Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN)

116 Continental Defense Battle 2

Gra Vulcus Imperial Task Force 44

Destroyers dominate task force 44.

Commander Zem looked east at the sea on the cruiser Dust Ocean's bridge, its flagship.

We've crossed the realm's territorial waters and are still under wireless lockdown.

Um, the waves are rough.

Conduct a radio lockdown in the darkness, and 52 fleets will arrive.

"Commander, we are getting more and more troops to explore the meaning of our attack."

The Captain speaks to Commander Zem.

This attack will be dominated by air strikes.

If so, I doubt the deployment of the 44 main destroyers. I wonder what this launch means.

Few doubt where they stand.


"No one doubts that they will win by attacking Japan, but if another operation is carried out in response to this operation, it would be more effective to carry out an air attack in conjunction with the total attack on Japan's fleet.

We may be the first to attack and strike a major blow with our own fleet, but it would appear that only our navy and army air force would be engaged, and the ultra-heavy bomber regiment, also known as the nation's tiger boy, would be in doubt about participating in the attack ahead. "

"Hmm, I'm sure... the Navy HQ don't know anything. There's always a difference between the scene and the top.

I am too vigilant about Japan.

Just like the kingdom of Kane God?? How dare you say that when you see the performance of that cruiser in Khartoum Alpaz.

Well, let's just win and go home. "

Zem remembers an earlier meeting.

The content of making Japan's military assessment equal to or greater than that of the Kane Divine Kingdom.

Even if it had the same strength as the Kane God Kingdom at the troop size, there was something in this operation that would not fall into my heart.

Eliminate anxiety caused by slight reason with experience and instinct.

"Because it's an order. We'll burn their city."

"Ha! We are the undefeated Gla Vulcan Empire Navy. I'm going to shoot down Japan, I'm going to shoot all the bullets into their simple job of planting terror on them."

"We must punish those who are disrespectful, such as the Crown Prince.

The punishment of wandering around the Fire... huh?

I saw a faint light in the ocean ahead... I felt it.

A dazzling flash appears at sea.


The big explosion echoed after the delay.

A huge flame appears to envelop the ship.

"Ha!! What the hell!! Hah!!!

"Located near Destroyer Stone!


Some sort of attack landed in a row. An explosion occurs at sea.

"Wait... hostile attack!!

"What was that!!

A faint shadow passing beside a burning destroyer.

"Rocket?? No, I'm turning around!!!

"Idiot!! Rockets change direction? There's no reason for that!!!

The brain can't keep up with the impossible report.

The rocket has to turn around... guiding and landing.

There has never been such an enemy before.

The lack of information on the front lines accelerates the tragedy.

A buzzer sounds on board.

Some sort of attack that continued to land on the fleet drove them to their feet.

"Ihhh!! Radar, activate the radio and report to your country!! Flight support!!

"No wireless connection!! The radar screen... is pure white. Unusable!!

"Hah, stupid... stupid!!

Explosions occur continuously at sea while talking.

Some launched anti-aircraft artillery without much fear.

"Oh... my men!!!

Burning flames, one shot at a time, kill about 200 people.

Incredible wear and tear rate and one-sided combat.

"Ba... idiot... gah!!!

Flashes, shocks, and burning flames strike Zem.

"Gwaaaaaahh!! Ah... it's hot!!

Missiles strike at the front of the flagship Dazt Ocean, and a structure with a violent explosion and flames strikes Zem.

While most people die instantly, he survives halfway through the fire, burning in hell for 3 minutes and 24 seconds until the next bullet hits.

Just five minutes after the impact, there was not a single ship that could operate properly at sea, and the 44th task force of the Gra Vulcan Empire could not afford to report it and disappeared into the black sea floor.

The Japanese Air Self-Defense Forces F-2 fighters carried out a wave-like attack on 44 Gras Vulcan Imperial Navy Task Force units, destroying the fleet.

◆ ◆ ◆

Hilkiga, King of the Reame Kingdom


Heavy propeller sounds echo throughout King's Landing.

"Look!! The Ultra Heavy Bomber Regiment is coming!!!

"Ooh... what a size!!

"This is the end of the Japanese city. Long live the Gra Vulcus Empire!!

Army personnel who were watching the Ultra Heavy Bomber Regiment launch shouted joy.

A must-have that has been stacked up many times.

Winning feels good no matter how many times you watch it.

I'm sure I'll win again this time, but I'm sure even my own tiger child will be overwhelmingly victorious.

The Gra Vulcan Imperial Army Air Force and the Ultra Heavy Bomber Regiment were taking off to attack Japan.

The Army Air Force is heading east, and Guthiman is heading east with a rendezvous from each airbase.

Wyburn of the Reame Knights of the Dragons took off south in response.

The battle in the sky was about to begin.

◆ ◆ ◆

Operations Command Office, Ministry of Defense, Tokyo, Japan

"The plane has taken off from the realm.

Hmm?? "

"What's wrong?

"This is... part of a slow flying object heading south. We are heading towards the Imperial Paladian Empire."

"I wonder if Wyburn is on his way to Palladia... I'm in trouble. Tell Papardia we have a flight object on our way.

How many planes have left the Reame?

"Taking off from each base… 400… 430… still growing!! Amazing number!!

I get nervous at the command post.

"A total of 548… 548 large formations… took off!!

I feel frustrated that I was unable to strike the bases of those who were clearly attacking our country before takeoff.

"Are you ready to intercept?

"Currently, 80 F-15Js, 50 F-25s are ready for take-off in air-to-air uniform, and 20 F-15s are at sea on the west side of Fukui Prefecture and are already standing by.

In addition, 15 F-2 aircraft are ready for launch with ground-to-ground explosives.

BP3-C40, ready for launch.

Other sea and land deployments completed. "

The realm's naval dragon mother, who had already descended south, was buried by BP-3C.

The attacking BP3-C had once returned and rebuilt.

"That's enough. The anti-air battle has begun, protecting Japan!!! Don't hesitate to attack!!

If you miss one of your enemies, the Japanese people will be killed!!

"Got it!!

The operation room gets hot and starts to move in a hurry.

The Ministry of Defense made the decision to destroy the enemy.

◆ ◆ ◆

East realm high altitude

We're leaving the realm soon.

The Operations Director Arrigger was also aboard a bomber in the centre for field command.

The ultra-heavy bomber Guthiman goes into the stratosphere.

Approximately 200 bombers in formation, overwhelmingly intimidating, give them the confidence that they will never lose.

"What about the Army Air Force?

"They must be flying about 100 kilometers in front of us at very low altitude.

However, as we travel faster, we may catch up before we reach mainland Japan. "

"When the enemy detects us on the radar and flies, there's actually a large formation down there.

Can't we catch up with the Army Air Force down there because we're going super high and super fast? "

"If we launch simultaneously, even at very low altitude, the enemy will notice. But you can cheat on that number."

"Huh... I'm sorry about the Army Air Force."

"Projection and velocity. Everything is above us. I don't know what to do with the military headquarters.

Plus, more than 300 large formations. And it's still a highly trained army air force.

We can destroy the Japanese Army Air Force and all of them with just a bamboo shooter.

We cannot afford to be as late as Japan.

Rumor has it that there are only 200 main fighters in Japan.

It's not all coming out, but even if it's all coming out, our numbers are much higher. "

Well, I hope so.

During the conversation, the crew who was operating the radio bursts out.

"Hmm? What is that??"

"What's wrong?

"There's a radio coming from the Army Air Force, which is supposed to be wirelessly blocked, but the noise is terrible...."

The arrittrigger felt a cold spine.

"Put me on speaker!!

The radio is quickly connected to an external speaker.

Gagaga... 3rd Air Force destroyed!! What a...!!

...... Sleepy!! Shake it off... gaga "

Silence... Heavy silence continues to flow at an ultra-high altitude called the stratosphere.

"What the hell is going on?"

Of course there is no one who can answer.

"Communicate to all units, the Army Air Force is most likely under attack.

Keep each surveillance close!!

The crew sitting on the gun seat stares into the sky.

It is unlikely to reach such a high altitude, but it is possible that a friendly army has been attacked and suffered some major damage.

Tension rises.

"Exercise maximum vigilance!! Never mind....."


"Ju... the 15th has been shot!!!

Aircraft 15, which was flying ahead, was wrapped in flames.

The flames flared on ammunition and aircraft 15 blew up in the air.

"What an attack!!!

The arrittrigger screams, but no one answers.

Gahn... dondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondondon


Invisible attacks hit the Ultra Heavy Bomber Regiment in succession.

With overwhelming defense against empty fortresses and machine guns, Guthiman falls into the sea of clouds, wrapped in flames one by one.

"Extinguish the 3rd platoon!!

Where are they coming from!!

Something's flying!!

I can't operate, I can't operate!!!

A large explosion of flowers blooms in the air.

Aircraft that explodes in the air, aircrafts whose wings break and crash while rotating, aircrafts that fall like meteors while wrapped in flames.

Flames in the sky... rain of despair.

The radio is confusing and turns into chaos.

I didn't know what I was talking about, and there was no way to get information other than visual.

After some kind of stormy attack stopped, only 83 Ultra Heavy Bomber Regiment friendly planes survived.

The remaining 120 planes were destroyed in a flash… in a single attack.

"Oh no... such an idiot!!

Impossible. Impossible!!

What's going on with the Army Air Force?

"I don't understand!! No radio response."

More than half were lost in a flash attack.

In this thin stratosphere, enemy attacks show no signs of weakening.

Besides, we haven't even seen them.

Before the overwhelming military disparity, the Aritrigger is convinced of the failure of the Nagoya bombing.

"Notify all troops, retreat!! We're going back to Reame Kingdom Base."

"But then the operation will fail!!

The Empire's Tiger Bomber Regiment failed..... "

"You idiot!! Half. We haven't taken off the realm yet, but we've lost half!!

The operation has failed.

The power ratio is obvious.

Kane, you think it's the same as the kingdom of God?

It's not that sweet. The strength of the enemy transcends such dimensions.

Keep going or I'll make a report!!!

Thousands of Army Air Corps won't win!!

My men are frightened by the awesome shape of the early trigger.

"Ha, but I'm not feeling too good about the radio.

There's a lot of confusion, and there's a lot of noise, and it doesn't make sense.

Whether or not it is properly communicated...

"It's okay to send a signal. Anyway, let me know and I'll be right back.

Hurry up! If you don't want to die. "

The retreat will reach the entire army.

The aircraft on the Arrigger will also be banked to swivel.

The air of relief spread into the plane.

"Hostiles from underneath!!!!!"

As the gunman shouted, the machine gun fired downwards.

The formation of friendly troops also began shooting machine guns.

Machine guns with tracer rounds are fired continuously towards the sea of clouds.

Something's coming!!

"Aircraft 112 is hit!!

"I saw it!! I saw it!!! A rocket shell was heading for 112... it was obviously being followed!!

Early triggers lose words to subordinates.

"Yu... yu... a guiding bomb?! I... no way... that information was true!!!

The Gra Vulcan Empire is accustomed to war.

They were born rotten in battlefield legends, but all of them were exaggerated information.

The possibility of a guided missile was also seriously discussed at the military headquarters, but when Allied Fleet Commander Kaiser made a request to launch an Ultra Heavy Bomb Regiment, he thought it would be effective.

I mean, the front-line general should have thought the operation would succeed, like a guided bomb or something.

He wondered if the weapon did not exist.

Dozens of enemy fighters rush up into the sky.

A fighter like you, two flames from behind, show us a different dimension of speed and ascendancy.

Despite flying at stratospheric altitudes, they disappear far above that.

Several friendly planes were wrapped in flames.

After the enemy rose, a thunderbolt of terror echoed through the plane.

"What speed!! What an attack!!!

"Enemy, no propeller!!!

"I can't catch such a thing!!

The gunman also vomits a weak voice.

Unstoppable Power Ratio, the previous Must Win Mood disappears completely.

A friendly plane that is supposed to be completely intact falls down, as if shooting at an immobile target.

Extreme confusion.

"I'm back!!!

Enemy fighters are circling and pointing their heads at us.

Long before the machine gun's range, I fired a guided bomb.

"It's coming towards the rocket...."

The feeling of being pushed against your body makes you feel the heat in your body.

I felt like I saw a plane destroyed in pieces.

Ari Trigger, head of operations for the Gra Vulcan Imperial Super Bomb Regiment, leaves the world surrounded by light.

Aviation Self-Defense Forces F-15J fighters and F-2 150 fighters engaged and destroyed a total of 548 Gras Vulcan Imperial Army Air Force and Super Heavy Bomber Regiment aircraft over the Sea of Japan.

◆ ◆ ◆

King Reame Capital Hilkiga Gra Vulcus Empire Outpost

"Are the radar anomalies that have occurred since then still not fixed?

Murnow, dispatched from Imperial Headquarters in Gra Vulcan, cannot hide his frustration with the radar anomalies and radio anomalies that have occurred yesterday night and since the beginning of the operation.

A similar phenomenon has been observed in the past at the Balcrus base on the Moo continent, where Balcrus was attacked in a state of loss of sight.

The enemy's radar jamming is possible, but I am concerned that a similar phenomenon occurred last night.

A radio-blocking Task Force 44 was found and could even have been attacked.

But if we talk on the radio and they answer, the operation will fail.

Murnow makes me uneasy.

"Radar, change frequency and reboot."

A person who was operating the radar performs a restart.

Murnow also peered into the radar screen with him.

A light spot appears in the air, which is not supposed to be there now.

And there was nothing in the airspace where the Ultra Heavy Bomber Regiment was supposed to be.

The radar screen immediately turns completely white after a moment of reflection.

"Nh... no!! Enemy coming! Prepare for anti-air combat!!! Interceptors take off immediately and alert the air!!

An anti-aircraft alert buzzer sounds at the base.

The crew moved in a hurry, the interceptors, already overhead, headed east, and the reserves were ready for takeoff immediately.

"No way... no way..."

Murnow trembles and crushes.

"The operation failed??

My spine gets wet with sweat.

◆ ◆ ◆

Above Hilkiga, King of the Reame Kingdom

Fifteen Air Self-Defense Forces F-2 fighters were about to reach operational airspace.

A single engine roars.

The target is the radar site and runway of the Gla Vulcan Empire Base and the silence of anti-aircraft artillery.

Follow established procedures and set goals.

"Attack start, attack start"

The guided bomb LJ-DAM, dropped from 15 F-2 fighters, was fired from an Imperial Base in Gra Vulcan.

The descent was initiated by gravitational acceleration to take away the eye and sword.