Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 188

Zheng Yi gradually surprised, she heard Yangyang talk about sharing before heart, but each other into Qingchen room, she thought the two students live together, which also use to share with themselves?

The result did not expect, the other side is actually serious!

Zheng Yi, a young girl with silver hair, was a little at a loss as she grabbed her satchel: "do you really want to share it? Come in and sit down. It's a bit chaotic at home. Don't mind

She was going to go to a cram school, but now Yangyang is a guest, so she gives up the idea of going to a cram school.

"Do you have slippers? Don't let me step on the ground," Yangyang said.

"No, the house is not clean," Zheng Yi said. "And... There are no extra slippers."

Yangyang was stunned. There was only one pair of slippers in the room.

A little of the girl's clothes in the room are casually put on the sofa and bed, but the whole is relatively clean and tidy, so it won't be rated as sloppy.

Zheng Yi saw Yangyang's eyes, immediately blushed and said: "because it's too late to come back from class every day, so it's too late to tidy up. Generally, it's the weekend when I have time to tidy up."

"How much is the rent here?" Yangyang directly started to help Zheng Yi to fold up the two coats on the sofa and put them aside.

"2200 yuan," Zheng Yi said in a low voice, "but I have one room and one hall."

"It doesn't matter. I'll just sleep in the living room," Yang Yang said casually. "It's just a little crowded into your living space."

"You'd better sleep in the bedroom," Zheng Yi said. "I'm not particular about it. I can sleep anywhere."

"No," Yangyang said with a smile sitting on the sofa, "if I sleep in the living room, can I bear less rent? Do you think it's ok? I'll pay 1000 for the rent of 2200, and you'll pay 1200 for it. Water, electricity, property and air-conditioning will be shared equally!"

I don't know why Zheng Yi is relieved to hear that she has to pay 200 more.

She was very worried about Yangyang. Because she was poor, she pitied her and helped her share more.

In that case, she would feel guilty.

The girl also has self-esteem, she is not willing to bear those unnecessary pity.

It was this self-esteem that supported her into high school and vowed to give her a way out.

At this time, Zheng Yi looked at the girl opposite and finally said: "I just... Saw you enter Qingchen's home. I thought you were lovers..."

"No, no," Yangyang said with a smile, "we are not lovers."

Zheng Yi was a little curious: "I think you've known each other for a long time. All the students said that he came here specially for you. However, we all say that Qingchen is a little cold. It seems that he doesn't want to talk to other people except you. What kind of person is Qingchen

Yangyang is silent.

In fact, she may be one of the few people who know Qingchen best in the world. Just this afternoon, when she found out how different Li Shutong's force field is from others, she clearly realized the identity of the other party.

The demigod, who disappeared from No. 18 prison for no reason, came to Li Yinuo with Qingchen. She silently looked at the octagonal cage, and suddenly seemed to witness the birth of a new knight, which was more exciting than she was in the No. 002 forbidden place, because she missed the rise of Li Shutong and Chen Jiazhang, and missed Qingchen's climbing the cliff.

But this time, she didn't miss it.

Li Yinuo didn't sit down, but stood in front of the landing glass in the private room and waited patiently. She said to Nan Gengchen, "according to the rules, the first night can play tiger level at most. The land cruise level grading competition will be on Saturday, which will weigh 1 million. I bet he can pass the customs tonight."

There are too many ways to press in the ring. You can press Qingchen down in the first few games.

Nangengchen took a look at the odds on the holographic screen: "if you press him to pass the customs, it's 17 for one, and the upper limit of single note is 500000."

"Why half a million? I remember there was no upper limit? " Li Yinuo asked.

"The message is that the upper limit of the grading match is 500000," Nan explained.

"So little? It seems that the boxing ground is specially set up for fear of encountering unknown boxers playing pig and eating tiger. "Li Yinuo frowned:" that's 500000. "

However, just as the private room just made a bet, the manager of the boxing field outside twisted his body and came in. It was the woman who met them at the door.

But she saw the woman's eyebrows and eyes, and said with a smile: "Miss Yinuo directly pressed the top box. How do you know this new boxer?"

Women have big wavy hair, and their fiery red lips are full of enchantment.

"Your nose is quite smart. Why, afraid that someone will play a pig and eat a tiger and make you lose money?" Li Yinuo sneered: "you shouldn't ask, don't ask."

The woman said with a smile: "you see what you said, I don't care about it. OK, I'll go outside and have fun. Have a nice evening."

Then the woman twisted her waist like water and went out. She said to her men waiting outside the door, "lower the odds of customs clearance for me."


Ask for a monthly ticket!

Thanks for Qingzhi not heard to become the new League of this book, thanks to the boss, the boss atmosphere! The boss made a fortune! The boss and his family are happy and healthy!

You can search Baidu for the latest chapter in "the naming of night, nine peach novels (9txs. ORG)"!