Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN)

115 Continental Defense Battle 1

King Reame Capital Hilkiga Gra Balkas Empire Base

A conference on Japanese offensive operations will be held at the base.

Gra Vulcus Air Force Air Admiral Makina

Gutty Mountain Super Heavy Bomber Regiment Operations Director Ari Trigger

Zem, Commander of Task Force 44, Imperial Naval Headquarters

The Empire executives lined up, beginning with.

At the end of the table, General Rivar, under King Reame.


The Reame Royal Navy, the Army, the Dragon Knights, and the executives of the army were all there.

"Now we will review the outline of the attack operation in mainland Japan and explain the future major policy."

In the conference room, a map of Japan, acquired by the Kingdom in the early stages of the transition, as well as an aerial map, were spread out.

The Imperial Force HQ executives begin the briefing.

"There are currently 34 Army Air Force 1st Battalion, 34 Super Heavy Bomb Regiment, 123 Northern Air Base, Western City, and 43 Super Heavy Bomb Regiment at Arena Air Base in King Ream's Capital."

"First, let the Ream Kingdom Dragon Mother Fleet head north towards Japan.

Reamer dragons, range, speed, and engagement performance are not enough. Japan will naturally detect and intercept this because it is too close to the mainland for takeoff.

If the dragon can get close enough to launch, it will launch immediately.

Reame's dragon is fine as long as it reaches over Japan.

I'm not expecting your strength. The only aim is to disrupt.

The Army Air Force and the Ultra-Heavy Bomber Regiment will deploy in response, heading for mainland Japan at the shortest possible distance. "

The story goes on.

"Japan is the same transition country as Japan.

The military headquarters appraised the enemy with the modern army and issued a circular to alert them.

In other words, it will be an operation that determines the same level of threat as the kingdom of Kane God and comes with the utmost vigilance. "

"Stupid, do you think there are as many enemies in this world as the kingdom of Kane God?

"Why are you being too vigilant?"

"Japanese cruisers weren't enough in the Khartoum Alpaz naval battle."

The scene is rough.

There was an unacceptable assessment of Japan's military headquarters as the kingdom of Kane for military personnel who were always on the scene.

The fall of Balcrus, an army base in Moo, was not concealed by the military, and was widely known as a stain caused by the army's arrogance. However, the defeat of the national fleet that stormed the city of Ottawa, Moo, was subject to a clampdown, and the navy, especially those on the front lines, were unknown.

In the fall of Balcrus, the military headquarters executive class reassessed the strength of Japan and even felt fear, but the front-line executives were not informed because the absurd reports included irresponsible ones.

They are also unaware of information that the Imperial Navy advance team was wiped out by a Japanese attack the other day from the point of view that morale should not be affected.

HQ executives continue.

"General Makina, in the Army Air Force, we have to go to mainland Japan at very low altitudes close to the sea surface in order to cross the enemy radar net.

Together, the escort fighters headed for Ultra Low altitude.

Shortly before arriving in Japanese territory, the air fleet leaves Arawa City, Fukui Prefecture.

In addition, I would like Ari Trigger, Operation Manager of the Super Heavy Bomber Regiment, to take full advantage of Guthiman's ultra-high performance, and beyond the troposphere, the stratosphere... from an ultra-high altitude beyond the reach of the enemy blade to Japan, inland invasion, and ash Nagoya, the big city.

This is a maneuver capable of overwhelming the fleet of super-heavy bombers, super-high altitude flight capability, and overwhelming speed beyond fighters. "

The explanation continues.

"In addition, if naval task force 44 deploys tonight, conducts a wireless blockade, approaches 300 km from Japan at the start of the sunrise operation tomorrow, and an air attack occurs, the air cover will be conducted from the realm to intercept the enemy navy that will deploy.

If they can intercept the enemy, engage them and shell the nearest city, Arawa City, Fukui Prefecture, if possible.

This is an operation to let the Empire's blade reach the mainland of Japan.

In addition to our troops, we plan to execute some operations in response. "

The responsive operation is the Nahanat assault operation, which is the mainstay of the national fleet, but the military headquarters cadre does not touch on the specific contents.

There were no interrogators.

"The Dragon Knights of the Realm Kingdom, other than the Dragon Mother, will attack Japanese ships moored in the port of Papardia.

Also, attack the Japanese Consulate General in Papardia. "

Silence... says Army Air Force Commander Makina, known as the Prudential.

"I will execute the order, of course... but this time I am alert to Japan... I feel overly alert from the information that Naval Headquarters originally released.

They're using tanks to crush ants. "

Navy Commander Zem shares Makina's doubts.

"Certainly, there are many ways to get some information and change the assessment, but isn't it too much to do with the Kane God Kingdom this time?

The Japanese island is actually a camouflage, a change as if it were the mainland to the east.

I can only imagine that the expected number of enemies jumped. "

"As already mentioned in the circular, Japan is not surprised by the number, but its precision firing capability is not diminished.

Its accuracy exceeds ours.

Also, you're not unaware of the damage done to the Army in Moo Country.

At this time, the Crown Prince's identity passed to Japan. "

Military HQ executives can work hard.

"I can't let the Empire repeat the defeat of arbitrariness and arrogance!!

Indeed, this operation is being carried out in order not to mud the Emperor's face. The Empire's strong will… even at the end of the world, to show the world what it wants with a firm will to the country that insulted the Empire, which has declared that it will not surrender the Crown Prince!!

This attack must succeed!!

The echoing voice is transmitted as tingling.

"Got it. The hot feeling was conveyed.

Were we the "Arawa City" of Japan on a given mission? Let's turn it into ash.

Shoot down all the airplanes that come up with escort fighters and show them!!

We are highly skilled. Even if the kingdom of Kane was against him, he would never lose. "

Captain Makina of the Army Air Force demonstrates understanding of the policy of the military headquarters.

"Yes, then we will destroy the enemy navy."

Navy Commander Zem also burns on heavy missions.

"I intend to conduct an air strike and barbecue operation for our super heavy bomber regiment in Nagoya City.

The Japanese have to burn it thoroughly. "

"Operation Barbecue?

"Yes, I dropped a bomb in Nagoya City with a circular incendiary bomb, and under such a flame, any building would ignite the internal combustible material. The doughnut-shaped building goes to the center of the doughnut and burns down the people inside.

A huge flame will cause even a flame tornado.

The barbecue is ready. You won't be able to burn it. "

There was a laugh on the spot.

The Grand Vulcan Empire attack operation conference continues.

◆ ◆ ◆

King Reame Night

"Dear General Rivar, I couldn't bear to hear about the last meeting due to the gratuitous disrespect of the Gra Vulcan Empire towards our country!!

"That's right!! You underestimate our power!! How dare you!! By then they were great and strong!!

The young executives who participated in the Empire's invasion of mainland Japan complained to General Rivar. Some complained while trembling with anger.

"I don't know because you haven't worked abroad. The World Alliance Fleet, led by the Holy Military Empire… With extraordinary combat power, and assuming they were fighting the peak of the Paladian Empire, in an instant Paladians were powerful enough to lose their entire army.

The Gra Vulcan Empire has left in just one country.

Certainly, I cannot bear to hear out-of-force warnings or the extreme disrespect for our country.

But our country has no power to overturn it.

To be clear, there were two choices.

To Japan... to the Gra Vulcan Empire.

After a sober analysis, I thought that the Gras Vulcan Empire would prevail and become the world's hegemon.

It is the result of many considerations to protect the country.

Now... now you have to endure it. "


"Indeed, Japan is strong. The strength of descending the Empire of Parpardia... can be overwhelming.

However, although the accuracy of the shelling is higher in Japan, the Gra Vulcan Empire has overwhelmed the strength, defense, and number of cannons.

We cannot sit and wait for Japan to be destroyed.

I need you to understand.

By the way, if you were to build an unpaved 800m class runway, how many days would you be able to do that?

"Eh? Is it a runway?

If you don't have to pave like an Imperial Base, you can put 3,000 people in and build it in a month. "

"Yes, if you are 800 m class, if you are a highly skilled realm kingdom person, you can make it in a month.

It is a technique that can be made with high civil engineering technology in Japan, and it will not be possible in other countries. "

"What is it?

"The Gra Vulcan Empire... we can put in 13 machines called heavy machines and build them in three days."

"Ha!!! Okay... in just three days??

"Yes, it's only been three days.

So the Empire threatened the countries and gradually created a runway in the vacant land that it borrowed during the preparation period.

There are many countries that are neutral to both the Gras Vulcan Empire and the Holy Military Empire.

They rent the land of a neutral country and make their own runway.

As a neutral country, you just rent land and meditate on the runway.

There are many runways and supply bases in the Gla Vulcan Empire that have not been announced to other countries.

This overwhelming power, the power of replenishment, underpins their strength.

If they care, they have the power to bring more and more combat power from the sky to the front line through the runway. "

The young executives fought against the true power of the Empire.

"General Rivar... I'm sorry that I didn't know what it was like for you to think and act on behalf of your country."

The executives shed tears at the feelings of the Rival nation.

"Good... the country will be on the brink of victory by this time tomorrow.

However, I have entrusted you with a serious operation... to fight Japan and also against the Emperor Papardia.

Rivar feels sorry for the huge sacrifices he has made.

"I don't mind. Let's show the pride of our realm kingdom to Japan and the Empire of Papardia!!

With each thoughts, the night goes by.

◆ ◆ ◆

Midnight, Ministry of Defense, Tokyo, Japan

The Gra Vulcan Empire is moving.

In a tight atmosphere, in a room in the Ministry of Defense, waiting executives were talking.

"But the Gra Vulcan Empire surprises me.

The bomber heading for Japan this time... Satellite photos show that the phantom super-heavy bomber is Tomitake.

Besides, if there are more than 200 planes, even if it's a normal plane, the country won't be inclined to make a lot of them.

Normally, the country seems inclined. "

Technological development costs money, and young executives lay their tongues on the empire's development capabilities and operating funds.

"You don't seem to know anything but defense. It's a normal idea.

The Gras Vulcan Empire was also a country in transition and dominated most of it in the former world. Given the vastness of the country, it is better to assume that it is more powerful than the United States during the Second World War.

During World War II, the United States produced more than 3,600 B-29 aircraft and deployed more than 2,000, mainly in the Mariana Islands.

Even during the Nagoya air raid, more than 310 bombers were launched in one attack.

Enemy bombers are one turn larger than B-29, but there is no dramatic cost difference if you enter mass production.

The input of 200 aircraft is not particularly surprising from the viewpoint of national capabilities.

That's how much the country's inclined? Don't think the same as the weaker countries around here. "

"But the Rich Class is different in size and technology from the B-29.

It should cost more. "

"The technological gap between Japan and the Gla Vulcan Empire is said to be seventy years by global standards.

Suppose their technology was more advanced than expected?

Ten years of error greatly increases national power.

If there is an error in technology, the power of the country will change greatly.

The B-52 in the United States has far more power than Fuji, but it has produced more than 700 planes.

There is no problem with large countries with the number of aircraft of that magnitude.

Although not comparable to a simple number, when the pandemic occurred on a global scale in the past, the Japanese government issued a revised budget of 100 trillion yen.

Suppose this is a war, and you're paying for your defenses... if you turn only 5% of the $100 trillion, or $5 trillion, to deploying fighters, you'll be able to buy 500 F-15.

It may not be enough because of the low daily defense costs, but if the country is concerned, it's not a big deal. "

Young executives shut up.

"The problem is not that we've put 200 Rich Classes on board, but how the planes that seem to have far exceeded the technical standards of the contemporary Gra Vulcan Empire have emerged."

"Isn't it just that we've been putting old machines on the front lines?

"We cannot deny that possibility, but we have not been able to identify aircraft of different types with satellites.

The question is, why did the tech quarantine come out? "

The desk phone rang during the conversation.

"The Empire has begun operations."

"The chat is over. Go to Operations."

◆ ◆ ◆

The Defense Operations Room was packed with many executives.

Wartime situations are gathered into decision making bodies in real time and intensively.

"The Kingdom of Reame fleet appears to be coming from the northwest.

Fifty ships from the fleet of the Gras Vulcan Empire have also set out from the realm and are heading for our country. "

"Who leaves the realm territorial waters?

"I'm leaving Reame territorial waters in about an hour. For the enemy destroyer fleet, 15 F-2 fighters will be responsible for the first strike."

The F-2 fighter plane boasts four anti-ship guided missiles on a small airframe and a range of 450 nautical miles.

There was even a chance it would end with a first shot.

"As for the Gla Vulcan Imperial Fleet heading to Japan, we will carry out a saturated attack of anti-ship guided missiles by aircraft as soon as it leaves Reame territorial waters and destroy it.

Regarding the 2nd and 3rd convoys, they are posted in the Sea of Japan and prepare for enemy incursions from the sea and air. "

"We have completed the deployment to the Sea of Japan of our own land."

"The Reamer Navy is in the way."

"Because it is a dragon fleet, it is also heavy on the marine protection. But it would be a waste to use missiles."

"My position... can you handle it?

Destroy the Dragon Mother with a BP-3C Sentinel Bomber in the Royal Reame Navy, and then respond with a missile boat from Maizuru Regional Corps and Otao Regional Corps.

Only respond with a convoy if a shooting leaks. "

"Got it!! Even in the Coast Guard, they will deploy behind and near the city."

"Is the enemy plane still out?


"Never miss it.

If you find an enemy aircraft, finish everything at sea.

Never put it over mainland Japan.

After we launch, we'll hit the base all at once. "

Got it!

The Japanese Ministry of Defense was determined to defend with all its might.

◆ ◆ ◆

Sea of Japan Night

In the darkness of darkness, the ultra-low sky flies at a speed not found in common sense in this world.

15 Japan Aviation Self-Defense Forces F-2 fighters.

Each fighter plane is fitted with four air-to-ship guided rounds (ASM-2).

Far behind the attack squadron, an E-767 AWACS, said to cover a radius of 800 km or more, was flying.

The 44th task force of the Gra Vulcan Imperial Navy leaves the realm territorial waters.

Attack started!! Attack started!!!

The anti-ship missiles are detached from the F-2 fighter plane, which is also known as the Warden against the ship.

The missile's turbojet engine was lit.

60 Type-93 Air-to-Ship Guided Missiles (ASM-2) over a range of 170 km were fired from enemy fleets.

Flying west to destroy.