Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN)

118 Called the Warlord 1

Holy Military Empire Runpolis

"Mr. Arneis, excuse me."

The intelligence bureau, where "intelligence" gathers information that has a significant impact on the operation of the Empire.

Ridleca, a nervous intelligence agent, enters the director's office.

Riddleka is primarily responsible for the Eastern Third Civilization of the Empire.

Excellent officers who always gathered powerful information, usually just officers, were not allowed to enter the director's office directly, but Ridleca, who had a lot of track records, was a special presence.

"What happened?

As part of a full-scale attack on Japan by the Gra Vulcan Empire, we were sending a large air force until the Intelligence Bureau found out.

It's time for the first wave of attacks.

Ridleca's entrance when Arneis felt that way.

He handed over the materials in the face of tension and began an oral overview.

"The Empire sent more than 500 massive fighters to Japan.

There are not only fighters and attack planes, but also about 200 bombers called the Ultra Heavy Bomber Regiment, which exists in the Empire itself.

The Ultra Heavy Bombers are aircrafts capable of carrying many bombs, and our heavenly floating ships have nothing like this, so it is difficult to explain, but they are the main bomber capable of flying at high altitudes, but the mounting capability is still using aerodynamic energy, so it is not even at the feet of Par Kimira. "

"More than 500.

Regardless of how high-performance Japanese aircraft are, if they are more than twice the number of their state-owned main fighters, and our El Pecio 3 fighter fighter fighter fighter fights in their favor, they will suffer considerable damage.

Intelligence director Arnaeus talks about wearing it on Ridleca, who had a long explanation in advance.

"No, in conclusion, most of the Gla Vulcan Empire's planes were destroyed at sea in the Sea of Japan, and the Reim Kingdom's Imperial Base was destroyed.

More than 50 fleets headed for mainland Japan have been destroyed and successfully defended.

In addition, the attacked Imperial Paladian Empire dispatched a fleet to the realm, and the King's capital Hilkiga was completely destroyed by the conquering attack of the Magic Gun Fleet. "

"The Japanese army... no, how much damage did the militia do?

"I'm currently investigating, but I haven't been able to back it up yet, but according to some information..."

"No way... are they much stronger than we expected?

"We appreciated that Japan is quite strong, but we think it is likely to have much more strength than even the assumption.

Approximately 440 advance fleets of the Gras Vulcan Empire are believed to have collided with Japan, but the whereabouts of the advance fleet are not caught in our sentry network.

I don't think so.... "

"I wonder... how many more fleets were destroyed than when we confronted the World Alliance?

Destroyed, not defeated?

No matter how much Japan's rating has been revised up, it will not be. "

"I don't think so, either.I think it's just leaking out of the guard net.

We will continue to collect information.

Two more points, a large fleet approaching their main fleet of 1,000 ships has advanced eastward without refuelling in New Zealand. "

"1000... it's amazing at numbers.What's the last point?

"The air battleship Par Kimeira, aboard which Captain Meteos is embarking, appears to be catching up with the main unit.

The magic supply went smoother than expected. "

"Huh? Faster than I thought.If Cautionary Captain Meteos had operated the Air Battleship in earnest, he would have done considerable damage. "

The Bureau of Intelligence desperately continued to gather information for the military empire.

◆ ◆ ◆

Gra Vulcan Imperial Fleet Flagship Grade Atlaster

Commander Kaiser was staring at the sea on the bridge.

Captain Laxter stood beside him.

Earlier, from the military headquarters,

○ Army Air Force and Ultra-Heavy Bomber Regiment units from Reame Kingdom Base were destroyed, and Reame Kingdom Outpost was completely destroyed

○ It is highly likely that little damage has been done to the enemy

I was contacted.

In addition, a notification from the Imperial Palace was added to the damage caused to Japan.

The reality is that it still has a large fleet, and the main fleet does not collide with the Japanese army.

Previous damage.

The Gra Vulcan Empire threw too much of what was lost to pull later.

The man who was considered the highest of the three empire generals and also known as the military god Kaisal stared silently at the sea.

"Is there no choice but to do it...."

Speak a word and remain silent.

I meditated my eyes and gathered my spirit.

Caesar opens her eyes to the cut.

"Captain Luxtar!!


"They destroyed the advance party and destroyed the mainland super heavy bomber regiment as well as a fleet of 50 destroyers.

I didn't want you to hit me... but I hit the worst of the worst. "


"Besides... it's probably not hurting at all."

Silence flows through the bridge.

Too much of the shocking communication from the military headquarters far exceeded the miraculous results of the accidental and accidental battle, and the fleet command was also impacted.

No one despises Japan on the bridge anymore.

"We are the number one and strongest nation in Jugudo, the Gra Vulcan Empire.Monsters!! You can't just do it!!

Soldiers are faithful to orders.

If the Imperial Palace tells you to die, you die.If you are told to do it, no matter how difficult it is, you must do it.

Seeing no despair whatsoever of the military god Kaizar, the other executives lit the light of hope in their hearts.

Caesar talks quietly to Captain Laxter so no one else can hear him.

"Captain Laxter, dropping Nahanat on Japan's side has little military significance in a short perspective, but has great political significance."

That's right. When we have turned our land to ashes, despite facing the Empire and taking sides with Japan... we will have fewer enemies taking sides with Japan in the future. "

"I will do my best to beat Nahanat this time.In reality, the blade will not reach mainland Japan. "

"The enemy is powerful.There may be a discrepancy with the imperial palace, but there is no way to think realistically. "

"Captain, the next battlefield may be our… No, it may be where our fleet will die.I'm sorry. "

"I've been ready since I ordered the army."

The battlefield keeps moving.

◆ ◆ ◆

Japan Self-Defense Forces Nahanat Base Command Room Outside the Kingdom of Nahanat Outside Civilized Areas

Southwest Air Force 9th Flight F-15 will be arriving shortly.

"The Fourth Guard will be ready to defend Nahanat waters."

The Land to Ship missile regiment has also completed its deployment.

The commander of the Air Base Control Center, Yagami, feels his stomach aching.

The Ministry of Defense assumed a number of invasion routes for the Gra Vulcan Empire, handing over ammunition and fuel to Nahanat, a significant southern base.

However, a considerable number of air strikes have been launched in mainland Japan, and at the same time the enemy fleet's main fleet is advancing eastward without refuelling.

The original plan assumed that their invasion would create a time lag and supply would be sufficient in time, but the reality is not as expected.

The Ministry launched this Nahanat as the most likely target.

Aircraft have arrived at a rapid pitch and the defenses are steadily being put in place, but there are too many hostiles.

It is rare in the modern army, but it may not be preventable if the enemy ignores the damage and is prepared to die.

Too many enemies by then.

I have more information that hurts his stomach while he's worried.

"Commander, Air Battleships are approaching from the Holy Military Empire.

You will enter the battlefield in the event of a collision!!

"Hmm... what?!?Is that a slow, low-altitude ship?An enemy ally identifier..... "

"Not included!!Of the ammunition currently on the base, anti-ship guided projectiles were pre-anti-aircraft target upgrades, so they probably won't hit them?

"Anti-air missiles will still strike.Can you use it with "Probably not hit"!!

It's just a friendly army.If it hits and shoots it down, it will turn into a diplomatic problem.

But I don't know what time you're coming to support me...

What a nuisance...

Can you communicate?

"Sure, we could send and receive analog radio waves, so... we're flying northwest of Rodenius right now.

I think we can get a radio wave from the land during the defense operation, convert it and relay it. "

"Get ready right away.

I want to talk to you about not getting in the way on the battlefield. "

"Frankly speaking, isn't this a diplomatic issue?

"I may not be able to make it through this ministry in time, and I'm naturally careful with words.

What do you think I am?

Yagami decided to wirelessly communicate with the air battleship Pal Kimeira.

◆ ◆ ◆

Aerial Battleship Pal Kimara Bridge over the Rodenius Continent

The ground is photographed on the floor under the feet.

The ceiling reflected a map of the Rodenius continent, its current location, and the location of the Gla Vulcan Imperial Fleet.

Meteos, wearing a mask, holds a wine glass in his right hand as he looks down on the ground.

"Hmm, an elegant journey."

The Emperor has instructed us not to lose Parchimira.

But I can't wait to sink the world's largest battleship, the Grad Atlaster, with that damn ship, the Gra Vulcan Empire, in this fleet.

However, one Par Chimera has already been dropped.Obvious strong enemies.

Well, if the Maritime Fortress Parcaon were to emerge and the fleet were to approach, it would be possible to sink the fleet altogether.

Meteos was anxious to do his job faithfully.

"Captain! Incoming transmission from Japanese Self-Defense Forces Defense Commander Nahanat!

"Huh? Oh, my God. Is this where they get their radio waves?

The base is nearby and relaying, but Meteos sounds surprised that he has been communicating and that he may have some idea where he is.


When he snapped his finger, the communication was connected.

My name is Captain Par Kimeira, and I am Meteos.

I can't believe you guys have the technology to send radio waves to places like this. "

It looks like a gaze from the top, but there's no offense in Meteos.

I am surprised that it is purely transmitting communication waves.

One of the most powerful states of the sacred military empire that has existed for a long time.

Among them, the position of captain of the most powerful ancient weapon would underestimate the armies of other countries.

It was not a collision with the world like the Gra Vulcan Empire, but a simple and highly skilled emerging country.

There was such recognition in Meteos.

"My name is Yagami, and I am the air control commander of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces Nahanat base.

Thank you for this expedition on Japan's defense. "

Yagami enters from an external compliment that may be accepted.

Well, I had instructions from His Majesty the Emperor.

Our ship is the remains of an ancient magical empire, the Ravanal Empire, the Aerial Battleship Par Kimara.

You won't be able to hold battleships flying in the sky, but they're friends, so don't shoot me by mistake. "

I need to talk to you about that.

Our attacks reach invisible territory.

In the unlikely event that accidental fire is prevented, I would like to fight Japan alone first, okay?

The main cannon of the Magic Battleship of the Holy Military Empire can reach up to 30km.

It must be the same thing.

Speaking of invisible areas, that might be the case.

Meteos thinks Japanese soldiers use emotional language.

It means exactly what you say.

Well, it's the Gra Vulcan Empire, and it's 1,000 ships.

Are you serious?

In the previous naval battle, Moo caused nearly total damage.

Challenging a battle that has no chance of winning is bravery. "

Yes, we have our own plan.

In this invasion, the enemy is targeting our country.

First of all, I would like to challenge the Japanese army.

I have been told that aerial battleships are a reserve weapon.

I can only thank your country for launching it, but if you don't mind watching our battle, I'd like you to leave at this time. "

(Hmm... His Majesty said he would do it when he could see how Japan was fought.

A thousand ships won't stop them anyway.

After seeing how to fight in Japan, I'll get out here at the right time.

Their proposal is convenient)

How far do you want me to go?

200 km.I want you to stay 200 kilometers away from battle waters. "

You don't want to show us the battle of your country if you want to stay 200 km away.

Meteos said so.


Got it. I'll accept your offer. "

Wireless communication is over.

An executive standing next door talks to Meteos.

"Captain, I don't suppose they want to see their battle."

"That's right. However, we have a super telephoto magic wave detector.

200 km is critical, but they will be able to see the battle. "

The sacred military empire side interpreted the intentions of Japan in an enlarged manner, although the distance was specified because the guided bomb should not impact purely.

◆ ◆ ◆

Rodenius Southern Sea Night

In the darkness, a Japanese Self-Defense Forces BP-3C22 flew from Mookoku base in the Rodenius continent.

During World War II, neither the United States nor Japan had a night-time offensive capability from aircraft at sea, so as much as possible, they sank enemy ships at night to cut their wars.

Enemies must have no Interceptor Power.

Put in the collected combat power in a timely fashion, immediately replenish it and repeat the attack.

A smaller number of Japanese will use repetitive attacks to put as much power into action as possible.

Attack started!! Attack started!!!If you miss an enemy, your ally dies!!Sink as much as you can!!

Air-to-ship guided missiles (ASM-2) mounted on the body of BP-3C will be fired sequentially to destroy the Imperial Fleet Corps in Gra Vulcan, which has been targeted at Japan.

A total of 88 anti-ship guided missiles fired from 22 aircraft will begin flying towards the Empire's large fleet.

Later, it was called the "turning point in history", and the battle was about to begin, which also triggered the birth of the world's most powerful weapon.