Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 180

In the dead of night, the group chat gradually quiets down.

Yangyang see nothing new: "I went home to sleep, see you two tomorrow."

Then she opened the door and left like a little dinosaur in her hairy pajamas.

In the living room, nangengchen shrinks in the leather sofa and looks at each other leaving. He is a little surprised and asks, "sister Yangyang, where are you going?"

Qingchen looked at him without expression: "go back to her own home, or still live here? My father sold the house for gambling. Yangyang is now the new landlord over there. The house I live in now is rented from Hu Xiaoniu. "

This made nangengchen more confused: "what's your relationship?"

Standing at the door, Yang Yang looked back and thought for a long time: "double repair?"

Nan Gengchen


Yangyang explained, "I use my ability to help Qingchen practice. In the process of helping him, my control of ability is also increasing, and I can become more precise."

Qingchen didn't have a good airway: "double cultivation can't be used here!"

For example, you say: I really want to open your cerebellar pouch to see what's in it. This is a meaning.

If you want to open your skull and see what's in it, it will become another meaning!

Yangyang waved his hand at random: "it's not important. I'm going home."

Then he closed the door.

At this time, Nan Gengchen said, "brother Chen, can I stay at your house tonight?"

"I'm still a little strange. You can't go out at night, but you don't want to go home today?" Qingchen said strangely.

"My father lost money and was in a bad mood. Now he's drinking alone at home. When he goes back, he must be beaten," Nan Gengchen said.

Qingchen sighs. He has seen the belt injuries on nangengchen's body before, and the blue and purple prints look very terrible.

Although the other party's parents have not divorced, their situation is no better than their own.

He asked Nan Gengchen, "where's your mother?"

"My father beat my mother back to her mother's house," Nan Gengchen said in a low voice. "I think they are going to divorce. Brother Chen, I'm trying to save money recently. Every time I come back, I'll ask Li Yinuo to prepare two gold bars for me. When I save enough money, I'll buy a house by myself and live alone in the future. "

Said, South Gengchen unexpectedly is to take out three gold bars from the pocket: "this is to have no time to sell, first put dust elder brother you here, I am afraid to put in the home will be found by my father."

"Well," Qingchen helped him close between the bed boards: "Li Yinuo is really good to you, and the speed of making money is no less than me."

"Brother Chen, otherwise I'll go and take refuge in you," Nan Geng Chen said excitedly, "now you've got a firm foothold. With such a powerful master, I can be as successful as you."

"Why, you don't want to be with Lionel?" Qingchen is a little strange: "is there any contradiction with her?"

Nangengchen thought: "now I get along with her pretty well. I like her character very much, and I have a sense of security around her. But at the beginning, it was scary. I always thought she wanted to suck my Yang... "

Qingchen: "hard work, then why do you want to come to me?"

Nangengchen shook his head: "I always feel that I'm a little bit cowardly to be protected by her. I don't deserve her."

Qingchen takes a look at each other. He knows that because of his family relationship, this product has always been a little self abased, so when he meets such a good girlfriend as Li Yinuo, his soft food is not reliable.

Nangengchen continued: "people don't say that men start a business before they start a family. I don't want her to belittle me."

Qingchen patiently said: "what you hear is not complete. You should start a family first when you meet a lover, start a career first when you meet a noble person, and start a family and a career first when you meet a rich woman..."

Nan Gengchen

"Don't talk about the future," Qingchen thought, "what are you going to do now, just live in my house?"

"I dare not go back," nangengchen said wrongly, "I will be beaten when I go back. Or brother Chen, you can help me report my father. You are familiar with this. "

Qingchen thought for a long time: "what does your father usually bet on?"


"Do you know where he gambles?"

"I don't know," sighed Nan Geng Chen, "I just don't know where he is playing cards, otherwise I will report him myself."

"It's OK," Qingchen said calmly, "you stay in my house first, and I'll help you with this."



After returning home, Yangyang didn't go to bed directly. She recalled how she got along with Qingchen these days, and suddenly felt that the boy was not as simple as she thought.

The other side doesn't look like a high school student at all. The calmness, calmness and tact displayed in case of trouble should not be what a high school student in a small city can have.

So Yangyang suddenly very curious, Qingchen in the end has what kind of past?

Thanks to Baiyun Zhizhi for becoming the new League of this book, the boss is generous, thanks to the boss, the boss makes a fortune!

Ask for a monthly ticket!