Night Watchman


At the sight of those reddish-brown carapaces, goosebumps appeared all over my body!

Looks like it's because we lit a fire here. The giant cockroaches are attracted by the light and have rushed out from the center! As for Dong Hai and the others, they were probably driven to this place by these bastards!

Although I hate Dong Hai to the bone, and would like to see all of them die here, but considering Dong Wan'er's safety, I still hope that Qin Lingxiao can show mercy and give Dong Hai a chance to live.

However, the force of the stream of air on my body was too great. I tried my best to move to Qin Lingxiao's side, but I could not!

I tried to call out to him, but as soon as I opened my mouth, violent streams of air rushed into my mouth and I couldn't make a sound!

Seeing this, I couldn't help but anxiously look at the group of people that were running towards the exit.

In the face of such a powerful force, my power is simply too weak. I can only look on helplessly, but I simply have no way out!

In the blink of an eye, the fire bugs arrived in front of the large group of people. Dong Hai and Bai Cai, who were leading the group, saw the fireballs and nimbly dodged them, but Dong Hao, who was carrying Dong Wan'er on his back, was no match for them.

Although he was also a practitioner, with Bai Cai's skills, he believed that they hadn't rested here for a long time. They could see the fatigue on Dong Hao's face. Plus, with Dong Wan'er on his back, Dong Hao's movements clearly showed a slight delay. In that instant of hesitation, a fireball flew past Dong Hao!

Although Dong Hao had only brushed past the fireball, the flames on the locust's corpse had ignited Dong Wan'er's long hair!

In this situation where there was plenty of oxygen and the air was flowing extremely fast, as long as any part of his body was ignited by a flame, it could be said that there was no chance to save him!

Although a small part of Dong Wan'er's hair was ignited by the flame, it was quickly set ablaze due to the stimulation of the strong oxygen!

Upon seeing this, my heart leapt into my throat!

However, when Dong Hai saw that his daughter was on fire, he didn't immediately rush forward to save her. Instead, he went forward and grabbed Dong Hao, then smashed Dong Wan Er's body with his palm, sending her flying out of Dong Hao's body!

Seeing this, my brain was immediately consumed by hatred. I wanted to rush up to Dong Hai and fight him to the death!

However, with the powerful air current surrounding me, no matter how much I struggle, it is useless!

Under the barrage of fireballs, other than Dong Hai, Dong Hao, and Bai Cai, Dong Hai's team was engulfed in flames. The raging inferno was accompanied by countless heart-wrenching screams, filling the entire space in an instant.

Following that, the giant cockroaches that had caught up were engulfed by the flames and immediately began to scatter in all directions as they fled. For a moment, the entire area was illuminated and Cen Liang was there!

Qin Lingxiao knew that he had to stop when he saw what had happened. Dong Hai's men had been wiped out in one fell swoop. If he continued like this, he would not be able to do anything to Dong Hai and the others. Therefore, after Dong Hai's men were in a predicament, they stopped the gale coming out of the tunnel and let Dong Hai lead the two of them out of the exit.

Not long after the three of us left, the air currents that had been flowing over us also came to a halt. As for me, the moment I landed on the ground, I immediately ran towards those charred corpses as though I had gone mad!

Even though Dong Wan'er and I aren't husband and wife, we are husband and wife. Furthermore, she had risked her life to save me several times before, so she has already occupied a very important position in my heart! Even though I have some grudges against her father and brother, but I believe that those things she has done for me, as long as it's someone else, they would all be moved! So no matter what, I can't leave her here alone!

However, when I went through the charred corpses and found Dong Wan'er, apart from her slightly charred hair, she was completely fine and didn't have any trace of being burned at all!

Although I didn't know what was going on, the moment I saw her, I still excitedly rushed forward and hugged her tightly in my embrace.

"It's fine. From her breath, I can tell that she just fainted. As long as they are treated in time, nothing bad will happen. "

I didn't know when, but Qin Lingxiao had already arrived by my side. I believe that the reason why Dong Wan'er wasn't engulfed by the fire was due to him.

So after I picked Dong Wan'er up, I looked at him gratefully and said, "Thank you for being lenient. I will not say thank you for your kindness. If you need me in the future, just say so." As long as I can do it, even if the mountain of blades descends the sea of flames, my surname, Zhou, will not refuse! "

After that, in order to help Qin Lingxiao regain his strength, we rested for a while near the exit.

During this time, Hua Zhe told me that Bighead told him about what happened to us during our time at Pangu Mountain, and that he had told Qin Lingxiao about it during his free time.

Thus, when he attacked Dong Hai's men with the fire, Qin Lingxiao was able to control himself. After Dong Wan Er was ignited by the fire, he was able to use his incredible ability to isolate the oxygen around her, which was why he didn't harm her.

However, when Dong Hai's body was on fire, his actions puzzled everyone.

"Could it be that Dong Hai abandoned his car to be handsome in order to protect his family's roots because Dong Wan'er was a girl?"

"No, his actions were extremely clean and he didn't drag anything out. Furthermore, when he cut Dong Wan'er off Dong Hao, there wasn't even the slightest trace of emotion in his eyes. It was as if Dong Wan'er wasn't his biological body at all!"

The discussion between Dazhi and Hua Zi immediately piqued my interest. The words' Dong Wan'er is not Dong Hai's biological son 'from Hua Zi attracted everyone's gazes towards him!

As a professional police officer, he had a unique insight into both observation and character analysis. Although it was not as sharp as Zhang Zikong's, his analysis still had a certain amount of basis.

Seeing that we were all looking at him, he didn't seem to be surprised. Instead, he continued to analyze the situation.

"As a parent, it's impossible to be so heartless. When we give up on Dong Wan'er, at least we'll have a moment of hesitation and hesitation. When Dong Hai went out through the tunnel, he subconsciously looked in our direction. There was a hint of ridicule in his eyes, as if he already knew where we were hiding. It is precisely because of this look that I made this judgement. "

Taunt us? What did he have? If all of Hua Zi's speculations are correct and Dong Wan'er is not his daughter, then he has the qualifications to mock us.

Back then, all of my attention was on Dong Wan'er, so I didn't see his gaze at all. On the other hand, Qin Lingxiao didn't see any traces of him trying to control the wind.

As a result, everyone's eyes directly fell on the big board.