Night Watchman


When Dazhi saw that everyone was looking at him, he immediately acted as if he was innocent.

"That's right, at that time I was too busy watching the spectacular fire to notice when they left!"

Hearing those words, I shake my head helplessly. On the other hand, Hua Zi smacked my head with his chestnut and the two of them started to pinch each other.

Although only Hua Zi saw the look in Dong Hai's eyes, his analysis was not without reason. And even if they were mistaken, Dong Hai would be aware that someone was following them when he saw Qin Lingxiao's saber when he entered the tunnel.

Therefore, no matter what, Dong Hai had to be more vigilant. With Dong Hai's treacherous personality, it was unknown when he would sell others out in order to protect himself! Therefore, the current Bai Cai could be said to be in danger!

Originally, I hated Dong Hai to the bones. Now that it was related to Bai Cai's safety, I couldn't stay there any longer. I carried Dong Wan'er on my back and headed out of the exit.

I don't know what the tunnel looked like before, but when we entered, the whole place was pitch black. The ashes from the fire and the oil stains left by the locusts had already covered the entire tunnel, even the ceiling could be seen! The moment the wind blew, it made it so that people couldn't even open their eyes!

Fortunately, the passage wasn't too long, and before long we were near the exit. However, we had almost reached the end of the tunnel. The knife that Qin Lingxiao had thrown into the tunnel never appeared. In other words, Dong Hai and his men had already discovered Qin Lingxiao's saber when they were passing by.

Furthermore, based on my estimation, since Dong Hai has discovered Qin Lingxiao's saber, he must be thinking about how to take revenge on us! As the exit got closer, the thought became stronger and stronger.

But when we arrived at the exit, I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, which puzzled me.

The exit of the tunnel was at the side of the mountain. In other words, after the dragon cave was sucked into the strange wind, we fell into a space below the dragon cave. What we have to do now is to climb back up those vines that hang down from the mountain.

Nature's creation, people couldn't help but feel that it was miraculous that such an inverted mountain would appear!

Looking down, it was a cliff that was dozens of meters high. If those vines were broken while people were climbing, those that fell could be said to have no chance of surviving. The layer of rock above his head covered the sky and the sun, making it impossible for anyone to see what was happening above.

Furthermore, Dong Hai did indeed use a series of revenge methods on us. The vines that we could use to climb nearby have been completely cut off by them.

Fortunately, among us, there was the Wind Wielder Qin Lingxiao. After a few gusts of breeze passed by, a few rattans that were far away from us were also sent over.

Although there were vines that could help her climb up the cliff, Dong Wan'er had been unconscious for a long time. She had no choice but to let Qin Lingxiao, who had the best skills, tie her onto a rope and climb up the cliff.

However, we had only climbed up about ten meters when the locust-like insects that had been driven out of their habitat appeared in front of us once more!

Even though the locusts cherished their habitat and wanted to return home after the fire had died down, they had no intention of attacking us. However, there were dozens of locusts that jumped onto the vines hanging on top of the mountains and began to gnaw on them!

"This is bad!" Looks like the other party has already decided to kill us! From the looks of it, they have probably smeared insecticide on the vines hanging on the mountain after they climbed up! "

As soon as Qin Lingxiao finished his words, dozens of vines broke apart from the gnawing of the bugs and fell down the mountain.

Just as Qin Lingxiao had said, the bugs did not give up after breaking a rattan stick. Instead, they crawled closer to the rattan branch and continued to gnaw!

Seeing this, everyone was shocked and began to desperately climb up the stairs! In order to lighten their weight and make it easier to climb, almost everyone had thrown away their belongings, leaving behind only a few items to protect themselves!

One by one, the vines broke, and soon, the bugs had already gotten close to the vines we were hanging on. However, we are still quite a distance away from the platform on the mountain. If we don't think of a way, those worms will bite through the vines and fall into the ravine before we can climb up!

Seeing this, everyone began to desperately climb upwards!

But when it rained that night, before we could climb up too far, four bugs had already climbed onto the rattan we were climbing on, and had opened their mouths to bite down on the rattan!

Even though these fresh vines are sturdy, they are still unable to withstand the gnawing of our natural enemies. Furthermore, with our weight on top of them, it is even easier for them to break apart.

In just a few seconds, half of the vines that Hua Zi was holding onto were bitten off!

Seeing that everyone was going to fall to their deaths, Hua Zi stopped climbing and took out his gun, shooting at the bug that was gnawing on the rattan.


We have already witnessed Hua Zi's marksmanship. After the sound of gunfire, the bugs that were gnawing on the vines we were climbing immediately fell to the ground.

"Brother Zhou, Big Board, quickly crawl!" "Put a rope on me when you're up, and I'll cover you guys now!"

With that, Hua Zi shot again, knocking down another bug that had climbed onto my branch.

Seeing this, the three of us desperately climbed up!


With a crisp sound of a vine being torn apart, the vine that Hua Zi was on started to crack after being bitten by Hua Zi. Hua Zi didn't even have the time to cry out before he fell down!

Hua Cai seemed to not believe that he was going to lose his life just like that. His arms and legs continuously danced as if he wanted to grab onto something. However, there was nothing else he could do in the vicinity!

"Hua Zi!"

"Hua Zi …"

Seeing this, me and Big Board could only shout out Hua Zi's name with all our hearts, but we were unable to help at all!

At that moment, a gust of wind blew, and the vines all over the mountain started to float. Quite a few of the vines started to float towards the direction where Hua Zi had fallen!

Raising his head, we saw that Qin Lingxiao, who was standing above us, had his eyes tightly shut, and was constantly chanting the Wind Controlling Technique!

As he recited the chant faster and faster, the violent wind also became stronger and stronger. I could almost see that the speed at which Wah Zi was falling had clearly slowed down!

But by this time, the young man was out of reach of the sparse vines. Although it was a little slow, falling from such a high altitude was still unavoidable death!