Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 187

"That girl should be the one who can master the force field in the world," Li Shutong looked at Qingchen with a smile. "I felt the change of the force field when I entered the door. This ability is really rare, and people are polite and beautiful."

"Master, is there anything wrong with the second half of the sentence?" Qingchen calmly asked, "is this the focus you should pay attention to?"

"Alas," sighed Li Shutong, "you may not know that master is old..."

"You stop," Qingchen raised his hand to stop: "you say that you are old, and it must not be serious behind."

Li Shutong raised his eyebrows: "when I was in the No. 002 taboo place, master, I admired you on one hand, and on the other hand, I admired those old guys who spoiled you wantonly. They can not care about your mental growth, just give things to benefit on the line, unlike I have to consider a lot. At that time, master wanted to enjoy the feeling of spoiling the next generation... "

"Sure enough, it's not serious," Qingchen said helplessly. "We really don't have any emotional disputes. At present, we use each other at most. Don't think about it any more."

At this time, Qingchen suddenly thought of a question: "master, everyone's field of force is different. She once told me that it's like a person's fingerprint and DNA. After you show up like this, she will recognize you the next time she meets a real" Li Shutong. "

Yangyang's ability, like humanoid radar, can completely ignore a person's appearance changes.

So next time Yangyang sees Li Shutong's real identity, he will recognize him.

At the beginning, Qingchen himself was recognized like this!

No, no!

Qingchen looked at Li Shutong in amazement: "master, do you think the S-level demigod's force field is different from that of ordinary practitioners?"

"It should be different," Li Shutong thought for a while and said, "after all, the demigod itself is a foot beyond the human category, and I think the more powerful the transcendent, the more fierce the force field. As a matter of fact, many consortia's instruments for detecting the extraordinary are force fields. "

"So, Yangyang was so flustered just now, it's probably because of Shifu's force field," Qingchen murmured.

Therefore, if Yangyang can confirm that Li Shutong's force field is a force field possessed by demigod, the other party has already known the truth.

It's just like when he did the operation, he was masked and pretended to be himself with a string puppet, but in the end, Yangyang still found his real body.

Now, after Qingchen's operation, Yangyang still knows the truth.

The news that Li Shutong has left No. 18 prison is gradually spreading. Now there is a demigod in No. 18 city. Who else can Li Shutong be?

Instead of looking at Qingchen, Li Shutong went to the kitchen and said, "what's wrong with that... Master who wants to have a look at the girl the apprentice brought home?"

"Master," Qingchen widened his eyes: "I didn't say anything..."

At this time, there was a knock outside the door.

Qingchen went to open the door, and suddenly saw Yangyang standing at the door, with a basket of fruit in his hand.

"What are you doing?" Qingchen is a little surprised.

"I just didn't know that my uncle was at home, so it was impolite to leave in a hurry, so I went to buy some fruit," said Yangyang, putting the fruit into Qingchen's arms and running away again.

Qing Chen looked at the girl's back, and looked at the fruit in his arms, surprised and inexplicable.

After running for a distance, Yangyang turns back and whispers to Qingchen, "I won't tell anyone, only I know!"

Qingchen carrying fruit back to the room, sighed: "she really guessed."

Li Shutong digs off the topic and says: "the fruit in the city is not cheap. A jin of fruit is top with a jin of synthetic meat. The girl is very generous. Generally, people outside the third district are not willing to give fruit to others unless they are in business. "

"Although fruits in the world are expensive, they are not so expensive that everyone can't afford to eat them at all," Qingchen said. "The happiest time when I was a child was in summer. I could eat half a watermelon by myself. At that time, watermelons were very cheap. I could buy a big watermelon for ten yuan."

"I didn't think about it when I was in the wilderness, but later I realized that it was very generous for Xiaoyi to give you so many apples. Every time their family goes to pick apples in autumn, they can sell a lot of money when they come back. "

"I see," Qingchen said.

"By the way," Li Shutong said, "the Qin family has returned to the 18th city. They went to find Su Xingzhi according to my instructions, but Qin Yiyi didn't come back."

"Where did she go?" Qingchen doubts.

"Her father Qincheng told Su Xingzhi that on the way back, Qin Yiyi was waiting for other people to fall asleep in the night of camping, and left the team alone," Li Shutong explained. "Before she came back, she said that she wanted to go to Huotang and get strength. This time, I'm afraid I'm going to look for the fire pool in the southwest snow mountain. "

"Master, is that what you are doing today?" Qingchen asked.

"No," Li Shutong shook his head and said, "Su Xingzhi can arrange them very well. I don't have to worry about anything."

"What did you do, master?" Qingchen doubts.

"I'm going to show you the car," Li Shutong said. "It's hard to choose because it can't be too ostentatious. It's the first time for me to buy a car in person when I'm so old. "

Qingchen was puzzled: "what did those time travelers say to master? And they said, "what does it take to be a father?"

"Oh," Li Shutong thought for a moment and replied, "they talk a lot. Many people are different. In addition to most people who say they need to buy a house for their son, some say they need to buy a mobile phone and some say they need to buy a car. "

Qingchen nodded: "this is more in line with the current situation of the world."

Li Shutong looked at him: "there are also those who say they want to beat their sons. He said that you have an old saying in the world that sticks make filial sons."


Who said that to Li Shutong?!

Qingchen pondered for a moment: "this time traveler... What's his name?"

Li Shutong was silent for a moment: "are you going to go back to watch the world and kill him?"

"It's not impossible."

"By the way," Li Shutong said, "it has been confirmed that Liu Dezhu has become an awakener. Can you be sure that he has returned to his heart? If I'm not sure, I'll tell Lin Xiaoxiao and ye wan to get rid of him as soon as possible. After all, the overall level of the world is still very low. Such awakened people will backfire on you when they go back. "

"You don't need to get rid of him. You have already returned to your heart," Qingchen shook his head. "Master, even if he can't return to his heart, I can't kill him for such a thing."

"Kindness is certainly a good thing, but being too kind is not a good thing," Li Shutong said.

"Master, what is Liu Dezhu's rank after his awakening?" Qingchen asked.

"Level C?" Qingchen was shocked: "he's at grade C all of a sudden? Why can he directly cross the three levels of F, e and D? "

"The level of the awakened is a leap growth in itself," Qingchen thought for a while and said, "the practitioner's release of potential is directional and slow, but the road is more stable and longer. The awakened are not the same, they may awaken to C level, to death or C level, because they do not have a stable way of growth. Want to continue to promote, do not know how to promote

Qingchenxin said it seems like this. If he wants to be promoted, he can practice directly, and then accumulate enough skills and experience to go through the next life and death.

But Liu Dezhu is different. He can't take another risk behind his mother's back.

"Will Liu Dezhu stop at level C?" Qingchen asked.

"Unless the mood fluctuation is extremely huge, his potential will only reach level C," Li Shutong said. "Level C is also good. Lin Xiaoxiao and ye WAN are only level B

"Is there a steady way for the awakened to get promoted?" Qingchen asked.

"Yes," Li Shutong sighed, "there is a family that is very fierce. When they realize that their young son is born with a vision, they feel that it can definitely become an extremely fierce and extraordinary person. So they made a plan to invite killers to kill a family member every other time. The young boy didn't know about it, and he had been looking for the murderer with hatred. As a result, his relatives died one after another, and he ranked B in just three years. Later, I found the murderer, learned the truth, and because I couldn't accept the reality, I was promoted to a level. "

Qingchen silently turns to see Li Shutong.

Li Shutong said, "what do you think I'm doing! When I say this kind of thing, don't look at me suddenly... Why don't we go through the process of making filial sons with sticks? "

"Cough, master, don't get me wrong. I didn't think so much about it. It costs a lot of friends and relatives," Qingchen said, "do you have any special talents?"

"Yes," Li said with emotion, "some people are really gifted. I've also seen people who go to class A as soon as they wake up."

"Which awakened person has the greatest talent in the history of the Federation, or I want to know how powerful an awakened person can be?" Qingchen asked.

"There are written records that the fastest awakening record of the extraordinary in history is that he has crossed from D level to s level in one day and entered the realm of demigod," Li Shutong said.

"Can the awakened step into the demigod?" Qingchen was surprised.

"Strictly speaking, it's two steps," Li Shutong nodded. "But there is only one person in history, Chen Wudi."

Qingchen quietly digested the information, he suddenly asked: "master, you want me to go to school, also hope I can have a few years of carefree life."

"Well," Li Shutong replied flatly, "I'm afraid you're always nervous and can't enjoy life. Master, when you were your age, you didn't do anything serious, but in retrospect, that was the happiest time. "

But Qingchen shook his head: "Shifu, it's only half a day to go to school. If you don't let me do something, I will go crazy at leisure. Besides, I can't be carefree any more. "

Li Shutong said: "don't set too many goals for yourself, young man. When I was your age, I fought with people every day in the city. My elder martial brother and I were two knights. He just experienced the second life and death, and I just experienced the first. After returning to the city from the Castle Peak cliff, he insisted on taking me to try my physical fitness. As a result, he took me to beat the prince of the Black Dragon Society in the dark. We were chased by the Black Dragon Society for more than 70 Li, from the ninth district to the seventh district. "

Because of the high concentration of population, every city is like a super city in the world.

Cities 18 and 10 are bigger because they are the twin stars of the Federation.

Qingchen thinks back to that year. It turns out that Shifu was in such a mess in the city.

He asked, "why do you want to beat the prince of the Black Dragon Society?"

"At that time, master asked us to play black boxing in the black market to increase our actual combat experience. As a result, the boxers of the black dragon club poured plaster into their boxing sleeves and beat their elder martial brothers to howl," Li said with emotion.

Qingchen was stunned: "is the underground boxing competition in the black market allowed to be participated by extraordinary people? My martial uncle experienced the second life and death pass at that time. He should have been in Grade E, but he couldn't beat others?"

I don't know why, this kind of boss's experience of being beaten and unreliable when he was young always made him listen with relish.

Only such a master can have smoke and fire.

"Of course, you can take part in it. It's more exciting for the extraordinary to take part in the boxing match next time, and the bonus and follow-up note are also higher. There are even d-level players," Li Shutong continued. "The boxing match is graded. If you are e-level, you will meet e-level."

The highest level of boxing is the land cruise level, corresponding to the extraordinary level D.

The next level is tiger level, corresponding to the extraordinary level E.

Further down are middleweight, lightweight, featherweight, and fledgling.

The level here does not depend on weight, but on strength and achievements.

However, there is only one point. A free fighter must start from the young heavyweight and fight up. He will lose at which level, only one night.

The bonus of each level is very different. The appearance fee of the young heavyweight may be only a few hundred yuan, and there is no bonus in the gambling pool. The appearance fee of the middle heavyweight is tens of thousands, and there is bonus in the gambling pool.

Of course, the price of losing once may be death.

That's all.

Li Shutong got up from the sofa and said, "come on, you can go with me to a place. I'll take you to see the real nightlife of No.18 city."

Qingchen follows his master, and suddenly feels that he has taken himself to the Castle Peak cliff. Now he is going to take himself to the black market boxing competition to see the nightlife.

In fact, it's more like the other side is walking the same road as when he was young. When he was walking on this road, master's mind was much younger.



Downstairs quietly hiding Yangyang watched Li Shutong and Qingchen leave.

She then quietly got into Luoshen building and went straight to the 132nd floor.

Dong Dong, Yang Yang knocked on the door of Zheng Yi, a silver haired girl.

Inside is Zheng Yi who is going out to make up lessons. When the other party sees Yangyang, he is stunned: "Yangyang, how did you come?"

Then she turned her head and looked at the door behind Yangyang, which was tightly closed.

Yangyang said with a smile, "let's rent together."

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