Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 321

It was evening, and the sunset glow and red sun were bright.

Out of the autumn leaves.

The door was empty.

Everyone's figure is pulled very long by the sun, and occasionally staggered together.

Qingchen raised his feet and followed the servant to the venue.

On the way, he asked Li Shu and others, "were there many such family meetings in the past?"

"Not much," Li Shuo shook his head. "It is usually held after the sacrificial temple every year, once a year. Representatives of various factions in the family will report the most important settlement data to the family owner, and then make personnel appointments for the new year."

"How long does it usually take?" Qingchen said strangely.

"Three days and three nights," Li Shu said with a smile. "Many people go to such meetings in adult diapers."

Qingchen has heard that some big companies in the world will have such a long meeting. In order not to go to the toilet, the participants put on adult diapers one by one.

The atmosphere of the meeting was so serious that participants didn't even dare to go to the bathroom.

In Qingchen's impression, the old man is a very kind person. Will this kind of person preside over the meeting also frighten the members of the family?

Perhaps, this is what the superior must do.

"Is that old man Li very serious on weekdays?" Qingchen asked.

Li Shu explained: "Grandpa is not particularly serious, but he acts simply and decisively, plans and then moves. When he makes any decision, it will be difficult to change. Everyone is afraid of this meeting. It is mainly that this meeting is too important. A meeting will re appoint or remove dozens or hundreds of people. It will even determine the fate of some factions of the family in the next few years. No one dares to take it easy. Some people are If you lose power at the meeting, you may not be able to return to the center of power for decades. "

Then the servant led them to the meeting.

But everyone walked in and suddenly found that the whole venue was empty.

The venue is not here!

Li Ke said: "there are two venues in Banshan manor, one is ShouZhen and the other is Mingli. The meeting must be held in the other."

The crowd turned to look at the servant, but the servant said in fear: "I'm sorry, everyone. I don't know what's going on. The order I received is to lead you to the 'truth keeping' venue!"

Li Shu looked at Qingchen: "Sir, maybe someone doesn't want you to attend the meeting."

Qingchen smiled, obviously..

Some people don't want him to attend the meeting.

He knew it was a hint from the moment the servant told him that he had the right not to participate.

Qingchen thought, "how far is the other venue from here?"

"It's twenty minutes to walk," Li Ke replied. "According to the time, the meeting should start in ten minutes."

"Interesting," Qingchen said with a smile.

He didn't expect it, but it wasn't a special accident.

If there is no such intrigue in the big house, Qingchen feels a little strange.

When the inherent power class finds that there are upstarts, it will always spare no effort to suppress them, because we all know that the cake is so big. If there is one more person, we have to share more.

It's just... He's just a teacher. Why target him?

Li Shu whispered, "Sir, now everyone is saying that you are the illegitimate son of the old man. It is said that the old man wants you to recognize your ancestors and return to the ancestral hall before driving the crane to the West..."

Qingchen was stunned. I see!

The old man was so kind to him that many people misunderstood something.

Yes, Mr. Xi will not affect the interests of others, but the illegitimate children who recognize their ancestors are different.

But the problem is... He is not an illegitimate child!

Look at this!

Qingchen said, "let's go to the next venue."

Li Shu said, "Sir, aren't you angry that they deliberately made you late?"

Although he hasn't officially kowtowed to the teacher, all the students are grateful for Qingchen's selfless teaching and Qingchen's hard work to give them the top.

Now my husband is put together, naturally I will feel very unconvinced.

"I'm angry. I'm quite vindictive, but it's no use getting angry with a servant here. He's also an errand runner," Qingchen said blandly. "However, there's nothing wrong with starting immediately wherever you want to go."

Li Shu and others looked at each other and immediately followed up.



The venue of Ming Li has been filled with nearly 100 people.

There were only 11 people sitting at an empty long table in the middle, and the rest were sitting in an audience seat not far away.

The aura of these 11 people is stronger and stronger than one. The people around the listening seats don't even dare to look at them at will.

No matter what decision these people make, it is enough to affect the fate of millions of people.

Next to the long table, a thin middle-aged man asked, "how's the old man? Holding a family meeting at this time won't have any impact on his body? Brother, don't you persuade him?"

With that, he looked at the one sitting on the left. You can search Baidu for the latest chapter of "night's naming technique jiutao novel (9txs. ORG)"!