Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN)

114 Super Sky Fortress 2

Moo-guk South Hat Air Base

A Hat Air Force base in the south of Moo.

Japan had sent air defense troops to Moo, but not all of the territory of other countries could be covered, and they were not present at this base far from the capital.

Bee Bee Bee

A strange electronic sound sounds in the air base.

The pilots quickly ran towards their trusted love machine.

Inside the Air Force Base, an urgent broadcast sounded with the voice of a woman.

Immediately………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Distance 203km, number of planes 212, each plane takes off immediately, intercept the Imperial plane!!

The pilots jumped into the love plane and the propellers of the Marine fighter plane that was parked immediately began to turn around.

Accelerating fighters take off into the clear blue sky.

"Please, intercept me!!

In the air traffic control room, base commander Yellow sees his flying friends.

You look like you're flying in a formation... powerful.

Moo's latest search radar, made with reference to Japanese technical books, captured enemy aircraft more than 200 km ahead.

Now, however, I am surprised by the usefulness of radar.

"Measure altitude higher than this"

Irradiate a radar that increases altitude in the direction captured by the search radar.

This makes it possible to measure altitude and thus perform the same role as a three-dimensional radar.

Slowly the radar device turns towards the enemy.

Mookguni's radar is a primitive mechanical system, so if Japanese engineers saw it, it would be too time consuming and uncomfortable.

The phased array radar used in Japan... instantaneously measuring all directions by the phase change of radio waves was a technology of the far future.

"Start altitude measurement...!!

Moo's radar captures the plane of the Gra Vulcan Empire.

... absolutely.

"Hmm... what's wrong!!!

"Calculation of altitude and speed is complete. Altitude... 14000m, speed... 700 km/h or more!!

"Nh... what!! It was a monster!!!

Marine Utility Lift Limit, no, significantly exceeds Maximum Lift Record and far exceeds Speed.

How many Interceptors have you lifted, they won't reach us at all.

Also, Moo's existing anti-aircraft guns were at such a high altitude that they could not reach at all.

"Oh, my God!!

An overwhelming technological gap, imminent despair, and unilaterally destroyed base in the mind of Base Commander Yellow.

The Hat Air Base, which realized that it couldn't avoid the attack, became a beehive noise.

The Empire aircraft passed over their base, not to mention that they were unaware of it.

◆ ◆ ◆

Gra Vulcus Special Destruction Operations Division Ultra Heavy Bomber Regiment Guthiman

A Japanese attack by an ultra-heavy bomber in response to an attack by the Gla Vulcan Imperial Navy fleet.

There were more than 200 bomb regiment commanders, including Operations Director Ari Trigger.

"Moo's planes are wandering far and low.

There's no sign of catching up with me at all. "

My men are proud to report it.

"Of course."

Current targets are only Japan, not Moo. Ari Trigger threw up as if she wasn't interested.

In this plan, Gutty Mountain's real performance is the top secret in the military.

Due to lack of understanding of the specific performance, this operation is based on the number of replenishments of regular long-legged Army aircraft.

Gutty Mountain's cruising range is overwhelming. Originally, it contained many supplies that were not needed at all.

Gutty Mountain

Performance is fundamentally different from previous Gras Vulcan aircraft.

It is said that the minister in charge of finance blindfolded the development expenses.

But at the end of the development, the military said, "well beyond the technological standards of the Empire," "I don't know why we made such a high-performance aircraft."

Design ideas are also different, created by companies other than Calline.

Ultra Heavy Bomber Guthiman

It is equipped with six engines with a total length of 46 m, a total width of 63 m, and 6,000 hp. The maximum speed is 780 km/h, and the practical lifting limit is 15000 m or more.

The bulletproof version is thick, difficult to fall, and has a cruising distance of 19400 km, making it extremely long.

An empty fortress... no, a monster worthy of a word that transcends an empty fortress.

Obviously, how were aircraft able to fly the Empire's aircraft technology?

This is not known to the crew, it is a top secret, and there are many mysteries.

Looking at the ground from an ultra-high altitude, it also looks as if clouds are sticking to the ground.

"Ari Trigger, we are currently experiencing a drop in the power of Unit 18's fourth engine."

"Well, I'm sure it won't be a problem, but just in case, let me get you back to the Louvre base in Rafael. There's no obstacle to the operation."


The Ultra-Heavy Bomber Regiment invades the east, leaving behind a plane with reduced engine power.

Ultra Heavy Bomber Gutty Mount 18

Captain, we have an order to return to Rayford base.

"I see... even with the remaining five engines, we'll be able to carry out our mission... but it's impossible."

"It's a state-of-the-art heavy bomb, so I can't even let a local mechanic know the details.

This plane will fly on its own over the hostile country, but Moo is promised safety at a much lower altitude. "

Guthiman 18 took the course towards Rayfold's Lub base.

◆ ◆ ◆

Moo National Advanced Technology Test Base

Myras, an affiliate of the Moo-guk Army and the Information and Communications Division of the Ministry of Information and Communications, was visiting the advanced technology test site on this day.

"Technician Myras, this is a terrestrial ECM."

Advanced Technology Test Base Commander explains to Myras well.

A few giant antennas were installed in front of him and connected to a performance deteriorating personal computer imported from Japan via cables.

"This computer is old-fashioned in Japan, but more powerful than the one used by the Gras Vulcan Empire.

I'm sure they'll be able to help. "

"After all, the size down on the plane is still....."

"Yes, with current technology disclosure levels and Moo's technology, it will be difficult to miniaturize it until it can be mounted on an airplane.

However, this ground deployment type can also be installed at each air base and naval base, which will be a considerable force.

I wonder if it's possible to disrupt the communications of the Gra Vulcan Empire. "

Hmm, that's wonderful.

Current Moo-guk technology is not far below Japan's feet.

However, technology is stacked.

"We'll catch up someday."

My thoughts come to my mouth.

"Technician Myras, I want to show you how the aircraft is doing."

The Advanced Technologies Experiment Base Commander has a smile on his face.

Myras, who was looking forward to it, also smiled naturally.

One of the reasons why Myras visited the advanced technology laboratory. It was to see the progress of the new aircraft.

Open the hangar door.

"Hmm... this is it!! Is it already in shape?

There is a special fighter plane in front of you with a main wing behind it and a horizontal tail in front of it.

A special aircraft painted green.

More than 70 years ago... the prototype aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Army was reproduced from the design drawings, and the missing parts were imported and modified.

Many of them are diverting modern Japanese parts, making them stronger and lighter than the original Japanese military prototype.

"Is that your name after all?

"Of course. I want to respect Japan and transform it into an earthquake!! No, because it is a prototype, is it an X-seismic modification?

Still... how does the engine work... oh?

Turning backwards, the aircraft was fitted with an afterburner.

"What? This engine...."

Myras was surprised at the presence of afterburners when he heard that jet engines were being considered as a substitute for T4 engines.

"It's a jet engine like the XF3-400 that was prototyped in Japan more than 25 years ago."

"Is this... Japan's technology spill prevention law? How the hell did you get it?

"In addition to Myras, there are many people who are excited to transfer Japanese technology to the moon.

And there are forces in Japan that want to help Moo.

I suppose it's in the national interest.

There are only two prototypes.

If the engine breaks down, our technology can't repair or reproduce it.

Because it is too different based on the performance of the member. However, we are all desperately looking for the possibility that we can do something about it or that we can replace it with imported parts.

There are prototypes, there are engines with very high power. "

"Excellent. Can this fly?

"I've already done flight tests a few times. But... the range is still overwhelmingly insufficient.

Fuel quickly bottoms out, especially when afterburners are used.

It can only be used for narrow ranges of critical attacks such as urban defense.

We can assemble this plane, and even if the Gla Vulcan Empire is against us with a one-shot exit strategy, we can expect considerable results.

It will do a good job of defending the capital and defending the base.

Only engines left… If we can't make the parts, we'll have to import them.

I wish I could import it somehow.

The battle there is not within my grasp, so I have to work hard with diplomats and congressmen. "

He goes on.

"Arms are four 30mm machine guns mounted on the neck. It's too powerful to destroy any aircraft.

Currently, we are considering an improved type, one gate, but we are considering a large-calibre gun mounting type. Taking into account the destruction of the aerial battleship Pal Kimira, we are aiming for a fighter plane that will even pass through the ancient magical Empire during its resurrection.

When equipped with a large caliber gun, the issue of the strength of the recoil is the challenge ahead.

Although we are in the process of considering it, we would like to install a tank cannon as an air battleship countermeasure. "

"Isn't that wonderful..."

"The 30mm machine gun is now fully equipped. You can fight now.

We are planning a flight test, so please take a look. "

"Of course, I'll take a look."

Myras went out on the runway excited.

Keen and other sounds sounded, and the prototype seismic power transformation started warming up.

A plane painted green. Horizontal tail mounted forward.

There is no propeller like the "heavenly pontoon" of the Holy Military Empire.

For those who are accustomed to seeing multiple leaf machines, it looks exactly like a lump of advanced technology.

"Looks like the warm-up is over. Now I'm going to show you takeoff training....."

"Excuse me!!

The young executives interrupted the conversation.

"What is it!!

The Advanced Technologies Test Base Commander, who was explaining to Myras, made a few rough remarks to the executives who broke in during the explanation.

"There's an enemy aircraft heading for my base now!!

It is believed to be an enemy large attack aircraft passing over Hat Air Base!!!

Myras and the Commander meet face to face. He goes on.

"Enemy planes are heading for an altitude of 15000 or more at speeds of 600 km/h or more.

The main fighter, Marine... can't even catch up!!!

"The enemy is... one, right?


"Master Myras... it will also be a practical test. I'd like you to take a look."

The base commander is confident. There was even a smile on his face.

"Of course. With these eyes... I want to see the battle for prototype seismic transformation."

◆ ◆ ◆

Myras and the base commander were moving to the control room.

"ECM activated!!

From Japan's perspective, a preliminary ECM (radio interference) is activated.

A large antenna is pointing in the direction of the enemy's path.

"It's coming out!!

On the other hand, local fighters and prototype seismic modifications appear on the runway.

A special form that overturns Moo's common sense.

It even makes me think that it is going in the opposite direction.

fundamentally different engine sounds. A tall sound, such as Keen, covered the perimeter of the airfield.

"X1, cleared for takeoff from control tower."


Behind the seismic transformation, an afterburner ignited.

Utilizing an overwhelming thrust-to-weight ratio, it accelerates at once and takes off.

After achieving a constant speed, Moo's previous fighters rose at a steep angle that was never possible and disappeared into the sky.

"Altitude 9000... 10000... 11000"

A female employee peering at the radar reads the status of the prototype inorganically.

"Wow!! What an ascending force!!!

Like Japanese fighters, Moo's aircraft continues to rise in different dimensions than before.

Myras is so impressed that his country has such a high-performance machine as a prototype...

This is X1, I have visually captured an enemy plane. Launch the attack. "

Prototype seismic transformation launched an attack on the Gla Vulcan Empire Ultra Heavy Bomber Guthiman.

◆ ◆ ◆

Ultra Heavy Bomber Gutty Mount 18

"Can't you fix the radio malfunction yet?

"Yes, communication with the base has been interrupted since earlier. There's no sign of recovery."

Even though the enemy's blade cannot reach the ultra-high altitude, the radio malaise over enemy territory is not pleasant.

I have a bad feeling about this.

"Beware of enemy attacks, just in case."


Sitting on the lower machine gun seat, Dentalk watches Moo's territory spread underneath.

On a sunny day, clouds hang near the ground, far above the troposphere, and I feel proud of the Empire, which has been able to navigate the area called the stratosphere.


I can see something like a dot from the bottom for a moment.

"No way? An airplane in this space?

Dental doubts change into conviction in an instant.

Aircraft that looked like a dot far behind closed their distance in an instant, and unfamiliar aircraft appeared.

"Wait... hostile attack!!!

Dental grasps the machine gun and attempts to target it.

"What! is... speed..."

Beyond the sight, the enemy plane began firing.

Suddenly approaching enemy planes slip from below to above and rush up to high altitude.

After you hear a burst of machine-gun fire, something ignites, and a heat that burns.

On the wings, the propeller stopped after one of the engines that had been rotated five times caught fire.

Suddenly thinning air...

The top gunman seems desperate to respond. Machine gun firing continues.

Dental reached out to the oxygen mask and wore it with a diminishing consciousness.

"Hahahahahaha... stupid!! Machine guns should be so powerful....."

The Ultra Heavy Bomber Gutty Mount is bulletproof.

12.7 mm machine guns equipped with regular fighter planes, of course, partially 20 m

even m machine guns don't go through that easily.

However, the enemy's attacks lightly drilled a hole in our plane and the pressure system is no longer operational.

I wonder if altitude is starting to fall, but my body is slightly lighter.

Beep beep beep

An emergency buzzer sounds inside the aircraft.

Coming!! It was him!! Son of a bitch... how fast!!

Dental ears hear a nasty voice.

I heard a burst again, and my wings began to burn with the explosion.

"Operation not possible!!! Operation not possible!!

Gravity changes rapidly.

"I can't... anymore!!

Dental carries an escape parachute and desperately opens an emergency hatch to escape.

Gravity accelerates the body.

He looked up under the drop speed and wind pressure.

"Wait... the latest machine of the Empire!!!

Ultra-heavy bomber Guthi-Mount crashes while exploding and burning.

He fell into Moo territory in despair.

◆ ◆ ◆

Ministry of Defense, Tokyo, Japan

Emergency defense meetings were held in a conference room in the Ministry of Defense.

Each executive sits at an elliptical desk and a lined chair.

Young executives start explaining while instructing the monitor.

"The enemy's main fleet is currently heading east in western New Zealand waters, and the fleet of 200 aircraft from the mainland Empire has been resupplied in Rayfold, before crossing Moo inland and invading toward our country.

In addition, 52 Imperial Cruisers and Destroyers have assembled in the capital of the Reame Kingdom, and there are more than 300 Gra Vulcan Imperial Operations planes at airports within the Kingdom! In addition, the Royal Reame Fleet continues to assemble. "

"Their goal is...."

"Definitely the mainland of our country. There are currently two convoys on the west side of the convoy, one off the coast of Kyushu and another around the Kingdom of Nahanat, and the aircraft are ready to deploy with F-2 fighters, BP-3C bombing regiments and P-1 units.

Just in case, Coast Guard patrol boats are gathering west, and F-2 fighter units dispatched around the Rodenius continent are being recalled for mainland defense, with the exception of some.

In the calculation, this defense... I can't protect it!!!

"What happens to Nahanat? One convoy and a handful of F-2 would be tough on the enemy's weight."

"The invasion of the mainland is imminent when we see movement within the realm on satellite. Since the main enemy fleet in the open ocean is enormous and cannot reach our country without supplies, it is likely that we will be replenishing it in any country in New Zealand.

Considering the number, it is believed that it will take a considerable number of days to resupply, and due to the time difference, the interception will be well in time. "

"There is no denying that the enemy forces currently in the Ream will be invading at the same time.

2. Is the number of simultaneous frontal operations not strict?

"I can't deny it, but according to information from the Moo-guk spy in the reem, there is no doubt that the current enemy aircraft will attack Japan as soon as the resupply is complete."

"A pre-emptive attack on Ream Harbor....."

"Because Ream has clearly declared to the international community that Japan has no hostile intentions, it is difficult to pre-empt attacks even in the government's view.

We also believe that the current convoy of enemy aircraft is flying inland and cannot be held responsible as long as they are shot down in another country and the debris is likely to kill other citizens.

For reference, the government is considering further mitigating the application of the Technology Spill Prevention Act, which is limited to Moo countries, so that a similar situation does not occur.

If something like this happens in the future, we can attack Moo-guk. "

"Enemy fighters... in particular, no bomber should be allowed to penetrate the mainland.

I haven't discarded the possibility of having a nuclear weapon. "

"Yes, we will begin the operation as soon as we take off from the reem, but we will be able to afford to defend the aircraft. Currently confirmed enemy power......"

The meeting will be explained to the deployment of the detailed militia.

After the first mainland defense conference after the transition from the world to the world, there was a fever in front of a serious crisis.

The force was adjusted and the meeting continued until midnight.

◆ ◆ ◆

Hilkiga, King of the Reame Kingdom

King Banks looks west at the castle.

A base built in the plains. Moo's airfield has been expanded by the Gra Vulcan Empire as a base, lined with many iron birds.

Mu's aircraft is much larger.

The realm's Wyburn, of course, is much larger and faster than even the Emperor's Wyburn Road.

That is the Empire that has soiled the Holy Military Empire.

The attack planes lined up neatly felt even more powerful.

However, a glimmer of anxiety remains.

"Are you sure you're okay..."

The opponent is Japan.

The mighty Empire of Parpardia was strong.

Although it was located in the Third Civilization Zone, it integrated nearby countries, both within and outside the Civilization Zone, and also had territorial ambitions in the southern direction.

Within the realm at that time, it was estimated that if the Empire of Perpardia continued southward and left the southern country, which dominated the vast area of the Empire of Annuliere, it would surpass the Holy Military Empire on a scale, eventually moisturizing it with an economy of scale and even pointing out the possibility of becoming a sacred Military Empire if technological innovation continued.

It seemed like there was no upper limit to the strength of the Empire.

However... the appearance of Japan will change the painting of the map.

The Empire massacred the Japanese who were in the dominant region, just like the rest of the people... traveling side by side.

The imperial empire that touched on the scale of Japan lost the battle.... With the overwhelming military power of Japan, the authority of the mighty Emperor Papardia fell to the ground.

Extremely efficient killing of a genuinely angry Japanese soldier, Papardia.

I hear there was no mercy at all.

"They... really don't want to piss me off..."

However, he is about to draw a bow to Japan.

We have formally stated that we will not be hostile, but if we attack Japanese facilities inside the Imperial Paladian Empire by Wyburn, we will not be able to escape.

I'm sure you can see anger like a fiery fire.

If the Gra Vulcan Empire... can't beat Japan, the Reame will be over.

Perhaps the Reame kingdom will end at its own expense.

However, if we go to Japan, we will be recognized as a hostile state by the Gra Vulcan Empire, which dropped the World Alliance fleet.

The Empire will dominate even the Holy Military Empire, and the world will dominate.

Japan's national power cannot bring down the Gra Vulcan Empire.

Banks' thoughts go around.

Your Majesty, were you here?

"Oh, Rival."

His Majesty General Rivar calls out to the King.

"We can't lose this battle, even in local battles.

It is understandable to say that Japan cannot beat the Empire in the big picture.

But the reem is too close to Japan. We can't afford to lose a local battle. "

"Your Majesty, I understand.

The Gras Vulcan Empire will never lag behind Japan.

Reporting to Your Majesty… an urban extermination weapon called a bomber will arrive from the mainland of the Gra Vulcan Empire shortly.

It appears to fly much larger and higher than the Japanese bombers that attacked the Imperial Paladian Empire.

Not all of them are going down to this base. "

Ribal points to the western sky.

A lot of dots appeared over the clear.

The point eventually takes the form of an airplane.


A heavy bass echoed through the belly to King's Landing.

"Whoa... whoa!!!

The overwhelming size of the bomber, the formation, is powerful enough to assure that no one will ever lose.

Even the Gla Vulcan Empire's attack planes, which I felt were big enough to park at the base, were so big that they seemed like children.

"This is... the superweapon of the Gra Vulcan Empire... what an overwhelming power!! I can't lose.

This is going to beat Japan!!!

The people of Ream are overwhelmed by the majesty of the super heavy bomber Guthiman.

The King was no exception.

Having seen the overwhelming amount of material and the formation of the super heavy bomber Guthiman, King Banks was confident that he would never lose.