Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 179

"I'm afraid you will appear in front of all time travelers with the ID of" a duckling "in the future," Qingchen said with a look of regret and heartache.

Nangengchen said with no expression: "brother Chen, you can laugh if you want."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The smile lasted ten minutes.

Another person in the group sent a message: "little duck, why don't you talk? If you don't talk when you enter the group, what's the purpose of entering the group? "

Zhang San thought for a moment and replied, "it's 11:30 at night. Looking at his ID, he may be working now..."

Qingchen exclaimed: "this three analysis is also very reasonable!"

Nangengchen is sitting on the sofa powerlessly. He hesitates for a long time and raises his head to ask: "brother Chen, I just want to know if I commit suicide now, do you need to bear legal responsibility?"

"It's not easy to commit suicide," Qingchen rubbed his sour smile cheek. "I think about it. It's not necessarily a bad thing about your joining the group. Although the other party knows that you are a time walker, they may not know your real identity in the inner world."

With that, Qing Chen takes a look at Yang Yang. The girl is present, and it's not convenient for him to talk with Nan Geng Chen.

After all, none of them can be sure whether the girl is a friend or an enemy. Qingchen can't expose nangengchen's identity to each other.

"I know I'm an outsider, and it's normal for you to keep it from me," Yang said easily

"Thank you for understanding," Qingchen nodded and continued to say to nangengchen, "your card, we will have a good effect after playing well. Just a moment. I'll go to the toilet and report the situation to the boss. "

Qingchen gets into the toilet and takes out the communicator. Liu Dezhu has sent a message: "boss, about he Xiaoxiao's group chat, I have important information report!"

Qingchen is quite unexpected. Now Liu Dezhu takes the initiative to do things. He doesn't need to be asked. He reports everything.

He sent a message to Liu Dezhu: "you have received he Xiaoxiao's invitation."

Liu Dezhu, on the other side of the communicator, was shocked: "boss, how do you know that I want to say this thing? It's just like anticipation. I've just received the invitation, and I want to ask if the boss should join in or not!"

Qingchenxin said that the goods are still in a state of anger, exclamation marks have to play so much extra.

He pondered.

In fact, there has been a "one and a half" card on their side.

The whole card is Liu Dezhu, and the other half is Nan Gengchen.

The difference between the two is that only a few people know his identity as a time walker, but they don't know his identity in the inner world.

Liu Dezhu is more clear. Most people now think that he has become a core member of Li Shutong. Li Shutong even instructed Li Dongze to kill for him.

These two cards need to be used together to have a magical effect.

And they do have opponents to deal with now!

Qingchen sent a message to Liu Dezhu: "join the group chat, and then tell me, which group you are in, who has the ID in the group."

On the other hand, Liu Dezhu saw the boss's instructions, and no longer worried about exposing himself, he decisively connected.

After downloading the app, in the stage of entering the nickname ID, Liu Dezhu also wanted to create a name that was not easy to expose. As a result, he was surprised to find that the dialog box for entering the nickname ID suddenly disappeared, and his personal data showed: Liu Dezhu (real name authentication).

Liu Dezhu almost vomited on the spot, what kind of ghost app is still engaged in real name authentication?

The next moment, the group began to swipe the screen crazily: "is Liu Dezhu coming?"

"Lying trough, it's Liu Dezhu! There is real name authentication

"Officially certified Liu Dezhu!"

Today's time traveler circle, no one does not know the name of Liu Dezhu, so that he even caused a small sensation after joining the group.

Qingchen is still waiting for a reply, but nangengchen outside the toilet shouts: "brother Chen, Liu Dezhu is in the group!"

Qingchen frowned. Liu Dezhu even joined this group. Is it a deliberate arrangement, a coincidence, or does he Xiaoxiao invite so many people?

He sent a message to Liu Dezhu: "cooperate with an ID called" a duckling. "

After sending, Qingchen goes out of the toilet, carefully watching the information rolling in the chat group, patiently waiting for an opportunity.

Nangeng Chenxin said that Liu Dezhu suddenly entered the group and must have been instructed by brother Chen. He looked up at Yangyang and didn't know whether the girl knew the real identity of brother Chen?

However, these two people have developed to cohabitation level, should be aware of it?

After Liu Dezhu entered the group, he did not speak, and the group members gradually lost their enthusiasm.

At this time, an ID named "yue'er" asked: "how the number of people in this group is so small, and he Xiaoxiao has only 28 people."

Chuang Wang responded: "if the data fortress has not been established well these days, who dares to join the Laoshi sub group? Who knows what he Xiaoxiao has in mind... Can't someone really come in without establishing a data fortress? "

Yangyang and Qingchen silently look at nangengchen. Nangengchen lowers his head and is ashamed to say nothing.

Zhang San said: "everyone is in danger now. I heard that there are still time travelers who have obtained the qualification of the public beta and directly emigrated abroad, so it is difficult for domestic time travelers to find him. Foreign time travelers have nothing to do with him, so they can't find him. "

Someone asked Chuang Wang: "Chuang Wang, why do you know so much about the shadow fight, even the news of Qinghuai's death? Were you there at that time?"

Chuang Wang replied: "I know a lot of things. Don't be too surprised. I will continue to disclose information in the future. Don't worry. I won't accept any money."

Qingchen doubts that the character of Chuang Wang is very consistent with "Id", a reckless and vanity image, as if to jump out of the screen.

He doesn't understand. Is this product just to attract heat and satisfy his vanity? Is it really not afraid to be found?

I don't have the confidence.

But he didn't pay attention. Instead, he hoped that others would ask more about the shadow dispute.

Li Si asked: "Chuang Wang, I heard in the inner world that the shadow fight in the past was not so fierce. At least there would not be casualties in the first round. Why is this session so special?"

Chuang Wang replied, "Hey, I really know something about this. It is said that qingxun, the head of the Qing family, was injured, so he wanted to abdicate and give up his position. He wanted to choose a suitable one from the previous shadow to inherit the power of the consortium. Now there are only three shadows in the world. One is old, the other is wandering around, and the other has fallen ill in the last shadow battle, so it is estimated that he will not live long. Therefore, the position of the head of the Qing family may be born in this term, and everyone is very envious. "

One generation of home owner, several generations of shadow assistance, and finally the home owner's position should be selected from several shadows.

The position of shadow is attractive enough, let alone the position of home owner?

Li Si then asked, "now that Qinghuai is dead, who is the most popular candidate? Does time Walker have the chance to hold a thigh and follow the dragon?"

Chuang Wang replied: "all the meritorious officials who have always helped the house owners to stand out from the shadow fight and the house owner fight will eventually rise to the top of the consortium. This is definitely a shortcut, but the shadow fight is more dangerous than you think. As for popular candidates, if you really want to choose, I suggest you choose Qingwen from Dafang or Qingzhong from Erfang. "

This Chuang Wang, who is completely like a guide to the country, is short of giving Li Si a strategy.

On one side, Yangyang said, "this Li Si is so concerned about the shadow fight. Is it someone inside the Qing family?"

"It's also possible that it's the confusing question that he throws out, which makes people guess his identity wrong," Qingchen said. "It's not sure yet."

The next moment, Zhang San brought up the old story again: "Chuang Wang, do you know what ability can send a letter quietly? This kind of way that puts on pillow edge directly, let a person sleep uneasily

Qingchen looked at nangengchen: "I said, you type. Ace-017 devil stamp is a taboo. You can use blood to form a stamp to send letters to any known address. Only one sentence can be included in the letter. If both Zhang San and Li Si have received the letter, it means that your home address has been exposed to the taboo holder. "

In the group, everyone saw that "a duckling" who had not spoken all the time suddenly spoke, which revealed such important information.

Taboo information for Qingchen is not worth mentioning, but for other time travelers, it is particularly precious!

At first, we thought that this "little duck" had been silent for a long time, maybe a rookie time walker. But now we realize that this is also a big guy!

For a moment, no one sent any more messages, waiting for the duckling to continue to speak!

Qingchen said: "the holder of this taboo is very evil. He not only manipulated the kidnapping of Laojunshan, but also killed many people after receiving the letter. This holder is not only scheming, but also moody, even killing his own people. If you receive a letter, the first thing you need to do is to move, move to a place where no one can find it, then try to recall the clues, find the holder, and report to Kyushu or Kunlun. "

Now, the crowd is quieter.

After a long time, Li Si suddenly asked, "do you think these are real, or did you make them up?"

Judging from the previous chat records, both Li Si and Zhang San have received letters. It seems that the words "a duckling" said made the other party a little frightened.

Nangengchen asked: "brother Chen, do you need to answer their questions?"

Qingchen shook his head: "no, wait a second."

"What are you waiting for?" Nangengchen doubts.

"Wait for others to confirm our story," Qingchen said with a smile.

At this time, has been silent Liu Dezhu suddenly said: "it's true!"!!! There is a huge mysterious organization behind this holder. As a victim of Laojunshan kidnapping case, I also suffered a lot from it!!! I hate this kind of evil organization. If you have any clues, please let me know immediately! "

Other people in the group said that this time it should be true information. Liu Dezhu is certified by his real name and plays an important role in the world. Naturally, he has a little persuasion.

Moreover, when they look at the exclamation marks from Liu Dezhu, they can feel the unspeakable anger through the screen.

All of a sudden, people think that this product may have become a feud with the demon stamp holder. It seems that both sides will never die.

In fact, what Liu Dezhu said is really true, because he is really devastated by letters.

The others were just a little bit frightened, but he wanted to give a bloody reply.

Last night, he probably calculated the number of replies, the other party wants to continue to talk with the boss, then he will put 300cc blood every month!

"Wait a minute, does the boss want to confuse the public and use the power of this group of chat to find the holder of the devil stamp and cut off the backstage man?" Liu Dezhu thought.

At this moment, Qingchen silently pays attention to the reaction of all the people in the group, and the effect he wants has been achieved.

The holder of the devil stamp has been hiding in the dark, and constantly reminds Qingchen that if he is found by the other party, he will be doomed.

Qingchen has never been a man waiting to die. Since he can't find any clues now, let's help him find them together.

He said that the other party was the operator of the Laojunshan incident in order to put the other party on the opposite side of the time walker. After all, the gangsters wanted to kidnap the time Walker as mules.

He said that the other party is moody and kills his own people in order to make time walkers have scruples when they are recruited by the other party.

He said that he could report the other party's information to Kunlun and Kyushu in order to indicate that the holder is on the opposite side of Kunlun, so as to determine the hostile position of the other party.

Finally, Liu Dezhu acted as a certain authority to sit down "a duckling" speech.

Let the holder of this demon stamp be the target of public criticism!

Yangyang said with a smile: "it's interesting that when you are not sure whether you can defeat the enemy, you should find several enemies for the enemy first."

Qingchen responded: "I'll go and give my boss a message and tell him that the task has been completed."

Then he went into the toilet and sent a message to Liu Dezhu: "well done."

Liu Dezhu, who is on the opposite side of the communicator, is very excited. He has been praised by his boss!

And a strange thing happened. The fire in his heart was gradually disappearing. At this time, it was booming again!

Liu Dezhu eyes a bright, did not expect that the boss's praise has this effect: "boss, can you praise me two more?"

Qing Chen looks at this news, the heart says this goods is afraid not to have what problem.

The next moment, a letter suddenly appeared next to Liu Dezhu's pillow.

I saw the envelope slowly emerge from scratch, looking particularly strange.

Liu Dezhu opened the letter and sent a message to Qingchen: "boss, the holder has sent a letter: he wants everyone to be my enemy. It's a bit interesting, hee hee."

Qingchen is not surprised when he sees the content of the letter. He knows how he xiaojianqun can miss such a big event? So he decided in the morning that there must be an eye liner for the group, even the holder himself might be in the group.

Qingchen said: "back to him: How dare not come out to explain for yourself? Hee hee. "

The holder replied, "so you know my ID? Hee hee. "

Liu Dezhu asks: "boss, how to reply him?"

Qingchen: "coward, hee hee."

In the dark, in front of a huge French window, the thin figure looked at the reply one by one, and suddenly felt a little disgusted