Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 190

In the private room, Li Yinuo said to the two people beside him: "the grading match is a fierce (AO) battle for every new boxer. At this time, it is not only the audience who are paying attention to the octagonal cage, but also the boxer qingxiaotu will face next. If he tries his best to fight now, the opponents behind will find his weakness and make it more and more difficult for him to fight

Li Tongyun nodded secretly. After the initial tension and worry, she remembered what kind of character brother Qingchen was.

If the other side is not sure, they will never step into the ring.

In the octagonal cage, Wang Fu became more and more excited. Outside the cage, the audience cheered for him. Inside the cage, he was a shrinking opponent.

In this case, he has to play better in order to have more fans.

Black boxing is different from pure competitive sports. What we pay attention to here is popularity. The higher the popularity is, the higher the entrance fee will be.

In a flash, Wang Fu stopped his stormy attack, even retreated, and then accelerated again.

He jumped up and trampled on the barbed wire of the octagonal cage. His body was as light as a swift.

Swallows usually do not fly fast, but in rainy days, they will shuttle back and forth like bullets, as if they can pull out fragments in the air.

The next moment, Wang Fu's right leg whirled to Qingchen's face covered with his arms.

He will use the greatest strength to open the last defense line of Qingchen.

At this critical moment, Wang Fu suddenly felt something wrong. Just as he turned around, he saw that the young man's cold eyes were staring at him quietly through the gap between his arms in front of him.

There was no confusion or tiredness in his eyes.

Never blinked.

In the dark night of No. 18 prison, ye Wan once asked Qingchen, "what do you think is the most important thing when you fight with people?"

Qingchen thought about it and answered, "strength."

"No," Ye Wan shook his head.

Qingchen thought about it and then answered, "rhythm."

"It's not right either," Ye Wan shook his head again.

Qingchen asked: "what is the most important thing?"

Ye Wan replied, "it's eyes."

The fist and sword will let you subconsciously avoid, but you must overcome all instincts.

Don't blink, don't look away.

You have to always look at your opponent, and then look for his flaws.

At this time, but see Qing Chen slightly bent knee sink waist, that whistling whip leg from his head, but also just sweep to his hair.

The next second, when Wang Fu's body passed over his head, Qingchen seemed to raise his arms in order to protect his head. The clenched fist just collided with Wang Fu's split legs.

All this is like Wang Fu bumping into Qingchen's fist.

Ye Ma said that this is the most lethal place for men. Even if you only use one tenth of your strength, you can easily make your opponent lose all fighting ability.

"Ah", Wang Fu lost his balance in the air and fell on the other side of the octagonal cage.

This "ah" scream even overshadowed the cheers in the ring.

Boxers are trained so they don't scream even if they get hurt.

Unless I can't help it.

It happened so fast that the audience and gamblers didn't know what happened.

Why does Wang Fu, who has always been in the absolute advantage, suddenly hit the chicken with flying eggs at the moment of performing her famous stunt Yan's return.

It turned so suddenly that many gamblers in the stands felt that something was wrong. But when they wanted to buy back the tickets they had sold, they found that the middle-aged man who had just bought their tickets at a low price had disappeared.

The Knights of alchemy.

It seems that in the name of knight, he is destined to become one of the leading roles in the world.

In general, it is not common for a new boxer to be graded. There is only one in a few months.

Therefore, there will be no boxers in the ring waiting for challenges. After all, boxers and the ring are cooperative, and the ring can't come and go at once.

The rest of the boxers who are on the scene have their own matches. Now they have just finished a fight and they can't fight again.

Zhou Mo is the boxing ring emergency contact, paid the entrance fee, let the other party to come.

As a result, before Zhou Mo Gang changed his clothes, he saw Qingchen beat the lightweight Liu Rufeng to the ground with a completely rolling posture.

He is also an old boxer, so roughly judging, we can see that this young man named qingxiaotu is running to pass the customs.

That's the speed of an E-class Superman.

Before, even if Zhou Mo knew that his opponent must be more powerful than himself, it didn't matter if he went up to get beaten as long as he was paid enough in the ring.

But this young man is too vicious.

I can't stand it!

Next to the enchanting woman in the golden dress, someone whispered, "what's the boss going to do now?"

The woman looked at the boy in the octagonal cage with great interest: "it's so nice to see that we finally have a real cash cow in our boxing ring!"

"Boss?" The subordinate doubts a way.

"Huang Zixian, a tiger heavyweight, is directly arranged to fight with him," the woman said with a smile. "Tonight is his famous battle. He must have a beginning and an end."

Subordinate Leng for a while: "Huang Zixian is now in the impact of tiger heavyweight champion, the state is at its peak, boss, you arrange Huang Zixian to fight with him, not afraid of his problems?"

This is a very simple logic. Seeing that the teenagers in the octagonal cage are about to gather a huge amount of popularity, we should arrange a slightly weaker tiger fight for each other at this time to let them pass the customs smoothly.

In this way, the image of the young black fist rookie stands up.

If Huang Zixian is allowed to play, whether the teenager can win or not is still two things. If he loses, it will be a big problem. Not many fans are willing to follow the weak.

The woman laughed: "what do you know? I don't need water to win Huang Zixian. I need a real money tree. I don't need parallel products."


There will be an outbreak tonight. I have to finish this plot. I'll have a meal first.

You can search Baidu for the latest chapter in "the naming of night, nine peach novels (9txs. ORG)"!