large unit on a large scale and it is hard to imagine launching a large base attack without intercepting it.

It could be smaller.

Either way, we've completely lost our command function.

As soon as the attack is over and the results of our attack are known, we will escape. "


"I have to take this information back to the Empire..."

Murnow thought about the math of returning home without losing his life.

◆ ◆ ◆

Emperor Papardia Estosirant

"Ohh... ooh... meeeeeeee!!

Kaios... a man who once served as Secretary General of the 3rd Foreign Office of the Empire of Papardia and is now Head of State.

He was rarely angry when he didn't normally get emotional.

The Ream Kingdom's Dragon Knights ambushed Duro, causing damage to merchant ships from other countries and their own citizens.

"Even though we lost our power, we are the Emperor of Papardia!! My land... my city... and the realm will attack me!!

Duro, originally an industrial city of the Palladia Empire, temporarily became part of an urban state called the Doria Community after the Palladia Empire War.

However, in industrial cities at Duro-level, it is not possible to compete with Japanese industrial levels, and although independent, the unemployed continue to be unable to sell anything at all.

Although some countries are seeking military supplies, Japanese pressure has prevented them from being exported.

Customers were mostly from the Palerdian Empire, with more disadvantages for independence due to tariffs, and citizens living as imperialists, which led to a return movement to Palerdia, which was once again absorbed by the Palerdian Empire by popular will.

Kaios can't stop his anger.

There was information that an attack was expected from Japan.

However, since the attack was carried out before the Dragon Knights could be assembled, most of them were destroyed, but not all could be prevented and damaged.

The elderly secretary talks to Kaios.

"It must have grown because of the base of the Gra Vulcan Empire."

"Reamers!! From the Holy Land attack, the Knights of the Wyburn Road dragons thought that the country would one day point their blades at the Ream and send their fleets to the capital of the Ream Kingdom!! I will destroy their capital!!!

"Will Japan be okay? How they perceive our military operations."

"Japan is fine. Our country was attacked by our land.

It only activates the right of self-defense and attacks the enemy's military power.

It's not a country that complains about activating its right to self-defense, but it might be welcome behind the scenes. "

"So you can't annihilate the capital?

"What does military power need?

Personnel are equipped. It's a military station.

"It is economic power that underpins it. We want to eradicate the source."

"It's an outrage... but I support Master Kaios."

The Empire of Parpardia has decided to turn its military might over to the realm.

◆ ◆ ◆

Ministry of Defense, Tokyo, Japan

"Operation BP-3C Bomb Regiment is complete, and the Gla Vulcan Empire air base in the Kingdom of Lime has confirmed that it is no longer functional."

The Defense Operations Office is disturbed by the report from the correspondent.

"The enemy maritime invasion unit, the Gra Vulcan Imperial Ship, has been neutralized. We have destroyed the Reame Kingdom Dragon Mother Fleet and confirmed the destruction of all air power."

The field is clapped.

Enemy invading forces. The number was overwhelmingly high, and the technical difference was not without anxiety.

But I lost my guard.

You should rather be glad that there were no Marine Self-Defense Force escorts or their own anti-air units.

"I report. A flight object 230 has appeared from the northern part of the Imperial Palladia heading towards the capital of the Kingdom of Lime.

In view of speed, it seems to be Wyburn Road. "

The rough spot calms down.

Reame was attacking Duro, a commercial city in Palladia, in Wyburn. Most of them were shot down by the Dragon Knights of Papardia, apparently primarily targeting Japanese facilities.

"Imperial Palladia calls through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Empire was attacked by the realm.

Attack with the Dragon Knights and 42 Magic Battle Fleets for enemy base attacks.

This attack is a right of self-defense against an attack on Japan by the Kingdom of Ream, not against Japan. "

The country you attacked is about to counterattack.

"How do you interpret this?

"The country against which my country was attacked is about to fight back. Isn't Japan entitled to stop this?

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shares this view. There's no reason to stop in Japan."

"But is it the Empire of Papardia? I don't think we're going to make a civil-military distinction like in Japan."

On this day, Hilkiga, the capital of the realm, was wrapped in a sea of flames as a result of repeated attacks by Wyburn Road and the shelling of a magical battleship fleet.

◆ ◆ ◆

Ministry of Defence

Ministry of Defense executive Mitsuki had a bad feeling.

The first wave of Japan's invasion of mainland Japan was prevented. There's no doubt about this.

But it didn't fall into my heart.

If you're going to do it, wait for the big fleet to arrive and start the operation at the same time.

Assuming that was the arrangement this time...

"Report immediately!!

We thought everyone had prevented the first wave of the Japanese invasion.

In the meantime, the correspondent screams urgently.

"Now what!?

"Reports have come up that an enemy fleet heading west of New Zealand has bypassed New Zealand Island and headed east.

Increase fleet speed and invade!!

The shock runs.

"Stupid!! If we don't replenish it in New Zealand, we won't be able to make enough distance."

"No matter what you think, you can't invade mainland Japan.

What is the enemy thinking??

The scene is rough.

"The enemy... is going to pay for it."

Mitsuki's remarks calmed the scene.

He goes on.

"As you said, there is a shortage of cruising distance to mainland Japan.

However, we put priority on preventing the invasion of the mainland, and concentrated our forces on the mainland.

I think this is correct.

But the enemy isn't stupid either.

Considering the invasion of mainland Japan impossible, it discredits Japan. To create a track record of destroying the country even though it was on the Japanese side... I think it's time to pay off.

Ammo stockpiles are also dispersed because the invasion route was not known.

Distance from the mainland where enemies can invade without replenishment and return after the invasion.

and a country on the Japanese side that is about to perish lightly.

The enemy's target is..... "

Trace the world map by hand.

"Here!! I think the Kingdom of Nahanat is very likely."

"Nahanat? That big fleet is coming all the way here...."

One convoy will make it, but the other convoys will not make it.

The BP3-C bombing regiment and F-2 fighters are on time, but there is a shortage of ammunition at the local base.

Worst piston attack from the mainland.

A certain number of militia members are defending the island, but we have to say that there is too little combat power on the ground.

Too many enemies above all else.

And the risk if the target wasn't Nahanat...

The field... freezes.