Night Watchman


That's right, potassium permanganate would produce a large amount of oxygen after being heated, and oxygen would also fuel the flame's burning energy. With such a support, the fire would definitely be exceptionally fierce!

Plus, this place was originally an air vent, so as long as he lit a fire on the hole, no matter how many bugs there were in the tunnel, they would still not be enough to kill him!

Since it is not convenient for Zhang Zi Kong to take action, then, let us handle this matter!

As soon as I made up my mind, I immediately had Dazhou take out the bottle of kerosene from his backpack and turned to look at Qin Lingxiao, "I'll leave matters of controlling the wind to you!"

After listening to my explanation of the large amount of potassium permanganate on the ground and seeing me take out kerosene, Qin Lingxiao understood my thought, "Don't worry. Even without my control, the wind would still blow towards the cave entrance. However, have you found the subsequent fuel? "

Indeed, I had thought about it before. The fuel that follows is a real problem. But after that, I already knew in my heart that as long as I light a big fire at the entrance of the cave, I don't have to worry about the fuel that follows it!

Afterward, I took the kerosene and waited near the entrance of the cave. As for the large board, it broke two eggs nearby just as I intended.

Once the eggs are broken, those locust-like insects near the cave entrance immediately rushed towards us like crazy!

As for me, after waiting for the bugs to get close, I threw the kerosene in my hand towards them. Following that, I fired a signal flare towards those kerosene stained bugs!

Boom! *

The signal detonator brought with it the red coloured flames as it shot towards one of the bugs!


The moment the signal detonator came into contact with the insect, the flames on the signal detonator immediately ignited the kerosene on the insect's body!


In an instant, the entire entrance was engulfed by the sea of fire. The huge flames also directly disintegrated the soil and the potassium permanganate within the stone wall! Large amounts of oxygen flowed out, causing the flames on the bugs to become even more violent!

The moment the flames were ignited, regardless of whether the bugs were on fire or not, they madly fled towards the direction of the cave entrance!

The tunnel was narrow, and with the addition of the oxygen, the flames ignited the other bugs the moment they entered the tunnel! As long as the bugs were caught in the fire, they would frantically run towards the direction of the cave entrance!

However, no matter how fast the bugs were, they could not match the momentum of the wind that was aiding the fire. The news spread like wildfire and soon, the entire tunnel was engulfed by the sea of flames! As for those worms in the tunnel, they acted as fuel for my future, allowing my plan to succeed easily!

However, when the tunnel was engulfed in a sea of flames, the sound of clamoring came from behind us, accompanied by the sounds of gunfire and the explosion of hand grenades!

My heart skipped a beat when I heard the hubbub of voices behind me.

F * ck, could it be that Dong Hai and the rest are trying to take this opportunity to get rid of us?

In this situation where there is no retreat and there is a pursuing army behind us, destroying us is as easy as flipping my palm! Moreover, they have the advantage of numbers and their weapons and equipment are much better than ours. If we were to fight them head on, it would be no different from striking a stone with our eggs!

However, in this situation, it was almost impossible to retreat!

Just as I was getting anxious, Qin Lingxiao suddenly threw his saber towards the cave at the exit. He immediately turned around with a solemn expression and stretched out his hands horizontally. He raised his head and closed his eyes, "There is a path in the universe. The wind follows the shape of the wind, but it hinders the movement. Yue …"

As Qin Lingxiao chanted the incantation, the airflow in the entire space turned chaotic! And in just a short moment, a strong current of air carried those burning bugs out from the exit!

From the flames on the bodies of the bugs, it was obvious that the air currents in the passageway had been divided into two parts!

At the bottom of the tunnel, a strong current of air carried the bodies of the burning bugs outside. However, from the flames on the bugs' bodies, it was obvious that the air was still pouring into the air vents! It was as though a wind wall had suddenly appeared beneath the passageway, causing the violent air to flow back into the wall!

Seeing this, although I had seen many strange things, I could not only marvel at nature's magic, but also at Qin Lingxiao's mastery of this ability.

In an instant, the flames were engulfed by the air current and pounced towards us. Seeing this, me, Big Board and Hua Zi immediately dodged to the side of the tunnel. After Qin Lingxiao activated such an inconceivable air current reversal, he also hid behind us.

Just as we were hiding ourselves in the corner, a group of about ten people led by Dong Hai appeared in the range of the firelight!

Qin Lingxiao immediately raised his hands as soon as he saw the enemy appear. He closed his eyes and looked up to the sky. Then, he began to mumble.

I don't know what kind of principles they were using, but not long after Qin Lingxiao began his incantation, a stream of air surged towards us. Borrowing the force of that air current, we were blown along the wall into the air!

At the same time, the stream of air that was engulfed by the fireballs grew even more intense. Bringing along the worms that were burning with intense flames, it swept towards the opposing party!

However, when those fireballs headed towards the other party, I suddenly noticed that the other party didn't seem to be heading towards us. It seemed to be fleeing for their lives!

Because when that group of people entered our line of sight, we could clearly see that their bodies were more or less covered with bloodstains. Moreover, from the fresh blood, we could tell that the wounds on their bodies had just recently formed!

And what made me feel like my eyes were ripping open was that Dong Hao, who was standing behind Dong Hai, was carrying an unconscious Dong Wan'er on his back!

Fuck, Dong Hai actually brought the unconscious Dong Wan Er along with him in such a dangerous place, what on earth was he trying to do?

As the saying goes, a tiger doesn't devour its prey, but this bastard Dong Hai had not only tortured his own daughter to the point where she couldn't even be considered a human, he had even brought her to such a dangerous place! As soon as I saw Dong Wan'er, hatred immediately surged in my heart. I really wanted to go down and fight that beast, Dong Hai, right now!

However, due to the suppression from the strong airflow, I could only suppress the rage in my heart as I looked towards Dong Hai with bloodshot eyes.

A large number of fireballs arrived in an instant under the influence of the airflow. Under the illumination of the firelight, a large area of glossy red-brown armor appeared behind Dong Hai and the others!