Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 168

"Baby, it's time for you to return," Li Yinuo asked in a low voice.

Nangengchen took advantage of others not to notice, secretly took a look at the time on the arm, there is still half an hour: "well, right away."

"Go back and remember to have a good rest. You haven't slept well these days. It's easier to go back to the watch world," Li Yinuo explained carefully. "We don't know how long we'll be sleepy here. Before we come back, remember to clean up the urine. We don't have a sealed bag to use..."

Nangengchen was speechless for a while. He said that the explanation was too detailed. Fortunately, no one heard him.

Since Qinghuai's escape, the Qiushou team, two members of shendai family and seven platoons of soldiers all stayed in the same place and did not dare to move.

They lit a huge bonfire, and all of them gathered around the bonfire. No one dared to walk alone, for fear that they would be engulfed by the darkness of the forbidden place.

All the people were frightened by the series of changes, and they were silent one after another.

At this time, dense footsteps came from the north, chaotic but powerful.

All of them looked at it and found that there was a cluster flashlight.

The light was so bright that everyone was stabbed and couldn't help raising their hands to block it.

In this dangerous and taboo place, the nerves of the Qiushou team are so tense that when they see something abnormal, several people subconsciously want to run back.

But a twist face, but found that there have been soldiers quietly copied to their rear, faceless pull up a blockade.

Dozens of mechanical dogs

The people by the campfire stood up one after another, one by one, with the expression of being at a loss.

There were hundreds of federal soldiers. They surrounded the crowd, and a middle-aged man walked out slowly.

He didn't even pay attention to Li Yinuo and Shen daijingcheng, but looked at the seven rows of soldiers: "Why are you here, Qinghuai?"

This federal army group was cruising nearby, carrying out field training, and preparing to meet Qinghuai at the appointed time.

After receiving Li Yinuo's help, they finished.


Thank you again for helping me break the first order record! Ask for a monthly ticket!!!!


Thanks to book friend 20191222234430856 for becoming the new union of this book. The boss is generous and the boss makes a fortune!