Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 189

Outside the changing room were cheers, shouts, and the unique bugle in the ring.

Next to the ring stood two rows of horn players, each holding a huge horn in front of him. When the fight was about to begin, they would slowly blow the horn.

The sound of melodious vicissitudes from low to loud, accompanied by the oxygen in the ventilation pipe, will pull all the audience's emotions from the bottom of the valley to the sky.

The smell of tobacco, sweat and hormones permeated the glittering stadium.

A host in a dress is standing in an octagonal cage with a microphone in his hand. He looks around with a smile: "ladies and gentlemen!"

"After 4 months and 10 days, Qingchen, the 18th City, knows how much he weighs, not to mention that he doesn't have much experience in actual combat. Just talking about the ability of the extraordinary, the Knights suffer a lot in the ring.

Can't use autumn leaf knife!

And Qingchen also knows the rules. At this time of his grading match, the security guard in the ring also found Li Shutong, but they didn't interfere.

Under normal circumstances, if there is a boxer's friends and relatives malicious bet, then there will be a warning staff.

But if it's to recycle other people's tickets, it won't bring direct losses to the casinos, so they don't care.

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