Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 178

Qingchen once carefully examined all the memories about the cultivation of knights, and then grasped a key point: to experience all the life and death as an ordinary person.

Therefore, Lin Xiaoxiao, ye Wan and Li Dongze were not mature and resolute in their childhood, and they could not ask their hearts through breathing.

When they grow up, they become awakened and lose the necessary condition to experience life and death as ordinary people.

This is what Lin Xiaoxiao once said.

Qingchen is guessing that the knight must have a way to close the gene lock, otherwise how can the subsequent challenge be completed? It's too easy to experience the subsequent life and death as a knight, and it can't achieve the essence of life and death.

If the gene lock is closed again, all he can rely on is his own body, and his practice must be persistent.

Moreover, Qingchen can clearly feel that his physical quality is still growing strong in the process of practice. As long as he does not reach the limit in one day, he will continue to practice.

Yangyang saw that he was silent: "forget it, don't ask. It seems that this is your secret. However, I admire you for this. Not all people can keep sober and work hard after suddenly gaining strength, although I don't quite understand why you work so hard. "

Qingchen thought for a while and said: "in fact, even if you didn't cross the event, the life of you, Hu Xiaoniu and Zhang naive is wonderful enough. If you want to cross the Indian Ocean, you have to buy a sailboat first. I've seen the price of that thing. It's enough to buy more than a dozen houses in Los Angeles. You've worked hard, of course, but you've been happier than most people. "

"I'm not the same. For a long time in the past, I didn't have enough food and clothes. Maybe I'll get better after graduation, but that's too long. Now, the world has finally given me a chance to restart my life. Naturally, I have to bite my teeth and bleed to get out of the way. Yangyang, it's not that I want to practice until 3 a.m. every day to go to bed, but that I have so many choices. "

Qingchen still has something to say: there is a master who is especially good to him in the inner world, and he may face danger.

So he has to race against time to be strong enough before the danger comes.



At this moment, two kilometers away from Xingshu road in Shenglong community.

Nan Gengchen, who is hiding in his bedroom and brushing his mobile phone, suddenly looks at a text message he just received and is stunned

"Hello, Nan Gengchen. For better exchange of game experience, please click the link to join the group chat—— He Xiaoxiao


It's an invitation!

Nangengchen wants to wind up a wechat for Qingchen, but he quickly suppresses it.

He took a look at the time, quickly changed his clothes and went out.

In the living room, his father was drinking Niulanshan Erguotou alone, his eyes almost blurred: "where are you going so late? If you don't study hard every day, you will know to run outside. Just like your mother, your heart is not at home! "

Then his father stood up and pulled out the belt.

But this time, Nan Geng Chen did not stand foolishly to be beaten. Instead, he sped up and ran out, leaving his father, who was drunk and addicted to gambling, to stay where he was.

The boy is running in the night. This is the first time he has taken the initiative to escape from his father. It seems that he is quite good.

He ran all the way to Qingchen's house and knocked heavily: "open the door, open the door!"

Results the opposite door opened, Qingchen calmly looked at him and said: "come in."

South Gengchen some doubt dust elder brother why move, he follow Qing dust into the room excited way: "he small that group chat... Belch!"

In the middle of the story, nangengchen suddenly saw the seedling on the sofa!

The other party is dressed up in pajamas, wearing Cute Panda cotton slippers, and looking at himself without expression

There's too much information in front of us.

Nangengchen immediately respects Qingchen!

To tell you the truth, he didn't expect brother Chen and Yangyang to progress so fast!

Qingchen looked at nangengchen and asked calmly, "what's wrong with he Xiaoxiao's group chat? What's the good news?"

"Ouch Nangengchen came back to himself: "the good news is that I have joined he Xiaoxiao's group chat!"

For a moment, the room was quiet, and the atmosphere became dignified.

Qingchen thought for a moment and asked: "do you call this good news?"

Nangengchen said excitedly: "yes, hundreds of millions of people can't get into the group in line. I received a special SMS invitation. The SMS said welcome nangengchen to join the group. You can click the link to enter. I'll go in as soon as I click!"

Qing Chen Leng for a while, he Xiaoxiao unexpectedly is to point out a surname of invitation South Geng Chen?

That means he Xiaoxiao has more information than he imagined.

In the past, the other party's information can also be explained by the identity of "game high play". After all, game high play people's ability to explore the world is really better than ordinary people.

But now it's different. The other side must rely on a strong organization to do this.

So who is the organization behind the other party, Kunlun or Kyushu?

Qingchen sighs. It seems that nangengchen's direct participation in group chat is nothing extra.

He Xiaoxiao's organization must have mastered the technology from the inner world. Now the whole information network world seems to be open to each other.

Before everyone has time to set up a data fortress, the other party wants to invade nangengchen's mobile phone to obtain information, which has been obtained for a long time.

Don't wait until now.

Or, in a sense, he Xiaoxiao's direct and accurate SMS is to express a meaning: don't hesitate, you have been exposed.

Qingchen suddenly feels that such an organization is much more terrible than Kunlun.

Fortunately, when he talks with Nan Gengchen, either in a noisy environment, his mobile phones are all in his pocket, or in a quiet environment, Qingchen will also cancel each other's mobile cards and turn off the phone.

I have to say that in a dangerous environment, caution is definitely a good habit.

Looking at Qingchen's dignified expression, Nan Gengchen hesitated and asked, "isn't this good news..."

"Count," Yang Yang nodded flatly, "the last time you won hundreds of millions of people was 18 years ago. This kind of thing is really worth being happy."


He had the feeling of being run over in the face by a car.

Qingchen silently takes out Nan Gengchen's mobile phone, finds black adhesive tape, carefully sticks all cameras, and then sticks several layers on the microphone.

Not only is Nan Gengchen's mobile phone glued with adhesive tape, but Qingchen also hands the adhesive tape to Yangyang, indicating that she also glues the camera and microphone.

Yangyang looks at Qingchen's mobile phone and finds out that it's already glued.

"Have you always been so cautious?" she asked

"It's a habit," Qingchen said.

Nangengchen asked: "our mobile phone has no secret for a long time. Is it unnecessary to do so?"

Qingchen met his eyes and explained: "I don't use my mobile phone any more except watching news, so there's no secret in my mobile phone. I just don't want to expose my privacy to others. "

Yangyang said, "it's all glued."

Until then, Qingchen continued to nangengchen said: "open that message, let me see the original words inside."

Nan Gengchen opened a text message and explained in a low voice: "as long as you click in the link, you will automatically download a group chat app. I saw it, and I can recharge it to buy the decorative photo frame of the head portrait... By the way, there are special effects when you enter the group chat, which are not expensive. There are special prices for the first three days."

Shentemo's three-day limited time special

Qingchen looks at nangengchen without expression: "did you buy it?"

"Yes, it looks good," Nan Geng Chen replied honestly.

With that, he opened a green app, and the moment he opened it, the mobile phone directly entered the group chat interface, which is not much different from the group chat interface of wechat, except that there are more mall entrances.

Then, a bunch of small bubbles bumped back and forth in the interface.

Qingchen instantly understood that this special effect was purchased by Nan Geng Chen

It's amazing!

"Can only you see this thing, or can everyone see it?" Qingchen asked.

"Only I can see it myself. It's just a good picture," Nan Geng Chen replied.

Qingchen sighs, this product is really the fool who is willing to buy nano socks.

But he couldn't figure it out. Shouldn't he Xiaojian's group be very serious? How can he even earn such small money?

This is too strange!

Qingchen opened the list of all the members, and there were only 27 people in the group.

Compared with the hundreds of millions of people queuing up, these 27 people are particularly lonely.

Qingchen said: "I don't know if he Xiaoxiao divided everyone into many groups, or is there really only 27 people in the group chat system?"

"I prefer the former," he said. If I were he Xiaoxiao, I would disturb all time travelers and distribute them in many groups, so as to promote time travelers across the country to get familiar with each other. Because everyone's position in the inner world corresponds to that in the outer world, talents from different regions have the value of exchanging information. "

At this time, an ID named "Zhang San" in the group chat sent a message: "have you ever received a letter suddenly, such as the one next to the pillow when you wake up? It's scary. "

An ID called Chuang Wang replied, "No."

Then, another ID, Li Si, replied, "I've also received it once. It just appeared under my pillow. I don't know how the other party did it."

Qingchen was stunned. He didn't expect that nangengchen and Chuang Wang were in the same group.

It was also at this time that he realized that most people did not know the existence of the taboo "devil stamps".

At first, Li Shutong and Lin Xiaoxiao introduced ace-017 to Qingchen

So Qingchen takes it for granted that everyone knows.

But he overlooked one point. Li Shutong is the most outstanding person in the world. Chivalry is also one of the organizations with the longest history. They know most of the information that others don't know.

At this time, Qingchen remembers Lin Xiaoxiao's personal data, animal data and plant data, and there are two articles about taboos and forbidden places that are being sorted out. Only when he returns to prison 18 can he see them.

It turns out that this is Li Shutong's precious treasure specially prepared for him!

In this era, information itself means wealth!

Chuang Wang said in the group: "a duckling didn't say a word after entering the group. I feel a little shy. Come out and have a chat."

Qingchen slowly looked at nangengchen: "a duckling can't be you?"

Nangengchen blushed: "I just lost a nickname. I didn't know that these chatting IDS could not be changed..."


Thank you for the delicious fried pepper, the three students who are predestined in hunting, and the flying chin who have become the new League of this book. Thank you, boss. Boss is generous, boss makes a fortune!