Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 322

The agreement with the old man on the broken bridge in Longhu is the secret between Qingchen and the other party.

The secret was so important that when the old man said it, he couldn't help lowering his voice.

Qingchen walks to Qiuye other courtyard with a dragon fish in his hand. He doesn't know why a sad mood suddenly surges in his heart, because he knows that the old man's time is really running out.

In the first 17 years of his life, he had never felt the Qingchen of family affection, and was particularly sensitive to all goodwill and malice in the world.

If Li Shutong is the boss of magic feather in the world, his debt has been paid off and he is a little easier.

In addition, thank you for your subscription support. At present, the naming of the night has been 91500 (close to 100000), and the 24-hour follow-up has reached 55000. This is an achievement I didn't expect before. Thank you, I will continue to code words well.

Thank Shensu for becoming a new League of books. The boss is generous and doesn't get fat when he eats meat!

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