Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 323

As one said.

Human is a strange animal. It should be an equivalent exchange, but you will feel that you have suffered a loss in the transaction because it is too easy for others to complete the transaction.

Therefore, Qingchen did not save Luo Wanya immediately after this crossing, which is a correct measure.

At least now he is forced to a dead end and has personally experienced the bloody Luo Wanya. His mentality is completely different from that before.

"Family, you finally came. I thought you weren't coming," Luo Wanya tearfully wanted to hold Liu Dezhu's hand. His tears flowed down with the blood on his face. It looked as embarrassed as it was.

But Liu Dezhu was quick in his eyes and hands and just avoided.

At this moment, Liu Dezhu thought there was something wrong with the goods. Who told your family.

"Get out of the car," he said to the time walkers. "If you have anything to say, wait until you leave here."

"Who are you?" a time Walker asked timidly.

"Does it matter who I am?" Liu Dezhu's face became cold. "You just need to know that I'm the one who came to save you."

However, those time walkers were scared out of their courage. They were afraid that they would enter the wolf's mouth as soon as they got out of the tiger's den. For a time, they shrank in the car and dared not move.

Only Luo Wanya is the most clever. He doesn't need Liu Dezhu to continue to say anything. He gets out of the car and hides next to Liu Dezhu.

Not only that, he also asked for a monthly ticket.

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